How does your family say the following word

  • Canjeelo

  • Laxoox

  • Canjeero

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Have you never met a lander πŸ’€
Idk, I never ask people their clans nor do my parents/ family elders tell us which person is from what clan. My family never talk about clans in front of us lol :dead: I've started learning about clans from sspot and brief online research. However unfortunately, there isn't a lot of written research that teaches somali tribes basics 101 (breakdown). All I know is that everyone around me knows it as canjeeLo or canjeeRo. I would love a basics class on which clan dominates which parts of somalia, what each clan is known for, a bit of history of each one, the relationships between clans...etc

Someone should teach Somlia clan 101 at a college or uni. I would definitely enroll lol :lolbron:
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Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Idk, I never ask people their clans nor do my parents/ family elders every tell us which person is from what clan. My family never talk about clans in front of us lol :dead: I've started learning about clans from sspot and brief online research. However unfortunately, there isn't a lot of written research that teaches somali tribes basics 101. All I know is that everyone around me knows it as canjeeLo or canjeeRo. I would love a basics class on which clan dominates which parts of somalia, what each clan is known for, a bit of history of each one, the relationships between clans...etc
The uk is a different jungle, tbh I always respected American somalis for never discussing qabil. From the little I know. You have dir, which have the cisse in dijbouti, and the gadabursi/samaroon that live in awdal mostly, somaliland even had a gadabursi president once. Then you have isaaq that live in sland, there's habar awal, habar yunis, habar jeclo and ciidagle which are the main isaaqi clans. Hy and ciidagle are part of garxajis so they're buddies. And in habar awal you have cisse muse and Saad musse which are both large clans. Hy and hj share burco and togdheer idk bout the others. Then you have darod which are spread everywhere really, most are in puntland with MJs etc I don't know where they live in the south tho, some live in somaliland hence why there's conflict in the sool region which is right by puntland, these guys are dulbahante and or warsengali I'm not sure. Then you have ogaden which is also darod. Then you have marexaan which is darod as well. And then hawiye which I know nothing about other than aideed and Ali mahdi.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Laxoox is somali why you niggas credit everything to dhegacas. They got laxoox from us not the other way around


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Laxoox is somali why you niggas credit everything to dhegacas. They got laxoox from us not the other way around
It's because southerns/North easterner want the idea of somalis originating next to Mogadishu to be the status quo. So they say canjeero is somali and not from Ethiopia, and laxoox is for sure Arabic straight from Yemen.


The uk is a different jungle, tbh I always respected American somalis for never discussing qabil. From the little I know. You have dir, which have the cisse in dijbouti, and the gadabursi/samaroon that live in awdal mostly, somaliland even had a gadabursi president once. Then you have isaaq that live in sland, there's habar awal, habar yunis, habar jeclo and ciidagle which are the main isaaqi clans. Hy and ciidagle are part of garxajis so they're buddies. And in habar awal you have cisse muse and Saad musse which are both large clans. Hy and hj share burco and togdheer idk bout the others. Then you have darod which are spread everywhere really, most are in puntland with MJs etc I don't know where they live in the south tho, some live in somaliland hence why there's conflict in the sool region which is right by puntland, these guys are dulbahante and or warsengali I'm not sure. Then you have ogaden which is also darod. Then you have marexaan which is darod as well. And then hawiye which I know nothing about other than aideed and Ali mahdi.
Interesting. I assumed that all the sub clans that started with "Habar" were hawiye, had no idea that many were isaaq :leon: There is too many somali clans :heh: I need a graph that shows a visual breakdown :deadosama:


Entitled uppity East African
It's because southerns/North easterner want the idea of somalis originating next to Mogadishu to be the status quo. So they say canjeero is somali and not from Ethiopia, and laxoox is for sure Arabic straight from Yemen.
Huh that’s not it 😭😭 caanjeero and laxoox are the same thing it’s just the names has nothing to do with Mogadishu


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Interesting. I assumed that all the sub clans that started with "Habar" were hawiye, had no idea that many were isaaq :leon: There is too many somali clans :heh: I need a graph that shows a visual breakdown :deadosama:
Hawiye is more related to isaaq then darod btw. And darod is huge, they have the most large clans and they cover everywhere but somaliand other than sool.