Walahi news coming out of Canada about a Somali couple is shameful and cause for a suicide

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I believe you, wallahi I've heard identical stories of people I know IRL minus the $250k but I never enquire further.

I'm leaving out the city it took place and stuff and how the wedding ended costing that way because of anonymity reasons but this dude has done an epic wedding like a prince of Dubai type of shit.
Like you have the authority to do that :lolbron:

What a liberal feminist lunatic.

You're type have a rude awakening.

Just wait till you get married.

If I was married to you I would've disabled you with rapid production of children where you turn into an obese low self esteemed witch :camby:
authority to have a divorce? looooool, i dont need authority, if he refuses i will definitely go for the jugular, but insha allah i am blessed with a virtuous man, not a .

if i was married to you kulaha...don't make me vomit. :vqbuyv0:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

But then you've been linked forever to that . Take your expensive L for the night and kick rocks in the am

Wallahi I feel sorry for him miskeenka this mangina senile invalid can keep stepping with his empathy for the like a centipede.


Jet life till my next life
I believe you, wallahi I've heard identical stories of people I know IRL minus the $250k but I never enquire further.


That must've been sweet pussy! I wouldn't curse my enemies with such an exquisite pussy :idontlike:

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
authority to have a divorce? looooool, i dont need authority, if he refuses i will definitely go for the jugular, but insha allah i am blessed with a virtuous man, not a .

if i was married to you kulaha...don't make me vomit. :vqbuyv0:

Like I want something despicable as you :drakekidding:




My nigga dropped quarter mil on huuday


I don't think you can even charge that to the game sxb, that shit bounced.

Maxaa tidhi? Huuday? Ma nooli :yloezpe:

He should not have paid $250 grand to blow on one night. The girl really should've been up front from the beginning.

Is not being a virgin when married a common occurrence with the young generation of Somalis? I'm shocked walle


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nacaala naga lugu soo raxayste oo like a car laso drivegarayey like a plastic carrier back groceries lugu soo qatay like clothes laso xirtay like kaabo lugu socday yaa u bahan illahay ba kugu dharshee :williamswtf:

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
I have a feeling you are one of those losers who would refuse to divorce even when the woman clearly hates your guts. I pray no Somali woman has the misfortune of being trapped by you
It must upset you that I curve ugly Somali girls like you every single day in real life


I don't show this side of me to anyone not even my friends, let alone girls you know. I do whatever I can to get that pussy.


i'm inclined to believe thats he is overreacting and has no prove of his accusation other than what i just said about the no blood thing.

she probably knew he was serious about the whole virgin thing before she married him and wouldn't just say it to him without knowing of his reaction so i don't think she admitted to anything.
That's not an unfair assumption to make, but at the end of the day we can only speculate.

I'm leaving out the city it took place and stuff and how the wedding ended costing that way because of anonymity reasons but this dude has done an epic wedding like a prince of Dubai type of shit.
$250k, is he really wealth or do you think it really hurt his pockets?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Are you a virgin :siilaanyosmile:?

That's too personally I don't consent to such questions.

A man does the fucking a girl gets fucked there's a big difference, one is mounting while the other is getting mounted, one is penetrating while the other is getting penetrated, one is used while the other is doing the using by shooting his load inside her then walking away like Ryu into the sunset
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