War in Sool

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
You don't know the meaning of the word.

This is terrorism

Killing civilians in East Sool just because they took government jobs.

Dunno why they described him as youth like he just comes out of school in full militia gear
Spys need to be apprehended this is a war. If SL apprehended spys from PL is that terrorism?


Reformation of Somaliland
Somali unity? Secessionists who want to break up the Somali nation, deport other Somalis and prefer the British and Xabashis over their fellow Somalis are the main enemies of Somali unity.

The same secessionists who go on ajanabi platforms to instigate hatred towards Somalis, from their youth to their elites including Edna Aden.

You have a lot of audacity to even mention Somali unity. In fact, forget Puntland..all Somalis should boycott anything that comes from your clan enclave.

That's what you believe...

Somalia is already broken up, in all but name and you're naive if it isn't

The news you didn't see is that 6/3/1mths before they asked them to register which allot didn't.

This was a policy by the local government as it only happened it laascaanood, if it was national there's far more people from Somalia in burco.
@TekNiKo this has nothing to do with Sade, Kablalax have been beefing Isaaq for centuries..

When they say faqash it don't mean u it means Harti and Absame most of the time Isaaqs don't know MX like that
Who are you trying to fool nigga, you're an idoor trying to divide the darood tribes and even divide the harti when all are united against what idooria is doing in las canod πŸ˜‚


Reformation of Somaliland
good job they are patriots

anyone even married to an idoor and doesn’t divorce them deserves to be punished

You're not very bright are you...

Guaranteed you'll believe when each on them is murdered now and the trolls spread the news that Somaliland killed them. Even tho it's the militia

There's too much hate in you


Reformation of Somaliland
Who are you trying to fool nigga, you're an idoor trying to divide the darood tribes and even divide the harti when all are united against what idooria is doing in las canod πŸ˜‚
Again with the tribes...

Somaliland put out of the city and all 5 battles was defensive as the militia came to their base to attack.

Then cry when Somaliland fights back
Somali unity? Secessionists who want to break up the Somali nation, deport other Somalis and prefer the British and Xabashis over their fellow Somalis are the main enemies of Somali unity.

The same secessionists who go on ajanabi platforms to instigate hatred towards Somalis, from their youth to their elites including Edna Aden.

You have a lot of audacity to even mention Somali unity. In fact, forget Puntland..all Somalis should boycott anything that comes from your clan enclave.

SNM is by far the most insidious group in Somalia. Not only do they terrorise Somalis and displace them, they run to foreigners to slander other Somalis and to pin their crimes on us.
To add insult to injury, they flood our land with their products and people.
How dare a secessionist even mention the word "Somalinimo".
Again with the tribes...

Somaliland put out of the city and all 5 battles was defensive as the militia came to their base to attack.

Then cry when Somaliland fights back
You acting you are not a qabiilist πŸ˜‚ .
Horta why do IrirSamale clans act like they are not tribilist when there tribilism /qabyaalad get pushed back ?
You acting you are not a qabiilist πŸ˜‚ .
Horta why do IrirSamale clans act like they are not tribilist when there tribilism /qabyaalad get pushed back ?

They are deathly afraid of being boycotted. Their British and Xabashi masters are not their main trading partners. Iidooria would collapse if Daarood and even other Somali unionists boycotted them and restricted their movements.
Again with the tribes...
Bro we both know Somaliland is not a state for all its citizens as it claims and is tribal in the core. Your nations founding mythos is based on hating and celebrating your " jihad" against the faqash ( darood), you really can't be suprised the people you dehumanize don't want to be part of this project.
Also, Dhulbahante. I know you are dad sharaf badan but please explain why on earth Iidoor journalists who claim Garxajis, whatever that is, are allowed in LaasCaanood?

Aren't these Garxajis people still part of SNM's armies? Do not even get me started on the lunacy of releasing Iidoor POWs. These are murderers who should stand trial and be shot once found guilty.
Also, Dhulbahante. I know you are dad sharaf badan but please explain why on earth Iidoor journalists who claim Garxajis, whatever that is, are allowed in LaasCaanood?

Aren't these Garxajis people still part of SNM's armies? Do not even get me started on the lunacy of releasing Iidoor POWs. These are murderers who should stand trial and be shot once found guilty.
It was a mistake and it’s been dealt with. No more idoors will come and sit beside the garaads.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Again with the tribes...

Somaliland put out of the city and all 5 battles was defensive as the militia came to their base to attack.

Then cry when Somaliland fights back
Its ok to be qabilist SL is built on Isaaq nationalism, like SSC is built on Dhulbahante nationalism. No Somali can force another Somali to accept their views whether by the qori or words. Dhulbahante chose their path they are defending themselves. What Muse Bixi is doing rn is the same thing Siad Barre did in the 80s.

We should respect each others borders for me alx most of my tuulos in Ceerigaabo District left SL now all that is left for my xaafads in Suuqa Hoose to leave as well you get to keep your other half of the city and we all go our separate ways.
Also, Dhulbahante. I know you are dad sharaf badan but please explain why on earth Iidoor journalists who claim Garxajis, whatever that is, are allowed in LaasCaanood?

Aren't these Garxajis people still part of SNM's armies? Do not even get me started on the lunacy of releasing Iidoor POWs. These are murderers who should stand trial and be shot once found guilty.
Yea and all this picture taking,get rid of that and prepare for all out war against these invaders the residents of Las anod are away from there homes this not the time for tourists. I want to see Idooria back to there clan border.
Again with the tribes...

Somaliland put out of the city and all 5 battles was defensive as the militia came to their base to attack.

Then cry when Somaliland fights back

The only people crying are idoors, may they burn in hell for trying to invade other peoples land

First this idiot was trying to suppress people from posting here saying β€œwe don’t know what’s going on” only to come here and regurgitate the same delusional idoor drunkard talking points

go talk to your mother naaya, we’re not here for it
No one of panicking we fine, the good think you keyboard warriors can talk and not in business world...

This is just further proof that you don't actually believe in Somali Unity and are just a tribalist that sees everything in tribes. Guaranteed if you owned something and had to hire people you would ask for their tribe rather instead of their name.
Somali will unite with or without your blessing zxb


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