tigray genocide

Christian extremists killing christian extremists.

These are the same people who have been killing muslims while getting support from the west claimming they are a minority under threat of Islam.

I hope the war becomes ling and the death of Amhara and Tigray increases to amargedon proportions.

These leeches are fighting over who should control the muslims in the horn of africa.
Ilahey haisku jabiyo haisku baibiyo.
Christian extremists killing christian extremists.

These are the same people who have been killing muslims while getting support from the west claimming they are a minority under threat of Islam.

I hope the war becomes ling and the death of Amhara and Tigray increases to amargedon proportions.

These leeches are fighting over who should control the muslims in the horn of africa.
Ilahey haisku jabiyo haisku baibiyo.
May the Tigray and amhara regions burbur. Kuuwaas baan nacay Wallahi
Habesha's and their victim mentality, uff they have no pride. This is why Somalis and Habeshes have such vast cultural differences.


Tbf they are losing thousands every week. Not only are they blockaded they are fighting a war from all fronts with full backing of two states Eritrea and Ethiopia.

I have no sympathy given both Amxaara and Tigray are both always the first to be on the front line to kill Muslims in the Horn on behalf of their colonisers
Have no sympathy for the Tigray. These same diaspora were support in slience and with money to tplf and meles Zenawi (basically like the fire nation leader In the avatar. I don’t believe in miskeen Horners that doesn’t exist, even Somalis and oromos as well, nobody is miskeen, they wanna scream anti Ethiopia sentient now but I promise you they will be the most pro Ethiopian people if tplf rises again
Have no sympathy for the Tigray. These same diaspora were support in slience and with money to tplf and meles Zenawi (basically like the fire nation leader In the avatar. I don’t believe in miskeen Horners that doesn’t exist, even Somalis and oromos as well, nobody is miskeen, they wanna scream anti Ethiopia sentient now but I promise you they will be the most pro Ethiopian people if tplf rises again
What ethnic group are you amhara?
A dead Habashi is a good Habashi, May Allah make them wipe each other out Insha Allah

Kalab dogs, Karma is a **********,

Allah is simply returning the favour of what they have done to others, so are their children and women more precious than others they have murdered?

Comments Popcorn GIF by HyperX

I also say Fk Tigray. Meles Zenewi invaded Mogadishu and killed tens of thousands of HAG's. We are still recovering from that genocide. They also created Al-shabab problem. Our prayers have been answered by God. I hope the war continues for decades and that no side wins.

