War in Sool

Our people are weak and gullible. As I type this, I'm sure hundreds of idiots are using SOMTEL and Dhiigshiil, not caring or realising that they are funding the war on LaasCaanood.

Anyone who cares about Somali unity and is outraged at the murder and displacement of innocent people, please lobby your elders and MPs to make this an economic war and not just a war where we exchange bullets. Let's elevate our dagaal on all levels.

1. The Somaliland flag and bracelet must be recognised as a symbol of violent and hatred.
2. Boycott products made in Somaliland.
3. Trucks and vehicles leaving and entering the terrorist triangle, cannot be trusted and must be stopped immediately
I agree on all points except for the symbols part. Let them continue to display them in our lands and even celebrate their anniversaries , we have a deep rooted culture of not subjugating (maaqonin) other clans Haddanu Nahay Majerteen.
I agree on all points except for the symbols part. Let them continue to display them in our lands and even celebrate their anniversaries , we have a deep rooted culture of not subjugating (maaqonin) other clans Haddanu Nahay Majerteen.

It is not oppression to refuse the advertisement of a regime that killed and displaced our people. The terrorist state's flag is their "brand" and it is an offensive brand that stands for hate and violence. As for maalinta qashinka aka May 18th, they can help us sweep our streets.
What the hell was this :ftw9nwa:
Isaaqu naga cilmi badan.
season 10 friends GIF
This argument is made by many idoor with typically low IQ. Simple rebuttals:
  1. LA is on the main road. It has massive advantages as a location between Berbera, Bosaso and Koonfur. Buhoodle is in the middle of nowhere.
  2. Garowe, the previous capital of Sool, is growing as rapidly without the need for an idoor presence.
There is no evidence, at all, that the presence of idoor militia helped LA. The murders comitted by SNM actually dissuaded most Dhulbahante businessmen from investing in LA.

LA will grow faster under the control of its own people.
For belly-cackles, let me buttress yours with the following perspective.

Theirs is on a par with the Trumpian gyro-economics in arguing that his Admin, in 4 years, created more jobs for African Americans than 8 years of Obama's, bearing in mind US was technically bankrupt in 2008 with the Fed. Res. printing mint in the trillions to save banks and large companies, post Eron & Lehman Bros. collapses. In reality, under his Admin, AAs were the worse impacted in real estate ownership, criminal justice, employment in high paying jobs for college educated professionals etc. For example, in his 2nd year in office, unemployment rate amongst AAs was 16.7%, whereas it was 7.5% when Obama left Office, highest since the Great Depression; let us not even sneeze at the highest death rate amongst AAs due to Covid-19, with their making up the largest group in front line workforce, with Hispanics being second in line.

Now, in the summer of 2007, Las Anod had a large population closely competing with Bosaso, and with half of its population displaced and never returning, post Oct. 2007 Xaabsade & Cambaashe takeover, inhabitants-wise, it was on a par with Qardho in 2018.

Now, how does one have the gall to discuss growth and development for a city with half of its population, most of whom are its human capital, still residing elsewhere?

Here is what the cyber warriors, still in their wet diapers, will not say, or perhaps know not: Las Anod has technically become a base for maruading SL militias, and I have seen more gun-slinging, ill-fed, poorly-dressed, qat-chewing, macawis-longing, sandal-wearing militias in the city than any other in that area, and to beef up the claim of its growing, more non SSC lower class people started moving into the city hawking counterfit goods, qat, and other unspeakable vendibles.

The good news: reer SSC are awake, much the wiser, and more determined. No more hoodwinking from the mirqaan-marred secessionists.
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They're angry that Dhulbahante has a brother with Airports, Ports and unlimited access to weapons. That's all it is.
As the old saying goes: 'Habar dhali wayday, aleelo ku waalatay'. Put it differently, in the old days, the saying used to go: 'if it does not rain in Hargeysa, it is Garowe's fault'. And now, kids in Hargeysa are being told: 'if you do not go to sleep, PL is coming to take you'. Do that what you will.


This argument is made by many idoor with typically low IQ. Simple rebuttals:
  1. LA is on the main road. It has massive advantages as a location between Berbera, Bosaso and Koonfur. Buhoodle is in the middle of nowhere.
  2. Garowe, the previous capital of Sool, is growing as rapidly without the need for an idoor presence.
There is no evidence, at all, that the presence of idoor militia helped LA. The murders comitted by SNM actually dissuaded most Dhulbahante businessmen from investing in LA.

LA will grow faster under the control of its own people.
Buuhoodle suffered due to Doollo being a warzone. Now will Doollo at peace and development happening, I expect Buuhoodle to start growing. If a road to Wardheer ever gets built it will boom


Reformation of Somaliland

Here is a list, but I'll keep updating, circulate it in your groupchats, facebooks, tiktok wherever. The real war should be economic. If we cripple them financially, they are finished.

  1. Somaliland Airports
  2. Berbera Port
  3. Dahabshiil money transfer and SOMTEL
  4. Asli Maydi Frankincense- he’s a thief anyway and has court cases pending.
  5. Somaliland Beverage Industry-Coca Cola + other soft drinks.
  6. Boodhari Mills (flour)
  7. Budo milling (flour)
  8. Aadco Paper factory
  9. Waddani Milling
  10. Lis Dairies
  11. Asli health care company
  12. Budo detergent
  13. Safi detergent
  14. Tayo Plastic Factory
  15. Beexaan food industries (BFI)
  16. Illeys cleaning products
  17. IDIL Sunflower Oil

Advice your relatives who own shops to find alternative products and to read the label before purchasing, this way we can force shop owners to stop buying products made in Iidooria. Remember, the tax they pay goes towards killing and displacing innocent people.

You actually read all 20 pages to make this list...

The illness is real, you need to get help as this much hate is not good mentally


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Mashallah the real Dir expose the SL plot to sully the Dir name in their Urur Samaale cry for help

The β€œDir” that they are promoting , Jaarso whom are pro Oromo and denounces Cagjar and the Darood β€œcadow”

Apparently they paid some Madhibaan in Burco to join Urur Samaale habarwacasho

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I feel for dhulbahante and any clan who has to convince people to stay in their homelands and u still have people saying they are wrong. They never joined SL to begin with and it's not political is-gabgabsi issue it's a 'masiiri' issue, it doesn't matter how many different isaaqs or samaron or dhulbahante are president of SL, they will always be against it due to it being against it's 'clan wishes'.

They only agreed to keep the 'peace' between dhulos/isaaq and everyone stay in their clan territory, no-one agreed to creating anything even a 'federal admin' let alone a 'secession' one.


SL has to accept 'reason' and stop avoiding it for insanity. You can't say i don't respect somalia legal borders, this will make u a risk to the 'region n globe' as you 'spread' your fitna to other countries or other countries emulate your insanity to just carve itself a border and violate legal borders. The second issue is, you were founded thru 'violence', ur leaders even say that and boast about it, but anything found in violence will fall to violence so your not even a legit 'admin' with strong 'foundation'.

Infact i've predicted if SL does even survive a civil war, it will be like north korea or iran or eritrea and others who came to power thru 'violence', it will promote everything that is 'rogue' regionally and globally to cause as much violence as possible, why? it can keep its ppl busy with another 'fictional enemy' since somalia won't fill that 'void', plus it's unresolved clan issues will fester and fester till it explodes so it will need another 'fictional' enemy.


PL should play a positive force at all times and help these Isaaqs with 'sanity' and tell them to drop 'clan emotions' which will end up being a terrible outcome. It's in our interest GM/SL are peace/stable/growing, we don't want a violent 'north korea' model near us promoting all sort of instability due to being found violently, it will promote nothing but violence for us and others in the region and then finally fall to itself violently.


The whole muslim world needs to unite on terrorists not just Somalis, cause that's all they are, they refuse the elected govt of their respective countries, this small 1% globally is hijacking the muslim name and electing themselves saying they stand on the authority of god, and we know god doesn't elect people, so that's debunked, ppl elect their govt and these idiots simply self-elect themselves and no muslim stands up and says 'war naga taga or piss off' but actually join them in their rampage.

Firstly they using violence, anything built with violence will fall the violence, secondly the muslims have their own govts and system chosen by its people, u can't let 100 or so ppl go into a smal room and totally disregard the 99% people will. Muslim govts must take strong bold actions not 'we will talk to them', your talking to someone who self elected himself while saying they are god representative. The abdillahi yusuf method is the only way, u need to know when u r in the 'xaq' and never BEND DOWN to small group who self elect themselves, if u do it could begin a copy-cat of the nation doing the same.
You actually read all 20 pages to make this list...

The illness is real, you need to get help as this much hate is not good mentally

Do you really think you can kill our people, squat on our land, accuse us of the crimes you are committing and that we will still buy your products and contribute to your economy? 20 pages miyaa tiri? I will read 2000 pages if necessary.


Forza Somalia!
Somaliland claimed that Somali regional state in Ethiopia's forces participated in Las anod fight.
I don't know who is the political advisor of the Muse biixi Gov, but he is doing a good job.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Dhulbahantes made a mockery out of a united Isaaqs and Djibouti. Beautiful to see. The military damage is great but the political damage is worse.

