War in Sool

Hirshabelle’s former president from the Hawadle Tribe



Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Keep going SSC we need new Isaaq packs Muse Caarre and Ciise Muuse pack are okay but get us some new ones :pachah1::trumpsmirk:
where was Dir or Irir Samaale when they refused southern Somalis from Muqdisho to seek refuge in Berbera. They allowed Yemeni refugees to land but not other Somalis
Those who are defending Somaliland out of tribal reasons should know better



Fanatic SLers are looking for excuses and ways to divide Somalis.

Last month they called the Sool unrest a false flag led by Jigjiga and PL, after a while they started blaming Al Shabaab and the last couple weeks they started using Urur Samaale identity and are trying to cause division between Hawiye and Darood by claiming SSC is a Daroodist project and Somalia/Somaliland should not accommodate "Daroodism" politics.

Some gruesome pictures/videos.. I agree Sland is wrong for attacking lascanood but showing off the dead bodies of dead fellow Somalis regardless of polical differences is very bad in my opinion and would create more hate.

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
Some gruesome pictures/videos.. I agree Sland is wrong for attacking lascanood but showing off the dead bodies of dead fellow Somalis regardless of polical differences is very bad in my opinion and would create more hate.
U dont think There is enough hate already?


Forza Somalia!
Some gruesome pictures/videos.. I agree Sland is wrong for attacking lascanood but showing off the dead bodies of dead fellow Somalis regardless of polical differences is very bad in my opinion and would create more hate.
It is gross and graphic. But them who are in the ground mourning their dead relatives will not have that in mind

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
There's bro, but filming dead fellow Somalis is barbaric in my opinion.. Bury the dead and treat them with respect.
I dont understand why would u show respect to an enemy who didnt hesitate to pull the trigger, in a war or battle u Leave the morals aside, in this case its either be killed or kill mattet of fact dblock dont have an option as the isaaqs who is assualting they could stay in hergeysa or whatever but choose to come and Shell civilians.

im not rooting for bloodshed but ur take on this is soft If there was respect as u Said there would be no dhiig on the ground