Things are getting spicy in Amhara region


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Nope, Amharas will not bow down without a fight. In what sense it happens, we will have to see

Isais is on to something... I heard that Eritrean intelligence have been seen in Addis, not only during the Tigray war but also recently, dealing with the Ethiopian gov't and military in some capacity.

Due to the enormous Eritrean contribution in the war, we can expect them to have a significant say in how Ethiopia evolves going forward.
It's true that the Amhara are quite charged now. However a lot of people forget that FANO was/is in cahoots with the Eritrean Govt. I imagine that either FANO will change their tune very quickly or Eritrean Intelligence will pivot towards the Oromos
It's true that the Amhara are quite charged now. However a lot of people forget that FANO was/is in cahoots with the Eritrean Govt. I imagine that either FANO will change their tune very quickly or Eritrean Intelligence will pivot towards the Oromos

I agree. Regardless of what 'tantrums' Amharas throw now, they will have to get in line just like the other regional forces and militias, in being incorporated into a new 'federal unit', be it the army (reserves) or the federal police.

Eritrea will follow alongside the federal gov't every step of the way. As long as these two are on the same side, and Tigrayans being powerless; Amharas won't be able to do much.

The interesting aspect is how the gov't will deal with OLA. The Oromia region have at least opened up to thought of a peace negotation with them. But Abiy seem to be hesitant thus far.


Why on earth did Ethiopia even have an arrangement in which every region is armed?

The Federal Government should have a monopoly on organised violence, otherwise you have chaos, division, war and destruction.

We've essentially made the same mistake in South Sudan; traitors and other agents of chaos are constantly allowed to return and assume positions of power.

If I was a leader in South Sudan, I would make sure to build up the military to such an extent that no pointless rebellion can ever take root; and anyone that worked with Khartoum during the North-South war would be exiled.

I would warn every potential agent of chaos that being turned into puree is what awaits them.

The message should be clear:

Lift one finger up (for even a micro second) and we'll put your entire body to rest for an eternity; and that there will be nothing left but hair, teeth and eyeballs when we're done with you.

I think nilotes and cush are related due to our shared sudan/egyptian basin origins. The bodies types are identical in comparison to ethio or bantus. Plus nilote are listed in the ancient egyptian 'murals' while land of punt is listed also as similar to ancient egypt of that 'early period'. But earliest periods of ancient egypt may have been nilo-saharan as the oldest mummy is nilo-saharan found in libya desert. But ancient egyptians called their ancestoral home land of punt. So it's up for debate

Cushites(possibly somalia but it would included, cushitic tribes in ethio n the beja in sudan as cushitic tribes live all there)

This was way before the 'younger axum' from 1st century tryin to claim they are 'emperors of all sudan somalia eritrea djibouti' when they had no 'empire' but were merely 'kingdoms'.

Their stills baboons, lions in our desert, gold in our mountains, frankincense(practise in our land) all the items of the 'relief' to punt. We shud test the baboons in our mountains for the mummified ones in ancient egypt. Plus their is dry river beds all over the land which must have flowed and teemed with marine life.


Forza Somalia!
It's true that the Amhara are quite charged now. However a lot of people forget that FANO was/is in cahoots with the Eritrean Govt. I imagine that either FANO will change their tune very quickly or Eritrean Intelligence will pivot towards the Oromos

Mr. Nur

Aspiring Somali CEO 🇸🇴
Walalo, I didn't mean in that concept of Greater Somalia under unity which the wwest and enemy'y won't accpet. Also We only have 3 out of 5 regions. The NFD region (Northern Kenya), Galbeed region, or Ogaden region (Ethopia) - whichever name you prefer - are missing. I want these regions to become independent countries so that we can fulfill the dream of uniting all Somali inhabited lands under one flag.

  • "3 of 5" refers to the number of regions, which I assumed to be Somali inhabited regions.
  • "lands" refers to regions or territories.
  • "indepdence country" refers to the regions becoming independent countries.
  • "5 star dream" refers to the dream of uniting all Somali inhabited lands under one flag.
If any of these assumptions are incorrect or if there are other details I missed, please let me know and I'll do my best to provide a more accurate response.

Mr. Nur

Aspiring Somali CEO 🇸🇴
I think nilotes and cush are related due to our shared sudan/egyptian basin origins. The bodies types are identical in comparison to ethio or bantus. Plus nilote are listed in the ancient egyptian 'murals' while land of punt is listed also as similar to ancient egypt of that 'early period'. But earliest periods of ancient egypt may have been nilo-saharan as the oldest mummy is nilo-saharan found in libya desert. But ancient egyptians called their ancestoral home land of punt. So it's up for debate

Cushites(possibly somalia but it would included, cushitic tribes in ethio n the beja in sudan as cushitic tribes live all there)

This was way before the 'younger axum' from 1st century tryin to claim they are 'emperors of all sudan somalia eritrea djibouti' when they had no 'empire' but were merely 'kingdoms'.

Their stills baboons, lions in our desert, gold in our mountains, frankincense(practise in our land) all the items of the 'relief' to punt. We shud test the baboons in our mountains for the mummified ones in ancient egypt. Plus their is dry river beds all over the land which must have flowed and teemed with marine life.
Haqq! I heard of this in some way in the type of blood.! (truth)
I think nilotes and cush are related due to our shared sudan/egyptian basin origins. The bodies types are identical in comparison to ethio or bantus. Plus nilote are listed in the ancient egyptian 'murals' while land of punt is listed also as similar to ancient egypt of that 'early period'. But earliest periods of ancient egypt may have been nilo-saharan as the oldest mummy is nilo-saharan found in libya desert. But ancient egyptians called their ancestoral home land of punt. So it's up for debate

Cushites(possibly somalia but it would included, cushitic tribes in ethio n the beja in sudan as cushitic tribes live all there)

This was way before the 'younger axum' from 1st century tryin to claim they are 'emperors of all sudan somalia eritrea djibouti' when they had no 'empire' but were merely 'kingdoms'.

Their stills baboons, lions in our desert, gold in our mountains, frankincense(practise in our land) all the items of the 'relief' to punt. We shud test the baboons in our mountains for the mummified ones in ancient egypt. Plus their is dry river beds all over the land which must have flowed and teemed with marine life.

We actually are related, walaal; we have common ancestors -- proto-Nilotes; this ancestral components accounts for 50% of Somali ancestry and 80% of Dinka-Nuer ancestry.

Kush was an empire and I believe that Nilotes played a role in that kingdom; Kush worked in concert with Wawat, Yam and Punt to attack Egypt at one point, so there was definitely contact between Nilo-Saharans and Cushitic groups.

Aethiopia was the Greek word for a Sudanese kingdom, south of Egypt; the modern State of Erhiopia merely co-opted that name due to the dozens of times its mentioned in the Bible.
Every month it looks like Ethiopia is about to collapse and every month I am disappointed. Hopefully this is what pushes the prison of nations into the grave.

The Amhara aren't going anywhere lol. There's no Ethiopia without Amharas.
no Austria Hungary without Austrians, no Yugoslavia without Serbs, no USSR without Russians, yet all of those state peoples ended up declaring independence.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Every month it looks like Ethiopia is about to collapse and every month I am disappointed. Hopefully this is what pushes the prison of nations into the grave.

no Austria Hungary without Austrians, no Yugoslavia without Serbs, no USSR without Russians, yet all of those state peoples ended up declaring independence.
The difference between those examples and Ethiopia is that there isn't really a true secessionist sentiment amongst Ethiopians. It wasn't the TPLF's ambition to secede. What they wanted was to rule Ethiopia. Same can be said for all the other major ethnic groups. Since they all have this dream of wielding power, they are stuck.


Forza Somalia!
The difference between those examples and Ethiopia is that there isn't really a true secessionist sentiment amongst Ethiopians. It wasn't the TPLF's ambition to secede. What they wanted was to rule Ethiopia. Same can be said for all the other major ethnic groups. Since they all have this dream of wielding power, they are stuck.
Somalis ?
The difference between those examples and Ethiopia is that there isn't really a true secessionist sentiment amongst Ethiopians. It wasn't the TPLF's ambition to secede. What they wanted was to rule Ethiopia. Same can be said for all the other major ethnic groups. Since they all have this dream of wielding power, they are stuck.

It depends. Somalis are the only ones who've always stayed true to its ambitions; being independent from Ethiopia.

Tigrayans and Oromos flip flops way too much. After the Tigray war, most of them (at least now) appear to be united in wanting to secede from Ethiopia. (Even if the likelihood is non-existent).

Amharas and most other major ethnic groups believe in Ethiopia (including Afars), either a central model or de-centralized one.


It depends. Somalis are the only ones who've always stayed true to its ambitions; being independent from Ethiopia.

Tigrayans and Oromos flip flops way too much. After the Tigray war, most of them (at least now) appear to be united in wanting to secede from Ethiopia. (Even if the likelihood is non-existent)

Amharas and most other major ethnic groups believe in Ethiopia, either a central model or de-centralized one.
modern ethiopia was founded by menelik conquering and massacring portions of oromos. its a no brainer for habesha and oromos to believe in ethiopia. they were the initial peoples.
modern ethiopia was founded by menelik conquering and massacring portions of oromos. its a no brainer for habesha and oromos to believe in ethiopia. they were the initial peoples.

Correct, but most Oromos today actually believe in remaining within Ethiopia’s borders, though with reforms.

They have a vision that they will be major ethnic group dominating the country now, just like Tigrayans and Amharas has done before. Having a big country like Ethiopia rather than Oromia alone will make them more powerful.

The other thing ‘preventing’ them is that their region and land is outspread in the country, while most of other main ethnic groups (Somalia, Afars, Amharas, Tigrayans) have more ‘defined’ and straight-forward borders. And practically impossible to draw final borders without all-out war.


We actually are related, walaal; we have common ancestors -- proto-Nilotes; this ancestral components accounts for 50% of Somali ancestry and 80% of Dinka-Nuer ancestry.

Kush was an empire and I believe that Nilotes played a role in that kingdom; Kush worked in concert with Wawat, Yam and Punt to attack Egypt at one point, so there was definitely contact between Nilo-Saharans and Cushitic groups.

Aethiopia was the Greek word for a Sudanese kingdom, south of Egypt; the modern State of Erhiopia merely co-opted that name due to the dozens of times its mentioned in the Bible.

Well the mummy knowledge was exported to ancient egypt is definitely nilo saharan

Mummification knowledge at 5,600 years old, this pre-dates Ancient Egyptian Civilization…

I think we all lived together cush/nilotes in the sudan basin/southern egypt as their still tribes of cushitic origin like beja there. Afar in eritrea. Oromo in Ethio. Somali in Somalia. So land of punt will always be in the homelands of cushite cuz the modern ethiopians/eritreans didn't come till 2000 years ago.

The Afar still retain the hair style of the murals


I know we always used to wear our clothes for men in ancient egypt style and always white, untill we became islam came and started to wear the longer colored cloth


The difference between those examples and Ethiopia is that there isn't really a true secessionist sentiment amongst Ethiopians. It wasn't the TPLF's ambition to secede. What they wanted was to rule Ethiopia. Same can be said for all the other major ethnic groups. Since they all have this dream of wielding power, they are stuck.

Sometimes a peaceful divorce is better for all then an unworking marriage


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