Thoughts on this take? Are secular Somalis increasing within the western hemisphere?

@Galool @Abdixakim yall 68 iq Somalians how about you respond instead of qashining tf?💀 the fact y’all niggas qashining instead of just replying to a GENUINE, CIVIL, REASONABLE QUESTION proves my point that y’all think with emotions and hysteria, no original thought whatsoever hive mind COMMUNIST mfs 🤦🏾‍♀️ looks like y’all don’t have a proper response :camby:

like did y’all even read what I said? I said nothing rude or bad, sensitive mfs
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I beg you, please stop tagging me in your schizophrenic 'undercover murtad' allegations.

You've been on this shit since near my registration date on this forum.

It's getting stale.
When did I accuse you of being murtad? I only called you feminist. Today you seem a bit emotional maybe it’s better to log out from this site.
When did I accuse you of being murtad? I only called you feminist. Today you seem a bit emotional maybe it’s better to log out from this site.
What do you call this then?
Ms @DojaKhat are you an atheist? Cause it looks like you are happy with this news lol
Walhy we are finishedView attachment 329368
What’s this shit?

Ms @DojaKhat will like this type of new era of Islam.

View attachment 329369
I thought Ms @DojaKhat is your friend you gaal stabbing ass nigga.
View attachment 330256
you can’t trust a gaal guy like @Kisame
Of course. There is saying that goes "dad kaa badan iyo biyo kaa badan wii ku hafiyaan"..basically people that are more than you and water that is more than you drowns you.

In the west the number 1 issue you guys aren't realising is that already in 2 generations we have already nearly lost the somali language in the diaspora youth. People overlook the Somali language but the truth it is an important link that helps protect your Islam...because every language carries its own ideals/culture and our language and culture is very tied with Islam.

So imo if you lose the language you have lost an important part of your identity and in turn it will make it more likely that you will assimilate into which ever society you live in. Inshallah I hope our generation realises the important of language and that we set up private institutions where kids can learn their somali language and even arabic which is very important to preserve your identity as a Muslim.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Secularism is bound to seep into every community including ours. However, it is rare to come across secular somalis compared to communities that are from strict countries like Afganistan, Saudi Arabia etc. If anything there were probably more somali secularists prior to the civil war than there is today, which we should all be praising Allah for.

However, I have seen this girl pop up on my fyp before and I get strong closeted murtaad vibes from her. She wear shorts and crops with those breasts printed on. Talks about philosophy and mentioned that she works a bartender. The surprising about all this is though is she lives with her dad. I hate to use the term dayooth but he is a textbook example. He has no gheerah over his daughter whatsoever. I suggest anyone somali who is serious about their deen to block this girl, she clearly wants to cause fitnah.
Secularism is bound to seep into every community including ours. However, is rare to come across secular somalis compared to communities that are from strict countries like Afganistan, Saudi etc. If anything there were probably more somali secularists prior to the civil war than there is today, which we should all be praising Allah for.

However, I have seen this girl pop up on my fyp before and I get strong closeted murtaad vibes from her. She wear shorts and crops with those breasts printed on. Talks about philosophy and mentioned that she works a bartender. The surprising about all this is though is she lives with her dad. I hate to use the term dayooth but he is a textbook example. I suggest anyone somali who is serious about their deen to block this girl, she clearly wants to cause fitnah.
I bet the daddy's gaal too if he's okay with such an astronomical level of haraam activity from his offspring.
He isn’t, he texts her full asc. He just got no backbone.
At that stage of a child's life, there's nothing he can do to stop her irreligiosity.

He should have planted the seeds for her to be an upright Muslimah 15 years ago. It sounds like he had a very hands-off approach with regards to building her religious foundation so naturally she'd be more easily inclined to being a murtad than your average Western-born Somali.

Oh well!
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Plotting world domination
At that stage of a child's life, there's nothing he can do to stop her irreligiousity.

He should have planted the seeds for her to be an upright Muslimah 15 years ago. It sounds like he had a very hands-off approach with regards to building her religious foundation so naturally she'd be more easily inclined to being a murtad than your average Western-born Somali.

Oh well!

Seems like she has a good relationship with her dad nonetheless. This is pretty uncommon to see in the gaal community. I'm happy for her.
Seems like she has a good relationship with her dad nonetheless. This is pretty uncommon to see in the gaal community. I'm happy for her.
I'm happy for her too 🤍

I really don't enjoy watching parent-child relationships being strained once some of these kids leave the diin.
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Happy for her?

Aabaha Ilaahi haa u sahlo oo gabartiisa Ilaahi haa u man got tested big time in this dunya.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty

Let's have an honest, civilized discussion about this topic without resorting to "Muh Murtad n shiet.
i just looked at this clowns page, she twerks for the byzentines whom were more savage then the ottomans :mjlol:

Hopefully she stays in the mudhole. Europe is taking a very anti foreign stance and no amount of twerking for cadaan and trying to critique our religion will make them accept you.
I hate niggas with a inferiority complex.
I dont care if your a gaal somali, thats between you and god but to twerk and spew the same anti somali rhetoric thats used by aliens insulting us as well as booty clapping for nasaara is a no.
She should never claim somali in my opinion. Shes probably one of those loser ex somalian niggas. When she gets shipped back she can go to namibia or somewhere else.
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Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
The more you try to police religion the more people will want to leave it. Just look at Iran
thats iran, i hate when people booty clap for cadaans.
The iranians are dumb but they realised that if iran is to fall into secular hands, there will be no more shia, just a bunch of ragtag armies like the houthis and hezbollah.
Can you really blame iranians lol, theres a whole anti iran corner with these half breed persians twerking for jews getting paid millions to try and convert iran into a secular western colony, you would be really dumb to think the iranian gov will just sit there and watch.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Being progressive muslim I support human rights & freedom
I support all except non binary bs & T
khanisnimo is what a bunch of yahoods created to subvert the world. Progessiveness came about when western muslims were pressued by the media, the world gov and the yahuud to drop their faith and change. Only nasaara and muslims have to change their faith but not these jews.

You gotta wake up, they want to turn you against god.
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Secular goverment and secular education and propaganda posters will do the job i believe.

a lot of somalis are too extreme with islam
Al Shabaab is a result of Secular government. Propaganda posters cant change something so deeply woven into our national fabric. To be somali is to be muslim. This is not simpy my own opinion but one shared by our founding fathers and national heroes. Secularism has done nothing for the Somali people and our only victories have by the way of Islamism. If the Somali government becomes ecplicitly secular then they have signed their own death warrant


Al Shabaab is a result of Secular government. Propaganda posters cant change something so deeply woven into our national fabric. To be somali is to be muslim. This is not simpy my own opinion but one shared by our founding fathers and national heroes. Secularism has done nothing for the Somali people and our only victories have by the way of Islamism. If the Somali government becomes ecplicitly secular then they have signed their own death warrant
Why don’t you go live in Jilib then instead of the west?


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