We need to come together as a people & condemn this behaviour.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Nacaala why are you ignoring me!!

I want to be asked important questions too!!!1
Acudu billahi mina shadani rajiim.

I don't converse with magi's, soothsayers nor witches or warlocks.
Mogadishu is still the captial of Somalia so whatever negative that happens there will will reflect negative on the nation as a whole cause as far as the international community are concerned Mogadishu is still the capital city of Somalia wether you somalidiids like or or not.
Whatever negativity happens in Mogadishu has no negative effect on Somaliland. In fact it makes Somaliland's case as a peaceful country even more true. The international community already knows this.

As a fellow Somali I wish peace for Mogadishu and the rest of Somalia. I know the Somali people in Somaliland, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and the rest of the world would wish the same.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Whatever negativity happens in Mogadishu has no negative effect on Somaliland. In fact it makes Somaliland's case as a peaceful country even more true. The international community already knows this.

As a fellow Somali I wish peace for Mogadishu and the rest of Somalia. I know the Somali people in Somaliland, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and the rest of the world would wish the same.
As far as the federal government of Somalia & the international community are concerned Mogadishu is the capital city of somaliland, no one asked you about citiraaf, why does everything have to be about ictiraaf with these qaldans :oh6b81q:
As far as the federal government of Somalia & the international community are concerned Mogadishu is the capital city of somaliland, no one asked you about citiraaf, why does everything have to be about ictiraaf with these qaldans :oh6b81q:
No one is talking about itiraaf sxb. We're talking about the negative image Mogadishu has on the region.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
No one is talking about itiraaf sxb. We're talking about the negative image Mogadishu has on the region.
Not just the region but rather the whole country, see Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia & the federal government of Somalia resides there, Isaac are not regognised as a soverign country, take your fairytales elsewhere.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
You're a piece of shit who's sick in the head, @merka I love how you portray yourself not to be a qabiliste but you're the worst qabiliste ever.

I got time tonight !
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
:dwill: :dwill:

What does this mean abowe?? does this mean we're friends? does this mean you will involve me and my very important opinions™ in any future discourses you have?
There's no one stopping you from participating in this conversation, after all this is a public forum, by all means proceed.
You're a piece of shit who's sick in the head, @merka I love now you portray yourself not to be a qabiliste but you're the worst qabiliste ever.

I got time tonight !
Why are you so angry? :pachah1:

Before you start. Just so we're on the same page what do you mean by qabilist?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why are you so angry? :pachah1:

Before you start. Just so we're on the same page what do you mean by qabilist?
Don't insult our intelligence, reasoning with this one is like drawing water from a mirage, indoctrinated from the womb to believe citiraaf as if it were gospel.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Before engaging in battle, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) instructed his soldiers:

1. “Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)

2. “Do not practice treachery or mutilation.(Al-Muwatta)

3. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees.(Al-Muwatta)

4. Do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food.” (Al-Muwatta)

5. “If one fights his brother, [he must] avoid striking the face, for God created him in the image of Adam.” (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

6. “Do not kill the monks in monasteries, and do not kill those sitting in places of worship. (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

7. “Do not destroy the villages and towns, do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens, and do not slaughter the cattle.” (Sahih Bukhari; Sunan Abu Dawud)

8. “Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy; pray to God to grant you security; but when you [are forced to] encounter them, exercise patience.” (Sahih Muslim)

9. “No one may punish with fire except the Lord of Fire.” (Sunan Abu Dawud).

10. “Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and to not do wrong even if they commit evil.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

Verse in the Holy Quraan

4:75 (Y. Ali) And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!”

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