We act black but we're not


This feels like it's written by one of those FBA people. Keep crying about it, bozo.

I personally don't use the n word, but I do not care if it upsets you that other Somalis use it.
We are civilised human being with a culture and identity linked to it, we are not crayons or colors that some 19th century White Supremacist race scientist tries to label us. Resist it.

I do not understand what Somalis get out of identifying as Black especially those outside USA where there no Black affirmative actions programmes, I can understand USA Somalis doing it. But other Somalis shouldn't.

Here in UK Somali guys do not identify as Black (only a small percentage do). It's mostly Somali girls that do because they have been bullied by Black girls and now they have Stockholm syndrome and Identify as Black and also harami Somali girls sleep around with black guys like identifying as black so they can feel closer to them.
I'm not here to make another "are Somalis X???" thread, we've had that discussion literally hundreds of times. I just want to point out a growing hypocrisy I see amongst certain Somalis that's not getting called out enough.

I've noticed that many Somalis like to distance themselves from being labeled as 'black American', some even go so far as to demean black folks with racially abusive language

Yet you can't help but wonder why they are so immersed in black culture, they speak AAVE, have the same fashion choices, the same obsession with the N-word, they listen to hip-hop, every English Somali musician sounds like their favorite black artist

It seems like Somalis enjoy taking from black culture (Rap, N-Word), and hate being referred to as Madow. Basically enjoying the fruits of the black experience while trying to avoid the backlash it entails

I'm not gonna tell you to stop wearing sneakers and to stop listening to Kendrick, that's stupid, you can like whatever you like. But it helps to at least be self-conscious.

It's simple. If you don't think you're black then stop acting like it, I understand if you grew up in a black hood and it's natural to talk and behave that way, but at least stop saying the N-word, it's cringe, it's not yours, your ancestors didn't go through it.
Go tell Asians, Whites and the whole world who listened to hiphop. Hell go tell Eminem. Shouldn't Black Americans have more smoke for Whites acting like them? Why us? We didn't do anything to them lol. This smoke makes no sense.

Perhaps you have an identity crises and applying to the rest of us. It is a phase and we all go through it. You are human and you are all those identities Black, Muslim, Arab influenced, Somali, your tribe lol. Embrace it all. And don't let them bully you!!! Bring your Somali out. Believe me our temper>>>> their temper, I find White/Black Americans to be less aggressive easier to deal with. They just aren't used to us and think we are like aliens. They will get used to it, the Jamaicans did.

So you're black the same way Ice Cube is?
Okay so here is when I get annoyed. Black Americans (I love them) are powerful people and I respect them especially in the 60s. They respected Africans booting out the Europeans too, we were all connected. But not there is no movement to shit on East Africans that has been started by Trump with Obama. Ever since he was the President they push this FBA. And White people have done a number of abuse on them so they ended up mimicking their abuse (they aren't the only ones), so they like asking are you black? When we say we are, they end up saying we don't act Black or we are Arab wannabes and all this garbage.

They are mixed more than your average Somali. We have Arab influence in the same way they have Mexican/Latino influence. Go to L.A they have Latinos, Tacos etc. Why? They share a border. Well East African is close to North Africa, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. So leave us alone, yes we have Arab influence that dates back longer than them being in America.

Last time I checked all of the Abrahamic religions started in the M.E so again leave us alone? They just picked Issa (als) and they worship a man, we don't. So we don't worship Arabs. I don't hate Arabs either to prove my Blackness, leave us alone.
We are civilised human being with a culture and identity linked to it, we are not crayons or colors that some 19th century White Supremacist race scientist tries to label us. Resist it.

I do not understand what Somalis get out of identifying as Black especially those outside USA where there no Black affirmative actions programmes, I can understand USA Somalis doing it. But other Somalis shouldn't.

Here in UK Somali guys do not identify as Black (only a small percentage do). It's mostly Somali girls that do because they have been bullied by Black girls and now they have Stockholm syndrome and Identify as Black and also harami Somali girls sleep around with black guys like identifying as black so they can feel closer to them.
Right exactly!! I will make my own race, we are the Original Race (OR) lmao and science backs up. So these people are our (East African's) children bickering.
I’m truly not trying to be rude here but seriously educate yourself. This is not it.
I've been done with your nagative attitude if you are going to engage with me do it politely otherwise I will return the nagativety and you said like 3 time you're never gonna reply to my posts again so here you are again I'm not suprised but just be polite which you can't even though you're like 32 years old or something.

Here is quote from a month back that was like the 3rd time you said something like that. But you keep coming back.
Wish you the best. You’ll probably never get a reply from me
And the referencing me and shading me
I just can’t get over the fact that he used Quora as some sort of reference.
It would be three LONG paragraphs and I just can’t be bothered anymore. But I’ll touch upon some points.

One example though: Black educational attainment? That doesn’t have anything to do with being black. Check UK results, Nigerians and other West Africans do better than white kids. In America, Igbo people who are West African are also very high achieving.

A lot of his points are influenced by far-right speaking points and those points are used against Somalis everyday by those cadaan gaals. His mentality clearly fits into my point I made in my original post which you can check out, the last paragraph. His aversion to blackness is based on white racists views of black people and it comes from a place of low self-esteem. If black people had better PR rep, he’d be claiming them. His bullet points make it clear that societal views of black people is what drives his rejection.
Of all the points I've made you can't refute my argument you try to have a go at one of the points which is the education one and everybody knows Nigerians in America brings their best people/youth to America so that isn't availd argument but you are wrong about UK the West Africans do not do better than all whites, the White Irish do better than all 'West Africans' and all other Africans and Blacks.

Adigu Babatunde jelida, Youve always been gassed about them Nigerians and West Africans you said you grew up with them and love them so from now on I'm gonna call you fufulina or Jollofina 'Angelina aka Jollofina' 🤣 and I heard someone say on here you used to party with West Africans, when you said you used to date around is that who used to date man like Babatunde 🤣
A lot of his points are influenced by far-right speaking points and those points are used against Somalis everyday by those cadaan gaals. His mentality clearly fits into my point I made in my original post which you can check out, the last paragraph. His aversion to blackness is based on white racists views of black people and it comes from a place of low self-esteem. If black people had better PR rep, he’d be claiming them. His bullet points make it clear that societal views of black people is what drives his rejection.
You have no logical argument to rebut me other than cheap ad-hominem trying to label me as far-right or self-hating because the truth is for Somalis what is the point in being black if you share all negative stuff with them but none of the positive stuff, then that would make Somalis the inferior blacks who can't sing dance rap run jump.
We are civilised human being with a culture and identity linked to it, we are not crayons or colors that some 19th century White Supremacist race scientist tries to label us. Resist it.

So humans are not crayons and shouldn't go by colours but "White" Supremacists exist.

I do not understand what Somalis get out of identifying as Black especially those outside USA where there no Black affirmative actions programmes, I can understand USA Somalis doing it. But other Somalis shouldn't.

Black isn't a "race", this is what the 19th century race scientists pushed which got debunked. It's a description that has been in use long before they came along. Our ancestors were referred to as black, we have records of that.

Here in UK Somali guys do not identify as Black (only a small percentage do). It's mostly Somali girls that do because they have been bullied by Black girls and now they have Stockholm syndrome and Identify as Black and also harami Somali girls sleep around with black guys like identifying as black so they can feel closer to them.

You don't have to come up with wild theories. Acknowledging our blackness isn't due to trauma or coming from a place of degeneracy, authubillah. As @Angelina pointed out, those who deny being black do so due to insecurity and a concern for how people view them. You'll notice those who are vocal about not being black also have the worst stereotypes of other black people. It's not difficult to see why they're desperate to distance themselves.

It's mostly Somali girls that do because they have been bullied by Black girls and now they have Stockholm syndrome and Identify as Black and also harami Somali girls sleep around with black guys like identifying as black so they can feel closer to them.
Also, what happened to humans not being crayons? Or is that just applicable to Somalis?
As @Angelina pointed out, those who deny being black do so due to insecurity and a concern for how people view them.

If East Africans were formally classified as Caucasoids and given the white label, I doubt there would even be an argument or long essays written about why we are not whites. I am 100% sure of it.

I've been done with your nagative attitude if you are going to engage with me do it politely otherwise I will return the nagativety and you said like 3 time you're never gonna reply to my posts again so here you are again I'm not suprised but just be polite which you can't even though you're like 32 years old or something.

Here is quote from a month back that was like the 3rd time you said something like that. But you keep coming back.

And the referencing me and shading me

Of all the points I've made you can't refute my argument you try to have a go at one of the points which is the education one and everybody knows Nigerians in America brings their best people/youth to America so that isn't availd argument but you are wrong about UK the West Africans do not do better than all whites, the White Irish do better than all 'West Africans' and all other Africans and Blacks. View attachment 333071
Thanks for this. Black West Africans are doing better than White British people. Hence clearly they don’t have low educational attainment as you tried to claim. I never said they’re doing better than ALL white people but on average they’re doing better than whites since only the Irish surpass them. That clearly goes against your original point.
Adigu Babatunde jelida, Youve always been gassed about them Nigerians and West Africans you said you grew up with them and love them so from now on I'm gonna call you fufulina or Jollofina 'Angelina aka Jollofina' 🤣 and I heard someone say on here you used to party with West Africans, when you said you used to date around is that who used to date man like Babatunde 🤣
That’s not true @Man with a garuun made that up when I had an argument with him.
You have no logical argument to rebut me other than cheap ad-hominem trying to label me as far-right or self-hating because the truth is for Somalis what is the point in being black if you share all negative stuff with them but none of the positive stuff, then that would make Somalis the inferior blacks who can't sing dance rap run jump.
I never said you’re far right. Clearly comprehension is an issue with you? Why would I think a Somali would be far right? I said your points are influenced by them. That’s totally different and it’s true since everything you’ve listed out is what they say as well and they say it about us as well.

I don’t believe in the point you made about black people that’s my point. Also, black people aren’t homogenous and that’s my biggest issue with your points. A Senegalese is very different culturally to a Jamaican but under your world paradigm they have the same cultural issues which couldn’t be further from the truth. That’s why i said educate yourself.
I never said they’re doing better than ALL white people but on average they’re doing better than whites since only the Irish surpass them. That clearly goes against your original point.
You are backtracking now Jollofina this is what you said I quote "Check UK results, Nigerians and other West Africans do better than white kids" they obviously don't do better than White Irish kids, so you were wrong there. If you look at the chart it's only the Gypsies/Travellers that are bringing down the overall White score with their abysmally very low scores if you take them away the the average White score would be higher than the average black score.
Also data collected in South London which broke downa plurality of African backgrounds it said that Somalis achieved higher than Nigerians and Ghanaians, so there goes your pro West African talking points.

I don’t believe in the point you made about black people that’s my point.
What points don't you believe? Go ahead and do your 3 paragraphs you said couldn't be bothered to do.

Also, black people aren’t homogenous and that’s my biggest issue with your points. A Senegalese is very different culturally to a Jamaican but under your world paradigm they have the same cultural issues which couldn’t be further from the truth. That’s why i said educate yourself.

I see you are trying to move goalposts here and trying to insert religion into the discussion I'm not dumb like you and that is so typical of you when you are losing an argument always twisting and moving goalposts, well then put it this way Anglophone Christian Niger-Congos and their descends in the America's/Carribean through the slave trade have so much similarities you could call them homogenous especially the second generation youth in UK, same as any other Niger-Congo Africans and their descendants in the America's/Carribeans just put the same religion and language of their coloniser, simple.
Jollofina you need to look at things trough the lens of realism not through the influence of your blm xalimos whylich you're influenced by and also the white supremacist who'll try to call you black, you try to accuse me of being influenced by White racist but you are a hypocrite as you are the one who is influenced by them by accepting their labels to be put on you whilst I reject and put my middle finger up to White right-wing racists. So instead of being brainwashed by pro-blacks and white-racists how about you try and educate yourself.
You are backtracking now Jollofina this is what you said I quote "Check UK results, Nigerians and other West Africans do better than white kids" they obviously don't do better than White Irish kids, so you were wrong there. If you look at the chart it's only the Gypsies/Travellers that are bringing down the overall White score with their abysmally very low scores if you take them away the the average White score would be higher than the average black score.
Also data collected in South London which broke downa plurality of African backgrounds it said that Somalis achieved higher than Nigerians and Ghanaians, so there goes your pro West African talking points.

What points don't you believe? Go ahead and do your 3 paragraphs you said couldn't be bothered to do.

I see you are trying to move goalposts here and trying to insert religion into the discussion I'm not dumb like you and that is so typical of you when you are losing an argument always twisting and moving goalposts, well then put it this way Anglophone Christian Niger-Congos and their descends in the America's/Carribean through the slave trade have so much similarities you could call them homogenous especially the second generation youth in UK, same as any other Niger-Congo Africans and their descendants in the America's/Carribeans just put the same religion and language of their coloniser, simple.
Jollofina you need to look at things trough the lens of realism not through the influence of your blm xalimos whylich you're influenced by and also the white supremacist who'll try to call you black, you try to accuse me of being influenced by White racist but you are a hypocrite as you are the one who is influenced by them by accepting their labels to be put on you whilst I reject and put my middle finger up to White right-wing racists. So instead of being brainwashed by pro-blacks and white-racists how about you try and educate yourself.

Why are you calling her a Jollofina? You realize this is an insult that South Africans use for Nigerian women? How weird.
Why are you calling her a Jollofina? You realize this is an insult that South Africans use for Nigerian women? How weird.
Actually it's what South Africans, Kenyans call their females who love Nigerians. And we have ourselves the Somali equivalent on this forum so that's why I call her it, oh and it rhymes too 🤣 Angelina aka Jollofina 🤣

If she could argue and debate respectfully without any back handed insults, I wouldn't have called her it, she needs to control her attitude with me.
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You are backtracking now Jollofina this is what you said I quote "Check UK results, Nigerians and other West Africans do better than white kids" they obviously don't do better than White Irish kids, so you were wrong there. If you look at the chart it's only the Gypsies/Travellers that are bringing down the overall White score with their abysmally very low scores if you take them away the the average White score would be higher than the average black score.
Dont lie, they’re also doing better than White British. The only one white group that are doing better than West Africans are the Irish. Check the results.

At this point, you argue for the sake of it and you look silly in the process.

You clearly lied and said black people have low achievement rates. If that’s the case how come they’re doing better than the actual Natives of Britain? It’s you who back tracked and one think I hate is a nasty liar which is why I’m rude to you.
Also data collected in South London which broke downa plurality of African backgrounds it said that Somalis achieved higher than Nigerians and Ghanaians, so there goes your pro West African talking points.

What points don't you believe? Go ahead and do your 3 paragraphs you said couldn't be bothered to do.
I couldn’t be asked with you since I genuinely think you’re ignorant and refuse to educate yourself. My points below will indicate how out of the loop you are. At this point it’s embarrassing.
I see you are trying to move goalposts here and trying to insert religion into the discussion
How? Why can’t I insert religion? Are Cameroonians, Senegalese and half of Nigerians not black because they’re Muslim?! I’m showing you how unsophisticated your world view is and how it lacks any semblance of logic.

Why can’t I bring up that fact that at least 50% of West Africans are Muslim? The only reason why you’d have issues with it because it makes your argument harder to articulate.

I'm not dumb like you and that is so typical of you when you are losing an argument always twisting and moving goalposts,

well then put it this way Anglophone Christian Niger-Congos and their descends in the America's/Carribean through the slave trade have so much similarities you could call them homogenous especially the second generation youth in UK, same as any other Niger-Congo Africans and their descendants in the America's/Carribeans just put the same religion and language of their coloniser, simple.
Language? Are you that dumb about the world around you? OMG I’m debating with an uneducated fool😂.

Yoruba? Fulani? Igbo? Twi? And the list continues but they speak the same language as Caribbeans who ONLY speak English? They don’t even have the same culture as Caribbeans as well. Honestly this is why I come for you.
You literally know nothing.

Even within one tribe in Nigeria you have Muslims and Christians. Does a Christian Yoruba have the same culture as a Caribbean or a the same culture as a Muslim Yoruba? What about language, food, customs?

You don’t read, don’t have an understanding of history and think Qoura is a source.

You’ve proved my point as to how painfully ignorant you are and you have the audacity to call me dumb. Wallahi I’m embarrassed for you. How about you read instead of trying to debate me?!

As for the second generation, they speak English, the same way second generation Somalis speak English since they’re in the West. What a silly point indeed.

Jollofina you need to look at things trough the lens of realism not through the influence of your blm xalimos whylich you're influenced by and also the white supremacist who'll try to call you black, you try to accuse me of being influenced by White racist
Yes, you are. You’re like those dumb Americans who think all black people have the same culture and language. I’ve clocked you.

You even used the lie that black peoples as a whole have low educational attainment and that all of them have a culture of single motherhood when that isn’t the case for West Africans. You’re basing blackness as being only AA and Caribbean cultures and you don’t understand the diversity of cultures and that’s definitely a racist white world paradigm.
but you are a hypocrite as you are the one who is influenced by them by accepting their labels to be put on you whilst I reject and put my middle finger up to White right-wing racists.
No, you don’t. Your self esteem hinges upon them which is why you’ve tried to say black people have low educational achievements despite being better than White British people. Where did you get that thinking from Zob?

You’re not fooling everyone, even @Journey gathered you and saw the proof in the pudding.
So instead of being brainwashed by pro-blacks and white-racists how about you try and educate yourself.
Another Low IQ point. Nigerians and other West Africans do not have the same culture as AAs and Caribbeans. They have lower single motherhood rates, higher educational achievements and the list goes on. You’re so dumb that you think people who are far removed by 400 yrs due to the slave trade are the same because they’re of a similar origin that spans centuries? Do you think cultures stay stagnant? How are you comparing Caribbeans who don’t have a native language and don’t even know what West African country they hail from and compare them to people that have their own language and customs? I could go into detail to teach you history but I can’t be bothered with someone who cant even grasp simple realities.

You dont know what you’re talking about and this is why I say educate yourself. It’s Caribbeans and AAs that have the social issues you’ve pointed out and if you look at the UK results, it’s Caribbeans that do badly NOT West African.
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How? Why can’t I insert religion?
So now you admit to moving the goalposts. Well done on owing it, it's always been your modus operendi because you have always been a deceiving, lying, hypocritical and manipulating.

You tried to move the goalposts on me to try get a cheap 'I gotcha moment' but you failed as I organised and assorted them together based on religion and European-coloniser language spoken in the countries.

Are Cameroonians, Senegalese and half of Nigerians not black because they’re Muslim?! I’m showing you how unsophisticated your world view is and how it lacks any semblance of logic. Why can’t I bring up that fact that at least 50% of West Africans are Muslim? The only reason why you’d have issues with it because it makes your argument harder to articulate.
This is another example of your manipulation tactics because you tried to bring up Senagalise and Jamaicans then if I went ahead without checking that, you would immediately played the religion card on me and said 'oH jAMaicCuNs Hve dIfFuRUnt cULtUrE BECuz They Christian and Senegalese are Muslims.' I won't fall for your low-brow manipulation tactics. Just compare Christian Niger-Congoid Africans and their descendants in the Americas/Carribeans that speak the same colonise language like English and for the rest just apply them to the same religion and coloniser language (French, Portugese, Spanish etc.) so can for example compare a second generation Christian Igbo Nigerian and a 2nd Generation UK Black South African or a second generation Christian Jamaican.

So don't try to compare a Senegalese who are Franco phone and Muslim to a Jamaican who are Anglophone and Christian. Don't be silly, compare those that are comparable.
Language? Are you that dumb about the world around you? OMG I’m debating with an uneducated fool😂.

You are a hypocrite by trying to call me uneducated but you are the one here whos doing unorganised comparisons, that is what what dumb ignorant fool uneducated does. I'm gonna use words now I quote "I’m showing you how unsophisticated your world view is and how it lacks any semblance of logic." and flip it on you wallahi it's very ironic whatever you try to denigrate me with, it's you who actually guilty of it because it was you who tried to compare a Senegalese with a Jamaican whilst I said to compare the that are the same religion and same euro language.
Yoruba? Fulani? Igbo? Twi? And the list continues but they speak the same language as Caribbeans who ONLY speak English? They don’t even have the same culture as Caribbeans as well. Honestly this is why I come for you.
You literally know nothing.
Jollofina don't try and play dumb you know damn well I know they have their native languages (as I've been using the term - Niger-Congo all this time, I know you're not honest with me but do you honestly think I don't know?), so are simply now trying to misquote me and shifting the goalposts again I said "Anglophone" as in countries that have English as one of the Official/National languages alongside their native languages (an example of a Anlgolphone Niger-Congoid country is Nigeria
and Gambia, Tanzania, Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, etc)
almost all Niger-Congoid African countries they have a main European language
Even within one tribe in Nigeria you have Muslims and Christians. Does a Christian Yoruba have the same culture as a Caribbean or a the same culture as a Muslim Yoruba? What about language, food, customs?

Do not misquote me again I never said they have the same exact same culture but I meant all have alot similaraties when they have same religion and same official coloniser language

For foods all Niger-Congoids and descendants in Carribean have similar cultural Foods they all have dishes that include Yam, cassava, dried meats, Mille and plantain (not to mention all their fish are very old in their cuisines and red meat tends to be very hard compared to Somalis) sand almost all Niger-Congoids in Africa and Carriebean have copied Jamaican foods like patties, jerk chicken in the Carribean and Niger-Congoid Africa I know that as I've tried those Ghanaian and Nigerian restaurants. Fufu which which originally is Ghanaian is now a staple in all Niger-Congoid countries in Africa they just have differing names like Ugali in Kenya.
(Somalis don't really share this stuff with Niger-Congoids)

In Language for example when Anglophone Niger-Congoids countries in Africa and their descendants speak English they speak in pidgin dialect even the BBC has a BBC Pidgin news site which both Anglophone Nigerians and Jamaicans in their respective countries read.
Also you might underestimate how Niger-Congoid languages speakers of Bantu languages like Shona (Zimbabwe) and Chewa (Malawi) are mutually intelligible and can understand each other a little bit like how Oromo's can understand some Somali for e.g.
Miss Jollofina I'll even use your beloved Nigeria as an example Yoruba language speakers and Edo language speakers have lexical similarity of about 56% whilst Yoruba and and Igbo have a lexical similaraties of about 51% and also share several similar phonetics, grammer, vocabulary and mutual loan words, so some of those can understand each other.

Jollofina you need some education you come as very daftlook in Niger-Congoid Africa you have Anglophone, Franco phone and euros

This what I meant as your clearly low IQ and have poor comprehension.

As for 'customs' all Niger-Congoids Christians and their descendants in the America's/Carribeans have similar way of Church customs which involves large load of gospel singing (often known as negro spirituals) compared to European and Latino Christians.

As for culture all Niger-Congoids and their descendants in America's/Carribeans have a certain dancing style which mainles evolves around the hips so they have their variations of twerking, clappping funto cheeks what they do the women and a lot of men dances involve hip movements. Also a lot of Niger-Congoids Africans practise Voodoo Juju Sixir way more than non Niger-Congoid Africans

You don’t read, don’t have an understanding of history and think Qoura is a source.

You’ve proved my point as to how painfully ignorant you are and you have the audacity to call me dumb. Wallahi I’m embarrassed for you. How about you read instead of trying to debate me?!
Nope you tried to debate me like I'm ignorant by trying too throw some bait manipulation tactics and goalpost-shifting but I've pointed it out and now you're just throwing some emotional tantrums because you're frustrated I'm cooking you in debate and I won't let you resort to underhanded tactics like that.
As for the second generation, they speak English, the same way second generation Somalis speak English since they’re in the West. What a silly point indeed.
Jollofina you're dunce did you not read what I stated in reference to this paragraph or do you have a reading comprehension of a year 3 little brat. I said because of the similaries of Niger-Congoids and their descendants in the Carribeans their second generation youth are very homogeneous most times people coundnt tell the difference between them except for trained-eyes like me and maybe some giveaways like surnames for second generation (oLUwaBAba a Nigerian e.g.) and third/fourth generation African Christians many off them they simply do away with them and get anglisized surnames.

Like a typical brain-dead radical feminist you all lack any logic, all above I stated Somalis do not share nothing cultural with Niger-Congoids (your second generation language point is moot) and the descendants in America's/Carribean, so don't try to lump Somalis into the equation now.
Dont lie, they’re also doing better than White British. The only one white group that are doing better than West Africans are the Irish. Check the results.

Jollofina I don't know if you've dropped in the head when you were young or something are you that stupid to not know that Irish are White so your claim has been debunked when you said West African and Nigerians do better than White kids but they don't do better than White Irish. You need to stop changing the goalposts you never said "White British" you said White Kids. Then you go on to repeat what I proved you wrong about, you're very peticulous and can't accept when you've been rubuked.

You clearly lied and said black people have low achievement rates. If that’s the case how come they’re doing better than the actual Natives of Britain? It’s you who back tracked and one think I hate is a nasty liar which is why I’m rude to you

When did I lie? Blacks do have low achievement rates and so do Whites, they both do it's a very marginal difference and they both overall score under 50.0 which is low, but I still proved your claim wrong, so you went as usual to start lying, shifting the goalposts and started twisting after being proved wrong and changed it to "Native White British Kids" instead of what you originally said "White Kids" Because I layed down some facts to you that White Irish perform better than Nigerian and West Africans,tafter I presented that fact what do you? Typical Angelina aka Jollofina always goes moving the goalposts when she's been proven wrong.

You even used the lie that black peoples as a whole have low educational attainment and that all of them have a culture of single motherhood when that isn’t the case for West Africans. You’re basing blackness as being only AA and Caribbean cultures and you don’t understand the diversity of cultures and that’s definitely a racist white world paradigm.
Jollofina sometimes I think Babatundes have put their imprint onto you the way you bootclap for them so much. I posted a official Govt data chart for 2022 GCSE results, I don't know your blind or you have Babatundes .. still in your eyes impeding your sight, it shows the overall black score to be under 50.0 (it is 48.6) which I said is low and I still stand by what I said I dont backtrack and shift goal-posts like you, below 50.0 is low do you get it now and stop trying to compare to Whites I don't care White is you always trying to measure up to them as the hypocrite and projecter you are it's you has White Paradigm mindset not me.

Anything under 50.0 is low get that through your thick head.

Also 50.9 score for Black Africans includes Somalis gen-z's not only your dear Nigerian and West Africans so get that through your tick stubborn head, and even South London Somalis are doing better than them and I consider Somalis who are otherside of the river to be smarter. I believe it's Somalis who contribute to it are driving the up the 50.9. So you can get of out here with your Bubu FuFu Jollof propaganda Wallahi I just believe how daft you are it's like you are talking out your Nigerian smelling box that Babatunde input his dna on.

Data collected in the West African stronghold of South London shows Somali are going better than ALL of them hence why I don't want to be accociate with none of them and soon apparently there reports that Somalis could get there own category in the cencus so it's game over for pro-black bed wenches like you

I couldn’t be asked with you since I genuinely think you’re ignorant and refuse to educate yourself. My points below will indicate how out of the loop you are. At this point it’s embarrassing

Jollofina the thing is with you can't debunk what I'm saying and can't accept common sense so you just resort to lying, twisting, moving goalposts and manipulation. You literally have no argument.

At this this point I think you are troll you just keep going on bickering for the sake of it this is why I can't be asked asked to debate without a mediator in the future because you are narcissist who has a hard time accepting when you have been proven wrong by me.
Jollofina I don't know if you've dropped in the head when you were young or something are you that stupid to not know that Irish are White so your claim has been debunked when you said West African and Nigerians do better than White kids but they don't do better than White Irish.
You need to stop changing the goalposts you never said "White British" you said White Kids. Then you go on to repeat what I proved you wrong about, you're very peticulous and can't accept when you've been rubuked.
LOL, the data you used shows that black people overall are doing better than white people.

Also, doesn’t matter since earlier you claimed that black people have very low educational attainment. They don’t, they do even better than White British. Hence you were wrong originally. Even if I was wrong that they don’t do better than ALL white people, it doesn’t change the facts that your original points were indeed void.

When did I lie? Blacks do have low achievement rates and so do Whites, they both do it's a very marginal difference and they both overall score under 50.0 which is low,
If you truly believe both whites and blacks are low achievers, why did you point out that only black people are in your original point as a way to suggest that’s it’s something that makes black people inferior?

Black people as a whole are doing better than white kids and Pakistanis and mixed white and black. Clearly Black kids especially Africans are middle of the pack in terms of education. So why did you lie and say they’re low achieving?

Originally you clearly didn’t believe that since you wanted to use white racist talking points about black people’s low attainment.

Zob, you’re not slick. Cut it out.
but I still proved your claim wrong, so you went as usual to start lying, shifting the goalposts and started twisting after being proved wrong and changed it to "Native White British Kids" instead of what you originally said "White Kids"
Because I layed down some facts to you that White Irish perform better than Nigerian and West Africans,tafter I presented that fact what do you? Typical Angelina aka Jollofina always goes moving the goalposts when she's been proven wrong.
What brings black people down is Caribbeans who stand at 4.1. My whole point is, black people aren’t a monolith or homogeneous. Some groups that are seen as ‘black’ are doing a lot better than other groups hence it is wrong for you in turn to say that black peoples have low educational achievements since some ethnic groups clearly don’t.

The huge differences between Caribbeans at 41 and Black Africans at 50.9 should show you that you can’t group all madows as the same which you’ve tried to do. It’s a very simple point you can’t seem to understand.

below 50.0 is low do you get it now and stop trying to compare to Whites I don't care White is you always trying to measure up to them as the hypocrite and projecter you are it's you has White Paradigm mindset not me.
Yes you do care for whites. If you didn’t, you would have talked about how white have low educational attainment and you wouldn’t have created the impression that madows are the lowest which is why Somalis can’t possibly be black. You’ve used racist talking points that aren’t even accurate. That’s my issue with you.

Also 50.9 score for Black Africans includes Somalis gen-z's not only your dear Nigerian and West Africans so get that through your tick stubborn head, and even South London Somalis are doing better than them and I consider Somalis who are otherside of the river to be smarter. I believe it's Somalis who contribute to it are driving the up the 50.9. So you can get of out here with your Bubu FuFu Jollof propaganda Wallahi I just believe how daft you are it's like you are talking out your Nigerian smelling box that Babatunde input his dna on.
I believe or I know? I don’t care what you believe, show me the data.

Also, one of the reasons why I’m usually rude to you is because you’re a sick and lack any manners. Like what Muslim man talks about a woman’s box or being a bed wench or whatever? Like it’s as though your mother never taught you manners? It’s huge indicator of you being low IQ. Only vile people talk the way you talk.

Data collected in the West African stronghold of South London shows Somali are going better than ALL of them hence why I don't want to be accociate with none of them and soon apparently there reports that Somalis could get there own category in the cencus so it's game over for pro-black bed wenches like
Show me the data please.
Jollofina the thing is with you can't debunk what I'm saying and can't accept common sense so you just resort to lying, twisting, moving goalposts and manipulation. You literally have no argument.

I really can since you’re a fool. Nothing you said makes sense and it’s very telling that you completely ignored the asinine language mistake that you made. You’re so clueless about the world around you that you don’t know that W.Africans don’t speak English as a native language and that they have differing cultures to Caribbeans.
At this this point I think you are troll you just keep going on bickering for the sake of it this is why I can't be asked asked to debate without a mediator in the future because you are narcissist who has a hard time accepting when you have been proven wrong by me.
I’m not a troll, you’re the fool who is so far removed from logic that you thought W.Africans spoke English like Caribbeans and AAs.

Like I said, educate yourself. A great book you should read is:

Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire
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