War in Sool

I am happy 😊 Coz I know the result of this war will be ending capturing Garowe. I have full confidence with my ciidan, watch and see πŸ‘€

The only time Idoors have ever won is when Puntlands armed forces were concentrated in the South busy establishing, building and protecting the FGS.

If it was a real tribal mano to mano war, between Somaliland (Isaaq + Northern Dir) and Puntland (Darood), we'd all know how it would transpire.

It's practically Majeerteen dhaqan/past time releasing SL POWs, you're lucky we play nice.
Its unfortunate that UK and others have been funding the terrorists Hargeisa administration which have resulted innocent civilians being killed in Las anod .

Waa adigii hanjabiya, come look at your bakhti.

He's too busy wailing on Facebook. "Alla adeer wabaa"

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Conservative number of deaths of Musa Shani boys. These guys are in Jahanam for no reason.

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I doubt they are going to take them to the medics or the hospitals if they even have the proper supplies to treat such injuries. I'm still waiting for that guy from earlier to comment, It seems that after the slew of videos showing the Las Caanod defence force claiming victory they logged off. Hopefully it's forever.
Darawish commander β€œhere are the dead bodies of your boys you sent to Laascaanood, make sure you give them proper training before you send them to attack us again” Somaliland terrorist militias have been humiliated.

Aun to all the dead. Having said that, guul to the daraawiish. Muuse biixi militia were taught a lesson. Dhulbahante ku soo carar ma aha.

If muuse shaani has any brains left he'd stop spending more youth to their deaths and cease all assaults on lascaanood immediately. Next he should withdraw whatever militia he has to their respective regions. The will of the people will always prevail there is no need for more deaths.


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