tigray genocide

They are actually getting genocided, it's real.
Eritrea and Abiye have renewed a joint offensive war yet again today, on six fronts.
They are getting encircled and the west keeps arming TPLF.

it's basically a bloodbath, and although I wish innocent people no harm, my ogaden sense are telling me to say " and I am here for it".:mjdontkno:

TPLF & Amhara people deserve 0 sympathy. I am happy every-time I hear news of a massacre happening in either those 2 regions. These 2 Nations are the biggest enemies of Somalis & Muslim people occupied in Ethiopia.


Bosaaso iyo Qandala
From ur posts it is clear that you have no understanding of what is happening. Let me tell you something

These people do not call themselves ethiopians anymore, so its war between ethiopia and tigray. Saying we are cursed with low iq is a bad excuse for your lack of intellect in this topic

since this is a tigray vs ethiopia + eritrea war there are 2 scenario you are looking at

Scenario A: The ethiopians + eritreans win
Ethiopia will recover from their financial losses in the war and will still continue to dictate over somalia. i.e like how things have always been

Scenario B: The tigrayans win and the balkanization of ethiopia begins.

Think for a second, why do ONLF side with tplf, the very people they fought against for many years? This whole thread is full of brainless talking
It’s more of a “enemy of your enemy is your friend” thing but it’s important to realize these shaytaans called tigrayans were the ones who caused Somalia’s destabilization.

so why should ONLF risk there own boys to help these shaytaans fight a war they started? Scenario B is inevitable sxb, Tigrayans will never forget the war and will always want independence, Just like how Somaliland never forgot about the atrocities placed on them during Kacaan, they won’t forget abiy.
TPLF & Amhara people deserve 0 sympathy. I am happy every-time I hear news of a massacre happening in either those 2 regions. These 2 Nations are the biggest enemies of Somalis & Muslim people occupied in Ethiopia.
Pretty much! TPLF deserve everything they are getting but the worst crimes against the Somalis were carried out by the amhara dergs, and if they defeat tplf, they'll bring back the old Ethiopia. They'll probably abolish any language that's not amharic, and plant amharas in every somali town in ogaden. Amharas basically belief they own everyone and everything in Ethiopia, they also believe Somalia is a land that was theirs in the past. This stuff is in their orthodox bible apparently.

Basically a prolonged war with no winner is ideal for us unless Ethiopia disintegrates and we get our independence.
What's the difference between Ethiopia and Kenya? Why is one bad but the other good?
What type questions is this? As much as I dislike fufu Bantu, They haven’t killed us to the masses before. Tplf, amhara, oromo, afar killed all types of Somalis before. Kenyans just find Somalis annoying due to our constant never ending wars laakin they let us invest in their cities and don’t really commit xasuuq on us and Somalis have somewhat of a good representation in NFD
What type questions is this? As much as I dislike fufu Bantu, They haven’t killed us to the masses before. Tplf, amhara, oromo, afar killed all types of Somalis before. Kenyans just find Somalis annoying due to our constant never ending wars laakin they let us invest in their cities and don’t really commit xasuuq on us and Somalis have somewhat of a good representation in NFD
lol when the Somalis of the NFD protested after being denied independence they killed thousands in wajir and discriminated somalis in kenya for years


TPLF & Amhara people deserve 0 sympathy. I am happy every-time I hear news of a massacre happening in either those 2 regions. These 2 Nations are the biggest enemies of Somalis & Muslim people occupied in Ethiopia.
This is one of the worst qualities with somalis. They do not know yet they speak.

You do realize the amharas in wollo and wellega are muslims right?
How can you call yourself muslim when you say get happy when others muslims are dying and being raped?

truth is you are a disgusting subhuman
This is one of the worst qualities with somalis. They do not know yet they speak.
You people are genuinely stupid

you r**ards want ethiopia to continue to undermine us and sabotage us

From ur posts it is clear that you have no understanding of what is happening

Saying we are cursed with low iq is a bad excuse for your lack of intellect in this topic

This whole thread is full of brainless talking

Bro just log out of this site

Bro you're all over this thread calling people clueless. Calm down and humble yourself, your attitude stinks
This is one of the worst qualities with somalis. They do not know yet they speak.

You do realize the amharas in wollo and wellega are muslims right?
How can you call yourself muslim when you say get happy when others muslims are dying and being raped?

truth is you are a disgusting subhuman

Those Amhara Muslims are being killed by Fano crusaders & OLA Terrorist milita. I wish them no harm. When I say Amhara I’m talking about the majority Christian ones who support the regime
What type questions is this? As much as I dislike fufu Bantu, They haven’t killed us to the masses before. Tplf, amhara, oromo, afar killed all types of Somalis before. Kenyans just find Somalis annoying due to our constant never ending wars laakin they let us invest in their cities and don’t really commit xasuuq on us and Somalis have somewhat of a good representation in NFD

OK fair enough but then on the flip side Ethiopia allows its Somali region the right to secede but Kenya doesn't. Also please learn the massacres Kenya done on its own Somali citizens eg Wagalla
When I say Amhara I’m talking about the majority Christian ones who support the regime
Yeah that was the way I saw it, and I imagine most who read it. I dunno what that guy's problem is

You wish for innocent people to be slaughtered but my attitude is stinks? Kkkkk you n*ggas are lost
I want every man of adult age, who has fought for and supported the tplf during their lifetime, to die in horrific fashion. I want their blood and tears to flow through the streets of mekelle.

Depending on how involved any women were in what took place in galbeed during the 2000s, and xamar in 2006, I'd like them dead too

Children? I wish them the best. You're a bad liar btw, where did I say I want any innocent dead? This is the second time you've lied about me, here's the first:
The difference between you and me comes from the fact that you want damage on ethiopia which they will recover from due to the fact that world powers are interested in keeping ethiopia as the "stabilizers" of the horn. Me however want the END of ethiopia once and for all
You know nothing about me bud. I've said countless times Abiy and a more centralised ethiopia are the biggest threat. I just relish in tplf casualties is all


Yeah that was the way I saw it, and I imagine most who read it. I dunno what that guy's problem is

I want every man of adult age, who has fought for and supported the tplf during their lifetime, to die in horrific fashion. I want their blood and tears to flow through the streets of mekelle.

Depending on how involved any women were in what took place in galbeed during the 2000s, and xamar in 2006, I'd like them dead too

Children? I wish them the best. You're a bad liar btw, where did I say I want any innocent dead? This is the second time you've lied about me, here's the first:

You know nothing about me bud. I've said countless times Abiy and a more centralised ethiopia are the biggest threat. I just relish in tplf casualties is all

What am i supposed to take from you saying you want "TPLF rats" to be malmed and massacred in this conflict where almost all of tigrayans are labelled as TPLF or TPLF sympethizers and are being ethnically cleansed? or is it the TDF fighters you are talking about?

"I want every man of adult age, who has fought for and supported the tplf during their lifetime, to die in horrific fashion"

thats literally almost all tigrayans considering the fact that tplf fought against the derg. Also considering the fact that they have to support tplf in this conflict which means almost all tigrayans. what you are saying is nonsensical sxb and trying to explain yourself out of wishing harm upon civilians is pathetic

Me personally ive discussed these issues with tigrayans face to face and online, with gaal tigrayans and muslim tigrayans. They even brought up 2006-2009 themselves and tell me they wish it never happened and deeply regret it.

however when i discuss 2006-2009 to "ethiopianists" they say "we saved the somalis from themselves" wallahi. they cosign it and even though they recognize it as an action taken by the tplf government they see its objectives as ultimately the best for ethiopia

You have a misplaced anger sxb, patch up


Those Amhara Muslims are being killed by Fano crusaders & OLA Terrorist milita. I wish them no harm. When I say Amhara I’m talking about the majority Christian ones who support the regime
make that clear the next time you wish for slaughtering of civilians
I'll assume you're not somali. Based on this assumption, it's understandable you don't quite understand why somalis loathe these people who we lost family and friends to.
however when i discuss 2006-2009 to "ethiopianists" they say "we saved the somalis from themselves" wallahi. they cosign it and even though they recognize it as an action taken by the tplf government they see its objectives as ultimately the best for ethiopia
I've discussed 2006 with tigrayans too, and saw them gloating shortly before the events in mekelle started. Do most tigrayans not love zenawi? They consider 'combating terrorists' on 'request of the somali government' as one of his achievements, much like GERD

You paint a bizarre dichotomy. You think tigrayans and ethiopianists are that different? These tigray niggas use the same talking points to this day, I've seen this first hand. They're simply unhappy that they don't control ethiopia anymore

I got 0 reason to believe this fantasy you've concocted, where they suddenly regret their recent imperialist history.
what you are saying is nonsensical sxb and trying to explain yourself out of wishing harm upon civilians is pathetic
I'm not explaining myself out of anything. If any tigray adult male has fought for, or supported, the tplf during the years they killed and tortured my people in galbeed and xamar, I want them to experience horrific pain and suffering. I want their bodies to litter mekelle:ahh:

I want their blood to flow through the nile and into sudan:wow1:

I want the cheerleaders of meles zenawi blown to smithereens, and their livelihoods uprooted :banderas:

I want them dead nigga, it brings me immense joy:mjhaps:

So long I, and many somalis, have dreamed of this day
tigrayans. They even brought up 2006-2009 themselves and tell me they wish it never happened and deeply regret it.
Here are some crimes zenawi, the most loved tigrayan statesman today, has committed on somalis

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Any tigray who fought during these years, or is supportive of the tplf and zenawi, I want their throats slit. I have 0 sympathy for them, and how dare you guilt trip me into feeling sorry for them

You have a misplaced anger sxb, patch up
You don't understand the pain and suffering these rats have put somalis through the past 3 decades. The fact you have the nerve to come in here, insult us and sympathise with our killers and their supporters:francis:
Muslims I hope survive, and I wish children the best.

Adult males? More likely than not, I want them dead

Women? It depends on how supportive they are/were of the tplf and zenawi, and the actions he undertook. If they are supportive and overt ethno-nationalists, then I'd shed no tear if they were killed too:manny:
It would be great if the Galbeed were returned to Somalia so that all of this can finally end; there won't be justice but it would probably put an end to the justified boiling rage



I'll assume you're not somali. Based on this assumption, it's understandable you don't quite understand why somalis loathe these people who we lost family and friends to.

I've discussed 2006 with tigrayans too, and saw them gloating shortly before the events in mekelle started. Do most tigrayans not love zenawi? They consider 'combating terrorists' on 'request of the somali government' as one of his achievements, much like GERD

You paint a bizarre dichotomy. You think tigrayans and ethiopianists are that different? These tigray niggas use the same talking points to this day, I've seen this first hand. They're simply unhappy that they don't control ethiopia anymore

I got 0 reason to believe this fantasy you've concocted, where they suddenly regret their recent imperialist history.

I'm not explaining myself out of anything. If any tigray adult male has fought for, or supported, the tplf during the years they killed and tortured my people in galbeed and xamar, I want them to experience horrific pain and suffering. I want their bodies to litter mekelle:ahh:

I want their blood to flow through the nile and into sudan:wow1:

I want the cheerleaders of meles zenawi blown to smithereens, and their livelihoods uprooted :banderas:

I want them dead nigga, it brings me immense joy:mjhaps:

So long I, and many somalis, have dreamed of this day

Here are some crimes zenawi, the most loved tigrayan statesman today, has committed on somalis

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View attachment 237010

Any tigray who fought during these years, or is supportive of the tplf and zenawi, I want their throats slit. I have 0 sympathy for them, and how dare you guilt trip me into feeling sorry for them

You don't understand the pain and suffering these rats have put somalis through the past 3 decades. The fact you have the nerve to come in here, insult us and sympathise with our killers and their supporters:francis:
I'll assume you're not somali. Based on this assumption, it's understandable you don't quite understand why somalis loathe these people who we lost family and friends to.

I've discussed 2006 with tigrayans too, and saw them gloating shortly before the events in mekelle started. Do most tigrayans not love zenawi? They consider 'combating terrorists' on 'request of the somali government' as one of his achievements, much like GERD

You paint a bizarre dichotomy. You think tigrayans and ethiopianists are that different? These tigray niggas use the same talking points to this day, I've seen this first hand. They're simply unhappy that they don't control ethiopia anymore

I got 0 reason to believe this fantasy you've concocted, where they suddenly regret their recent imperialist history.

I'm not explaining myself out of anything. If any tigray adult male has fought for, or supported, the tplf during the years they killed and tortured my people in galbeed and xamar, I want them to experience horrific pain and suffering. I want their bodies to litter mekelle:ahh:

I want their blood to flow through the nile and into sudan:wow1:

I want the cheerleaders of meles zenawi blown to smithereens, and their livelihoods uprooted :banderas:

I want them dead nigga, it brings me immense joy:mjhaps:

So long I, and many somalis, have dreamed of this day

Here are some crimes zenawi, the most loved tigrayan statesman today, has committed on somalis

View attachment 237008

View attachment 237009
View attachment 237010

Any tigray who fought during these years, or is supportive of the tplf and zenawi, I want their throats slit. I have 0 sympathy for them, and how dare you guilt trip me into feeling sorry for them

You don't understand the pain and suffering these rats have put somalis through the past 3 decades. The fact you have the nerve to come in here, insult us and sympathise with our killers and their supporters:francis:
Yes you are angry about what the ENDF did to somalis but you want ENDF to kill more civilians to avenge you. Excellent logic sxp

You mention Galbeed but you do realize the ONLF the group that was at war with the TPLF government now backs the tigrayans. Why aren’t they saying the vile sh*t you say? Maybe just maybe they know more than you.

I do insult you because of how intellectually bankrupt you are in this topic, saying we should be angry at tigrayan civilians when there are people in your country that directed our killing and saying hadya mosque massacre was justifiable 👍🏾



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