Thick Ethiopian girl

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
i suffer from extreme anorexia and a rare disease that makes my ass inverted so essentially I'm like a long ass ironing board. in addiction my ass crack goes all the way up to my neck. it would be wise to stay away from me

You couldve just said your skinny :bell:
just wondering. in a era where fat asses are in fashion, what happens when in 2020s slim women are back in fashion and the "thick" ones are now in their 30/40s, had kids and cellulite?

What's wrong with cellulite?

Man as woman, we don't want guys with boobs of a big futo, but you don't see us complaining

just wondering. in a era where fat asses are in fashion, what happens when in 2020s slim women are back in fashion and the "thick" ones are now in their 30/40s, had kids and cellulite?

Us somali woman take care of ourselves and go to the gym and eat healthy.

Unlike the older generation of our parents!

Go get yourself a Becky and hope she doesn't sneak pork into her filthy mouth when she visits her parents home.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
This thread is kinda fucked up. I am sure she would be disgusted if she saw you sex deprived sad cases drooling over her photos. I know she ain't Muslim but this is kinda messed up.
He's fantasising about killing off their men, and taking their women as concubines, as every single man would (except me, I'm a different breed).

If you read the reports of Ethiopian soldiers's abuse against Somali women(rape in Ogaden & south Somalia) and killing of our men you would understand his point of views. Go back to human right reports about Ethiopian soldiers misconduct in Ogaden and south. BTW I am against rape of any body.


Your superior
If you read the reports of Ethiopian soldiers's abuse against Somali women(rape in Ogaden & south Somalia) and killing of our men you would understand his point of views. Go back to human right reports about Ethiopian soldiers misconduct in Ogaden and south. BTW I am against rape of any body.

Liyu police who abuse Somalis are themselves Somalis.
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