Walahi news coming out of Canada about a Somali couple is shameful and cause for a suicide

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Taking a break from Ramadan doesn't make me a gaal, on the other hand zina is a major sin and should be punished by stoning. I will throw the first stone
Who's disputing that zina isn't a major sin? If you accuse me of commuting zina then tell me where's your evidence? When did you suck my dick?
what a bunch of fucking xoolo the lot of you.
about he paid for a product, you ugly fuckers ain't even gonna get a hooker to give you the time of day so i don't know why you are bothered.

stop being disrespectful little cunts to women unless your dads also paid for your mothers.

Their aabos traded a couple of goats for their mums at the local market lol
UncleMenace: makes up a shitty story starting with 'Wallahi' as always.

Sexually frustrated users: Oh, an excuse to talk about sex/virginity!

Why does this keep happening? :bell:

What do town bicycles have in common with some miskeen and shy kid? How do people around them not spot this mismatch in compatibility? :damedamn:
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