this why i hate being associated with arabs.

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Do you really think that somali women are going to be convinced by western women to not circumsize their daughters? Think about it!

As for the studies I do not have them on hand but my mother showed me a vid of a conference, maybe I can find it.

I don't even know and have never heard of these white women everyone is screaming about tbh

but I cast a very long and skeptical eye at anyone/anything trying to excuse dhaqankan xun


On Hiatus
How common is FGM in the West anyway? I've never heard of a Somali girl born and raised in Canada that underwent this surgery.
How common is FGM in the West anyway? I've never heard of a Somali girl born and raised in Canada that underwent this surgery.

i know of ppl whose family took them back to africa to get it done. that said, pretty rare for ciyaal qurbo afaict

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Where did I excuse dhaqan xun? It happens, and pragmatic solutions are needed, I'm saying that feminist are exploiting little Somali girls for their own gain.

bilan M

White feminist have politicized this issue and DESTROYED whatever ground work somali women made to get rid of circumsion. In the 80s there were ACTUALLY legit health studies funded by the kacaan conducted on the beliefs and rational of why somali women choose to circumsize their daughters. They found that most somali women were fairly ambivalent and that with (health focused) awareness programs women opted not to. That's why most somali girls who have parents who grew up in the major cities did not have it done. My mother even went to some of these conferences ran entirely by somali women. Just awesome!!

Unfortunatly disgusting white s have coopted this 'cause' for their own political aims. Now what should have ONLY been a health issue has become some propaganda tool for feminist. Womens sexual pleasure blah blah blah.I watch of these s asking a somali women why she would rob her daughter of sexual pleasure.:O27GWRK:

Average Somali women's mind white women=, so it just leads to further backing mothers in a corner. I pray for us.:frdfvsb:

Add to that the bogus health claims, circumsion is bad enough without sensationalizing it, according to the journal of fucked up stats on somalis 99.9% of somali women have had it done. Have anyone ever heard of an fgm related cause of death in somalia or abroad. The more these loons push this issue the less likely that there will be an end to this procedure . We had an amazing window of opportunity........

As for feminist bogus claims of consent, I believe there was a case of a somali women wanting to be re-sewn after childbirth and the doctor being charged with fgm. So that's clearly a lie.

Kind agree with u regards to all the media exposure of the issue its kinda humiliating. But i honest the amount girls that didnt get fgm in the 80s or even 90s is a tiny tiny few. A mother who didnt perform fgm back then on her daughter was either v.strong and intelligent or just crazy. We left somali in the 80s before the war and me and my sistets went on holday to dubai to get it done. Although my mum grew up in the miyee and is not educated. I just think eventhough i reslly like ngo involvement we wld not have got rid of fgm so quickly without them.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Kind agree with u regards to all the media exposure of the issue its kinda humiliating. But i honest the amount girls that didnt get fgm in the 80s or even 90s is a tiny tiny few. A mother who didnt perform fgm back then on her daughter was either v.strong and intelligent or just crazy. We left somali in the 80s before the war and me and my sistets went on holday to dubai to get it done. Although my mum grew up in the miyee and is not educated. I just think eventhough i reslly like ngo involvement we wld not have got rid of fgm so quickly without them.

No abaayo, plenty did not. Unfortunately most of these efforts were concentrated in xamar. So I can see why.i believe if somali women were just given a truthful picture of the consequence without the political bs, most would choose not to.

the entire clitoris cannot be removed from a girl or woman’s body without killing her..

You are right it's mostly an internal organ.

bilan M

How common is FGM in the West anyway? I've never heard of a Somali girl born and raised in Canada that underwent this surgery.

It very common in the uk, i think about 98%of over 27s have had something done.



I can't believe you are the only one who gets it. I've heard of reports of little somali girls getting 'inspected' by doctors in Europe in order to insure they weren't circumsized. It's getting really sick and little somali girls are the ones suffering.

Bravo ugas!!!!!!
did you backtrack the thread? i was too! idk what @bored is talking about or why he's feigning ignorance because white feminist have totally made this more about them and their cause then the children who are suffering. they don't care about them and they never did/will
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