War in Sool


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
“Allahuakbar “ = terrorism now subhanallah
He is breathing in his own exhaust like other blind followers of the project. Some people are so disjointed from reality that they create grand fantasies. When you equip that sort of mindset with artillery you have a crisis on your hands. Case in point.
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The ramifications of this war will be severe. Screenshot_20230309_184241_Facebook.jpgScreenshot_20230309_184251_Facebook.jpg
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Here is a list, but I'll keep updating, circulate it in your groupchats, facebooks, tiktok wherever. The real war should be economic. If we cripple them financially, they are finished.

  1. Somaliland Airports
  2. Berbera Port
  3. Dahabshiil money transfer and SOMTEL
  4. Asli Maydi Frankincense- he’s a thief anyway and has court cases pending.
  5. Somaliland Beverage Industry-Coca Cola + other soft drinks.
  6. Boodhari Mills (flour)
  7. Budo milling (flour)
  8. Aadco Paper factory
  9. Waddani Milling
  10. Lis Dairies
  11. Asli health care company
  12. Budo detergent
  13. Safi detergent
  14. Tayo Plastic Factory
  15. Beexaan food industries (BFI)
  16. Illeys cleaning products
  17. IDIL Sunflower Oil

Advice your relatives who own shops to find alternative products and to read the label before purchasing, this way we can force shop owners to stop buying products made in Iidooria. Remember, the tax they pay goes towards killing and displacing innocent people.
Any place flying Idooria flag, make sure you have them take it down. These folks are way too comfortable flying their flag and wearing their SNM terrorist bracelets while working in Garowe and Bossaso, they even celebrate their "may 18th" day in our lands. We have been too lenient on them due to "somalinimo" which is why they have these grandiose delusions of being "powerful".
Any place flying Idooria flag, make sure you have them take it down. These folks are way too comfortable flying their flag and wearing their SNM terrorist bracelets while working in Garowe and Bossaso, they even celebrate their "may 18th" day in our lands. We have been too lenient on them due to "somalinimo" which is why they have this grandiose delusions of being "powerful".

Our people are weak and gullible. As I type this, I'm sure hundreds of idiots are using SOMTEL and Dhiigshiil, not caring or realising that they are funding the war on LaasCaanood.

Anyone who cares about Somali unity and is outraged at the murder and displacement of innocent people, please lobby your elders and MPs to make this an economic war and not just a war where we exchange bullets. Let's elevate our dagaal on all levels.

1. The Somaliland flag and bracelet must be recognised as a symbol of violent and hatred.
2. Boycott products made in Somaliland.
3. Trucks and vehicles leaving and entering the terrorist triangle, cannot be trusted and must be stopped immediately


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
You that hurt...

There's hundreds of factories all over Somaliland.

PL tried putting a 50%tax on goods from Somaliland to stop people buying didn't really work well as prices rose all throughout pl and was quickly stopped.

Gambadhe is the site of a proposed massive dry port to facilitate trade before the garaads brought militia into the city.

Look at a map of Buuhoodle 10 years ago and now - no change

Compared to LasAnod doubled doubled in size.

Guaranteed the reply will be "the people built it" but thanks to the government for making the place safe enough to develop and business to thrive otherwise why isn't Buuhoodle, Somaliland isn't there and still looks the same.

This is what happens when you don't look at perspective. If anyone was to be the leader of the supposed SSC it should be the mayor of laascaanood and his local councillors as he's the only one to be elected and has been living in the city.
This argument is made by many idoor with typically low IQ. Simple rebuttals:
  1. LA is on the main road. It has massive advantages as a location between Berbera, Bosaso and Koonfur. Buhoodle is in the middle of nowhere.
  2. Garowe, the previous capital of Sool, is growing as rapidly without the need for an idoor presence.
There is no evidence, at all, that the presence of idoor militia helped LA. The murders comitted by SNM actually dissuaded most Dhulbahante businessmen from investing in LA.

LA will grow faster under the control of its own people.
They seem to be severely obsessed with Majeerteen

These guys have always hated MJ's the most despite MJ's not doing a single thing to them. It's so funny that they call this uneducated reer hillbilly terrorist with khat stained teeth a "mujhahid" as if he did anything courageous. They think Iskudir will work in 2023 that's why they keep mentioning Hawyies. Gossiping like women and talking about colonial borders. Pathetic fake country
Ileys has Harti shareholders

So does SOMTEL.

But in order to kill the demon, sacrifices must be made. These shareholders should dump/sell and start another business. The terrorist regime of Somaliland, poses an existential threat to Harti Waqooyi and if you want to seriously fight them, you must fight them on all levels. Their plan is to immerse themselves with Harti so that you can never truly 'leave'.

