Ultimate Proof for Somalis being Arab

That platinum thread is within reach. Don't stop now
But why though? You’re Ogaden not MJ how you gonna closely relate more then your actual clan.
I don’t want to get too personal but my dad’s side has a strong hatred towards me and my mother and the few times i have seen them has been negatively awful.

Internet Nomad

Al-Bukhaari (3508) and Muslim (61) narrated from Abu Dharr (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “Any man who knowingly claims to belong to someone other than his father is guilty of kufr, and anyone who claims to belong to a people when he is not one of them, let him take his place in Hell.”
Just Saying Devils Advocate GIF
Mods @Admin plz and plz move this kind of threads to qashin what benefits do they bring to the general people let alone somalis it's ceeb wallahi just some self hating guys spamming we are arab yet nothing to show for proof
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