War in Galkayo


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081


@Thegoodshepherd mudaane Majerteeenimadada wa in nebula genomic ku caadeena wa la kala shaakiye mudaane… if u have PayPal I will pay for it πŸ’― give me ur paypal account i will send you the full amount of the kitπŸ™πŸ½ hirsi farah shirwac cigaale jibril abdulle isxaaq cumar maxamud saleebaan on yfull would be great 😊
:dead: sheegad miya saxiibkeen

Habar gidir are not native to Mogadishu πŸ˜‚ if you are not galmaax yonis ee wacbuudan abgaal osmaan xamar gofkada ma ah ha eboow aniga iyo adiga wan u simanahay
It's funny because you mjs of muqdisho stay in our districts and nowhere else. Scared of Wacbudhan, HG and Murusade governed districts. Daynile is practically baadiiyo anyway.
No Galinsoor is Sacad stronghold. It used to be Mx town back in the Kacaan days but Sacad invested in it.
@Somali Saayid @Bahal Any comment on this shocking revelation?


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The hate starts here
Staff Member
Its 2025 and Leelkase are still Darbi Darood, Mohamuud Salabaan Majerteen are still not coming to their aid and Habar Gidir is still picking on people not their size (beesha Murusade, beesha Gaaljecel, beesha Barawanis and others). As Tupac puts it: Some things just never change.

Its 2025 and Leelkase are still Darbi Darood, Mohamuud Salabaan Majerteen are still not coming to their aid and Habar Gidir is still picking on people not their size (beesha Murusade, beesha Gaaljecel, beesha Barawanis and others). As Tupac puts it: Some things just never change.

Abdifreedom knows how to get people riled up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The hate starts here
Staff Member
Abdifreedom knows how to get people riled up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

@Step a side took back his reaction when I referred to his clan as a different name. I know he's not happy. MJ and HG are afraid of each other so they won't get each other involved. You're on your own. Your clan did a strategic move in Galkacyo but it won't work. I call you Beesha Ukraine now.
Its 2025 and Leelkase are still Darbi Darood, Mohamuud Salabaan Majerteen are still not coming to their aid and Habar Gidir is still picking on people not their size (beesha Kuwait, beesha Gaaljecel, beesha Barawanis and others). As Tupac puts it: Some things just never change.


Gaaljecel is at least 2-3x larger than HG. HG must have traumatised your tribe which is why you believe they are larger than Gaaljecel :russ:
@Step a side took back his reaction when I referred to his clan as a different name. I know he's not happy. MJ and HG are afraid of each other so they won't get each other involved. You're on your own. Your clan did a strategic move in Galkacyo but it won't work. I call you Beesha Ukraine now.

Mjs are not afraid of HG, don't be silly. πŸ˜‚

MJs are simply not trying to be bullies. You forget that HG complains about losing land to MJs till this day. Additionally, when MJs cared less about morality, a Sultanate was created on HG land. If MJs didn't fear Ilaahay, Somalis would lose even more territory and not even be allowed to live as IDPs in our land.

We simply want peace and development. But the trouble with Somalis is, they mistake that for cowardice until they get smacked in the mouth.

Moreover, LK are the ones who refused MJ help a few years ago to either go to war or make collective peace. I outlined the history of this conflict a few pages back.
Which clan is he?
Not sure but definitely not Hawiye or the other tribes from south central Somalia. Gaaljecel nomads are the number 1 milk importers in Xamar. From the outskirts of Xamar to Beledweeyne and from Beledweyne to BuurHakaba down to Jubaland encompassing almost all of middle Jubaland down all the way to where the Booni tribe live is all Gaaljecel. Another group live near Baabili and as far west bordering the Afar and Oromo at a place called Haardiin. GJ is easily one of the largest tribes in Somalia.

Watch the end part the last few seconds. Saransoor is not easy :westbrookswag:



πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The hate starts here
Staff Member
Mjs are not afraid of HG, don't be silly. πŸ˜‚

MJs are simply not trying to be bullies. You forget that HG complains about losing land to MJs till this day. Additionally, when MJs cared less about morality, a Sultanate was created on HG land. If MJs didn't fear Ilaahay, Somalis would lose even more territory and not even be allowed to live as IDPs in our land.

We simply want peace and development. But the trouble with Somalis is, they mistake that for cowardice until they get smacked in the mouth.

Moreover, LK are the ones who refused MJ help a few years ago to either go to war or make collective peace. I outlined the history of this conflict a few pages back.

Leelkase will probably try to frame a HG or MJ for murder to start something as their next move. Watch out.

Abdifreedom is sheekhaal he’s mentioned it a few times I believe I could be wrong though πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Maybe, maybe not.
The difference between Hiil Harti and this, is that LK refused MJ help a few years ago. They keep MJs at arms length because they fear losing Galdogob to a population replacement.
It is the same reason they refused an alliance with Marehan in Saaxo. That is why no "Daarood" clan is jumping in. But everyone is obsessed with Mjs instead of asking the real questions (e.g. why are all other Daarood clans not involved).

Years ago, MJ clans even offered to live between LK and Sacad in the area the fighting is happening, to boost the security of the area. But Leelkasse said "nope".

This fake narrative of help being withheld is outrageous.
The difference between Hiil Harti and this, is that LK refused MJ help a few years ago. They keep MJs at arms length because they fear losing Galdogob to a population replacement.
It is the same reason they refused an alliance with Marehan in Saaxo. That is why no "Daarood" clan is jumping in. But everyone is obsessed with Mjs instead of asking the real questions.

MJ clans even offered to live between LK and Sacad in the area the fighting is happening, to boost the security of the area. But Leelkasse said "nope".

This fake narrative of help being withheld is outrageous.
πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ seriously its best to know the facts of the situation before making assumptions
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πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ @Hilmaam @Ahlubayt seriously its best to know the facts of the situation before making assumptions


You keep forgetting that I have connections in Mudug from very reliable sources. I know everything that went down. MJs offered to live with you to deal with the HG pest problem, LK refused. There was also an offer to go to war together and make peace together. LK instead chose to work independently. Well, guess what?

It is not working. This situation in Jicboor area is simply not sustainable. Deal with the problem before less favourable deals are signed. You want to graze with relentles tuugo or with MJs?

The choice is yours.