Bismillah snm got no strategy 

Impossible, we have an arms embargo and Bulgaria is in the EU sxb. Very impossible. That’s propaganda. All the weapons SL have are from Yemen and old SNA inventory.They are unloading weapons from Bulgaria
Somalia Italiana Migiurtinia. Mahad Cambaashe and JS will discipline anti JSL democracy reer South Eastern Xudun bla bla blaWaiting to see how our sxb @Gadhwayne will spin this event.
Dfkm you did that annoying invisible spoilerSomalia Italiana Migiurtinia. Mahad Cambaashe and JS will discipline anti JSL democracy reer South Eastern Xudun bla bla bla
Somalia Italiana Migiurtinia. Mahad Cambaashe and JS will discipline anti JSL democracy reer South Eastern Xudun bla bla bla
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Wlhi this is so sad. The cowardly terrorist somaliland militia are shelling the city. A Hooyo and her 7 kids have been killed
nearly every single modern state has committed crimes against their own. People move on and elect better leaders. For example look at the death toll that happened on a random Korean Island. 15 years after this happened Korea went from a 3rd world country to a 1st world country. Somalis are just madax adagThe Chinese committed the worse crimes on each other with 20 million massacred being the current highest record. These barbarians are able to establish their own state & dominate the economic market yet we can’t forgive eachother because of aano qabiil?
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They say the plain landed in Sudan, shady weapon deals are still common. Bulgaria is known for that anyway. Like why suddenly a Plain from Bulgaria goes to SL in this particular momentImpossible, we have an arms embargo and Bulgaria is in the EU sxb. Very impossible. That’s propaganda. All the weapons SL have are from Yemen and old SNA inventory.