Ultimate Proof for Somalis being Arab

Mods @Admin plz and plz move this kind of threads to qashin what benefits do they bring to the general people let alone somalis it's ceeb wallahi just some self hating guys spamming we are arab yet nothing to show for proof
Major League Baseball Please GIF by Detroit Tigers

High School Please GIF
Chillout lil bro, Forum benefits by long user engaging conversations, plus theres plenty of proof. Darod and abtiris. I havent seen one for Hawiye, Hawiye sounds like a girl name I really have no clue what their qabil system is like I only know about Darood and how their line is, actually I dont even know Darood to well. I only know ogaden to a fluent level and some notorious subs of darood too
Bro you dont even believe the cold war happened any sort of historical topic that you talk about is inherently speculative.
I mean thats my opinion, and you weren't fully grasping what I was trying to get at. Of course I know the proxy wars happened I was rejecting a whole different aspect of the cold war. But how does me speculating relate to me calling out this bait?


No the difference is, they are clear and concise they know its a bait post and dont engage to the level in which you guys are. You are clearly agitated over the bait. The poster is laughing, I am laughing it is like the end of the world for you people. Also dont forget about the xmuslims either
They sound serious people like him actually exist
They sound serious people like him actually exist
They do, but thats lack of knowledge. I think most somalis think they were arab when they were first taught abtirisi, but now as time goes on I even see that changing people are starting to realize that darod was not arab its not possible. I think hawiye is similar.

Also the thing is, people like GeeljireGenius are not serious person, hes a genius troll. Someone in this thread said he said something about underage. Thats already your first sign, but this guys entire personality is to create bait and farm it. Which me personally im not against, 1st I like seeing people fall for the bait over and over 2nd it spreads awareness about us not being arab.
Wallahi Somalis are pathetic when majority of our population is darker than say the Ethiopians. Yet you have Somalis claiming a people who would never recognize them as such also this is such a stupid thing to worry about when our situation is dire. Somali people have incredible inferiority complex hence why boasting about being of Arab descent when this isn’t true.
Mods @Admin plz and plz move this kind of threads to qashin what benefits do they bring to the general people let alone somalis it's ceeb wallahi just some self hating guys spamming we are arab yet nothing to show for proof
Major League Baseball Please GIF by Detroit Tigers

High School Please GIF

These type of threads always get attention. I guess it's a go-to for bored trolls.

