The Ultimate Thread: Are we Black?

Are we black?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 56.7%
  • No

    Votes: 39 43.3%

  • Total voters
I explained it in another thread. Basically I am a Taiwanese who looks hilariously off by East Asian standards. I feel curious about some early Northeast African population migrations...etc. In the Culture & History board there are many informative threads.

Black/white/brown/yellows (hate to mention the last one) are labels that normally do no harm, that I can agree...but they are also more problematic than the 20th century racial classifications created by pseudo anthropologists.
All these labels are currently too entangled with left-wing movements and right-wing propaganda.

Or perhaps as an East Asian, this just feels peculiar and distant as we identify by nation and to a lesser degree ethnic group.

Regarding the marked part, again, it doesn't make sense to me. Back when the racial tension was even higher in America, there were people who even chose to denounce Italians with the n-word. It seems pointless especially when we are talking about genetically distinct populations.

However, I don't see a problem for you to identify as black, so long as it is your genuine choice. My problem is that people should not actively seek to place these labels on others.
Taiwanese kulaha:mjlol: ya naga qabto dadkaan beenta badan
Just used google translate. Apparently that translates as "taiwanese people who hate us for these liars" or "The Taiwanese people who are lying to us".
However we all know that G.translate can be misleading sometimes as it might not accurately portray the grammatical elements.

Now assuming you're just asking me about the topic, well, I cannot call anyone a liar because racial identification is up to oneself. I was merely posting my interpretation.
Plus, nothing I wrote was against my genuine thoughts.

Google translate might not be accurate every time, so forgive me if I misquoted you.
The Taiwanese people are very concerned :mjlol: about these liars
I just found another translation via directly translating this page. No copy paste whatsoever.
Seems like this is what you meant.
Well, I guess...assuming you're referring to a specific group in the U.S.....yes. However they have yet claimed to be the oRiGinAL tAIWaneSe because we're basically just a bunch of certified international orphans and with like, at most 300-360 years of history.

I blame the language barrier for misinterpreting your words.
I just found another translation via directly translating this page. No copy paste whatsoever.
Seems like this is what you meant.
Well, I guess...assuming you're referring to a specific group in the U.S.....yes. However they have yet claimed to be the oRiGinAL tAIWaneSe because we're basically just a bunch of certified international orphans and with like, at most 300-360 years of history.

I blame the language barrier for misinterpreting your words.
Your name is mohamud osman stop the cap.


1)Race is a social construct loosely based on biology.
From a colour point of view we are black. We have the same exact skin tone as other Africans. Only south sudanese and a few others are darker than us. In the Horn somalis are darker than habeshas Ethiopians and Eritreans.
2) if we look at genetics and consider black to be anything subsaharan African then the majority of our ancestry is what you would call black. We are 60% subsaharan and 40 % west Eurasian. That's more than half. Consider that African Americans are 70% black and 30% white but they don't go around saying they aren't black and everyone considers them to be black.


majority of the world? you mean white people. so youre telling us if this was 100 years ago we should have identified as biracials because colonialists called us mixed.

The Somali is therefore a Hamito-Semitic race.
In most of the tribes will be seen the unquestionably
Semitic straight or aquiline nose with a more or less
refined type of countenance.
For every historical quote saying we are Hamites-semites I can find you a quote saying somalis are ne*os. White people were confused


"Black" refers to those of African descent who are dark skinned, so yes, we do fall into that.

I have two issues with it though:

1. It's ridiculous to refer to people as a colour imo, Chinese will call you racist if you call them yellow so why should we accept black?

2. The people referred to as "black" are diverse genetically and even phenotypically, so why should we be lumped as one and pretend we're the same?

A Greek and Lebanese are not that distant from each other genetically but yet are considered different races, so why is it a different rule for us?

Race isn't consistent.

I don't mind calling myself "black" because it's not like I'll change anyone's mind, but I don't really care for the label, I don't see myself as close to most "black" people, nor do I care about Black Lives Matter.

Btw, Somalis are as distant genetically to West Africans as we are to Arabs:

View attachment 230411

And we're much closer to North Africans than them

View attachment 230412

Just shows you how bullshit race is.
1) can you give me the link to this calculator bro?
2) you are correct if you say we are closer to north Africans than we are to Nigerians but at the same time i guess we are closer to south sudanese nilotes than we are to north Africans. Correct me if I'm wrong.
1) can you give me the link to this calculator bro?
2) you are correct if you say we are closer to north Africans than we are to Nigerians but at the same time i guess we are closer to south sudanese nilotes than we are to north Africans. Correct me if I'm wrong.
It's around a similar distance to Nilotes and to North Africans (Nilotes on there are Sudanese and Dinka).


I excluded the North Africans that were more "African" for a better comparison as they would be even closer.


The only Nilotes we're somewhat close to are the ones with Cushitic admixture like the Masai


Here is the site:

And the samples:

I just found another translation via directly translating this page. No copy paste whatsoever.
Seems like this is what you meant.
Well, I guess...assuming you're referring to a specific group in the U.S.....yes. However they have yet claimed to be the oRiGinAL tAIWaneSe because we're basically just a bunch of certified international orphans and with like, at most 300-360 years of history.

I blame the language barrier for misinterpreting your words.
He/she is just skeptical about you being Taiwanese because we don't get many foreigners on here, it's nothing more than that, but ignore them, you are very much welcome, genetics is far more interesting than 99% of the topics usually posted on here anyway :yousmart:
Your name is mohamud osman stop the cap.
My name is Hsu Kun Nung and I am a college student from Tainan. Ask the mods to check my IP if you do not believe me.

He/she is just skeptical about you being Taiwanese because we don't get many foreigners on here, it's nothing more than that, but ignore them, you are very much welcome, genetics is far more interesting than 99% of the topics usually posted on here anyway :yousmart:
Thanks, XD. That person thinks I’m a North African/Near Easterner lmao. Pretty damn sure my love for spices has not reached that level.
1)Race is a social construct loosely based on biology.
From a colour point of view we are black. We have the same exact skin tone as other Africans. Only south sudanese and a few others are darker than us. In the Horn somalis are darker than habeshas Ethiopians and Eritreans.
2) if we look at genetics and consider black to be anything subsaharan African then the majority of our ancestry is what you would call black. We are 60% subsaharan and 40 % west Eurasian. That's more than half. Consider that African Americans are 70% black and 30% white but they don't go around saying they aren't black and everyone considers them to be black.
If someone is 60% white and 40% black does tht make the person a white person
^ That’s what happens when one deep-dives into the retarded site named Egyptsearch, saw some links/topics pointing to this site, before proceeding to discover some funny/interesting/brain dead stuff in those age old threads. Perfectly normal.


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