US Supreme Court Strikes Down Race-Based Admissions at Harvard and U.N.C., Affirmative Action is Over

Blacks did all you listed above pre-60 and it got them nowehere. The towns they built and businesses they owned were burnt to the ground because they weren't supposed to A: Build a city, B- Own businesses and succeed.

Then they joined the army in hopes of getting better treatment when they returned from America's emperialistic wars. They faced worst treatment upon return for having self pride and self-respect enough to want to be treated like their fellow enlisted white army friends. Guess what happened? They were denied the GI bill they were entitled to whereas their white military peers were given free lands to build upon, free access to college, free healthcare etc. African american servicemen were denied their due rights by the same government and society that shipped them to wars and used their sacrifice to bring victories. They were used as experimental subjects for viruses and unknown deseases so a cure can be found for their white society.
I’m not denying the past injustices nor do I deny the existence of prejudices today, I don’t agree with the passivity of the activism today and the overall demoralising effect it has on those that have fallen for its dogma. I advocate for a spirit which tends to its wounds, overcomes and conquers instead of one that fixates upon them and proceeds to dwells in the self-defeating muck of apathy and sloth. You never give in.
You and others on here benefitted from the suffering of African Americans. It is kinda ironic you speak ill of them collectively.
Who do I speak ill of? What you want is for people to never shed their trauma and be eternal victims, or to associate with another’s pain and suffer with them whilst fantasising about what-if solutions - I retort to what end? When can you stop? What does that mentality produce other than weakness? Why would I, or anyone with a shred if dignity, want to be a buck-broken bellend that is constantly bleating about “injustices” whilst sucking on the teat of another’s good-will?


Well said brother! The only oppression these idiots face is self-inflicted - how are you to accomplish anything when you wholeheartedly believe in your own inferiority. You need the positive aspects of pride not the derogatory and debasing farce displayed by these social activists, that robs you of self-reflection, self-accountability and self-responsibility. Your sense of self and by extension pride should not be predicated upon the uncontrollable but your will to overcome and the trophies life furnishes you for doing so.
Don't get it twisted sxb, I believe there's structural and institutional barriers that bar black people from climbing up the proverbial ladder. But it's important to not become too absorbed into the victim narrative to the point where you're victimizing yourself. F idealistic pride dude, I've exploited positive discrimination opportunities afforded to me to the fullest extent and encourage everyone else to do so as well.
Don't get it twisted sxb, I believe there's structural and institutional barriers that bar black people from climbing up the proverbial ladder. But it's important to not become too absorbed into the victim narrative to the point where you're victimizing yourself. F idealistic pride dude, I've exploited positive discrimination opportunities afforded to me fullest extent and encourage everyone else to do so as well.
Yeah, we don’t live in a meritocracy. Self-interest is in service to the self and its bi-polar sibling pride.


Yeah, we don’t live in a meritocracy. Self-interest is in service to the self and its bi-polar sibling pride.
Let's get to pride after the base necessities are met.

Imagine a homeless nigga that doesn't know where his next meal is coming from telling you he's not taking your assistance because of his pride. Move pragmatically with a "i'll prove them wrong" attitude in the meantime rather than the b*tch made "woe is me, I'm a victim."
Let's get to pride after the base necessities are met.

Imagine a homeless nigga that doesn't know where his next meal is coming from telling you he's not taking your assistance because of his pride. Move pragmatically with a "i'll prove them wrong" attitude in the meantime rather than the b*tch made "woe is me, I'm a victim."
You need to take care of yourself and make sure your needs are met, however walking around in the frame of mind of being down trodden is repulsive as it begins to be reflected in the way you interface with the world as you have noted - you can be down and out without at all being down. A good mentality will take you far, belief in and integration of invisible constraints like systemic racism, even if they have some validity (varies with every country), into your personality becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; any perceived unjust and unreasonable transgression against you is now apart of a pervasive conspiracy to belittle, demean and disenfranchise those who share your identity, this leads to the tame latent egregore to grow out of control, subsume your ability to think critically and disable objective discernment of your environment.
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All of this happened because Ruth Ginsburg would not retire during Obama's presidency and we have an uncle tom Clarence Thomas in there.

They are taking away the rights and achievements of African Americans one by one. This trend has started.
All of this happened because Ruth Ginsburg would not retire during Obama's presidency and we have an uncle tom Clarence Thomas in there.

They are taking away the rights and achievements of African Americans one by one. This trend has started.
They’re using "woke" as a dogwhistle to attack madows. I expect more rights to be eroded. All the non cadaans allying with racists will also be in for a big surprise when they discover they're next up on the chopping block
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High number of Somali American students in Minnesota go to colleges and universities. Almost every family has minimum of one or two of their children continue to higher education after high school.

Two in our family already graduated from the University of MN and two are enrolled. Somalis are visible in Minnesota colleges.

Throughout the Midwest, including Ohio, MI, WI, and other states, Somali kids are kicking and graduating with meaningful degrees - girls mostly being in the medical field, and the boys in the engineering and other scientific fields.

Our FOB fellas are also dominating in the trucking industries. They own tens of thousands of trucks, run dispatchers, obtain broker licensing, and truck stops.

The amount of home ownership is hugely skyrocketing for Somali Americans. And we're not talking people about who pay mortgages; but people who pay off their homes.

Truth is, Somali Americans are beating the odds and disproving those bogus stereo-types.
Throughout the Midwest, including Ohio, MI, WI, and other states, Somali kids are kicking and graduating with meaningful degrees - girls mostly being in the medical field, and the boys in the engineering and other scientific fields.

Our FOB fellas are also dominating in the trucking industries. They own tens of thousands of trucks, run dispatchers, obtain broker licensing, and truck stops.

The amount of home ownership is hugely skyrocketing for Somali Americans. And we're not talking people about who pay mortgages; but people who pay off their homes.

Truth is, Somali Americans are beating the odds and disproving those bogus stereo-types.

Inshallah in one generation, Somalis in America will be where Pakistani and Persian Americans are today - Highly skilled and educated community. Somalis will also exceed those communities by having remarkable presence in business and service sectors.
Inshallah in one generation, Somalis in America will be where Pakistani and Persian Americans are today - Highly skilled and educated community. Somalis will also exceed those communities by having remarkable presence in business and service sectors.
I don't think Somalis in America have a sustainable amount of recent migrants to continue existing as a seperate entity. Most are probably going to integrage within the Black community with a religious/upper middle class minority integrating with asiatic muslims
I don't think Somalis in America have a sustainable amount of recent migrants to continue existing as a seperate entity. Most are probably going to integrage within the Black community with a religious/upper middle class minority integrating with asiatic muslims
Are they really that detached from their culture ?
I don't think Somalis in America have a sustainable amount of recent migrants to continue existing as a seperate entity. Most are probably going to integrage within the Black community with a religious/upper middle class minority integrating with asiatic muslims
There’s less then 200k Somalis in the United States your probably right they will probably integrate with the larger black community in the United States in the coming decades