War in Sool

Madhibaan Garaad were given land by Dhulbahante right? They look and sound stronger, because they are. Isaaq are by far, the rudest to Gabooye people. In my opinion, it is because they have cuqdad about their own Bucur Bucayr roots.
Qabilika Idoor waa Frankenstein confederation of multiple groups forced into assimilation similar to Oromo. DNA proves everything that this Gabooye oday says. This is why they hate Dir and Gabooye groups in the North Somalia, they are the original inhabitants and are most likely from this groups but have become assimilated.

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Qabilika Idoor waa Frankenstein confederation of multiple groups forced into assimilation similar to Oromo. DNA proves everything that this Gabooye oday says. This is why they hate Dir and Gabooye groups in the North Somalia, they are the original inhabitants and are most likely from this groups but have become assimilated.

If it's true that the Tumaal graveyard (Xabaalo Tumaal) sits on 85 KM of land, we can guess where their descendants are living today. Muhammed Bin Hanif aka Bucur Bucayr used to rule the North-West of Somalia and his people and his children, didn't disappear into thin air.
Their hate for Gabooye people is a case of 'thou dost protest too much'

Anyway, don't let me derail this thread, the pagan Magician, Bucur Bucayr, and his Habro deserve their own thread.

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Cisse Elders condemn Laascaanod war so they arent responsible for Cumar Geele actions to support his in laws

Dhoodida road which is a rough road that sl uses for evacuating injured and getting supplies is now unusable after heavy rain. It's even hard for people to walk in that area when it rains forget heavy vehicles. Sl is now truly cut-off in goojacade.:rejoice:

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Irir Samaale conference today
Beesha should support a Laasqoray port we can supply goods along with Bosaso to North DDS while Garcad and Kismaayo can supply goods to the South.

Why build another port, when Bosaso and Garacad are your ports also? Every region doesn't need a port and an airport. We need to learn how to share and grow together.
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