What is the outcome we southerners want.

Are you for letting somaliland go?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 57.1%
  • If won by war

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters
Horta why are we Somalis per longing this somaliland issue when they’ve been something for 30 years. That means you have adults who grew up seeing themselves as somalilanders. What should happen is those clans that don’t want to join this issaq project be allowed by them to join with Somalia and those that want to join them join somaliland. Or I can see this situation getting out of control where Ethiopia arms somaliland so that they win a war of independence so that they can slowly colonize it. At the end of the day Ethiopia and Kenya are the winners in this situation because the dream of a somaliweyn dies.
No offense to Isaaqs, but we need a huge border between us, like the Polish-Belarus border, with mines as well. If it is possible to build one like that, we should do it. The same should be done with Puntland as well. This is a frozen civil war, not one resolved by addressing any wrongdoings. The South won't start any war, but if the North does, it will be one you will regret for your whole lifetime. If you thought '91 was bad, stay within your border and do not cross it. And from what I can tell, you would have to surpass the Puntlanders. If they let you cross and attack us, Puntland would be genuinely fucked
TL;DR: The South won't start any wars; we'll maintain the current status quo for the foreseeable future. There will be no push for independence or annexation through force.
TL;DR: The South won't start any wars; we'll maintain the current status quo for the foreseeable future. There will be no push for independence or annexation through force.
The status quo cannot continue what is going to happen is they will eventually get recognization from Kenya and Ethiopia who want a weak Somalia. What needs to happen is Somalia makes peace with all the warring clans and smashes Al-Shabab and then one by one goes after those that have given recognition to somaliland including Taiwan we have china on our side then they can go to war with a weakened somaliland.
No offense to Isaaqs, but we need a huge border between us, like the Polish-Belarus border, with mines as well. If it is possible to build one like that, we should do it. The same should be done with Puntland as well. This is a frozen civil war, not one resolved by addressing any wrongdoings. The South won't start any war, but if the North does, it will be one you will regret for your whole lifetime. If you thought '91 was bad, stay within your border and do not cross it. And from what I can tell, you would have to surpass the Puntlanders. If they let you cross and attack us, Puntland would be genuinely fucked
Why would the hell would’ve Somalia build a wall against a region that claims to be apart of Somalia? Does that make sense to you?
The status quo cannot continue what is going to happen is they will eventually get recognization from Kenya and Ethiopia who want a weak Somalia. What needs to happen is Somalia makes peace with all the warring clans and smashes Al-Shabab and then one by one goes after those that have given recognition to somaliland including Taiwan we have china on our side then they can go to war with a weakened somaliland.
I meant the status quota as in, i do still believe that we need to clean house, beat AS. But as in we stay apart. I dont see FGS wanting to go to war for now
Why would the hell would’ve Somalia build a wall against a region that claims to be apart of Somalia? Does that make sense to you?
A strong border is needed, considering they are allowing Oromos to enter through their borders. Strong borders are necessary when the other side floods in illegal migrants from Ethiopia and refers to themselves as 'Oromos. Open border policy is BS
A strong border is needed, considering they are allowing Oromos to enter through their borders. Strong borders are necessary when the other side floods in illegal migrants from Ethiopia and refers to themselves as 'Oromos. Open border policy is BS
Sadly if Somalis don’t get their shit together we will see millions of Oromo and Amhara coming across they already inhabit the Somali region
Sadly if Somalis don’t get their shit together we will see millions of Oromo and Amhara coming across they already inhabit the Somali region
That’s why I want a strong border; I don’t trust Somali politicians to do the right thing. We should have a robust border, electrified, with hundreds of Somali border guards overseeing it. Nobody should be allowed in unless they come through legal means. I also don’t rule out the possibility of SL using Oromos as a bioweapon to reap chaos.

Internet Nomad

TL;DR: The South won't start any wars; we'll maintain the current status quo for the foreseeable future. There will be no push for independence or annexation through force.
So all you wanna do is impede progress because of your personal xasiidnimo. Like a toxic ex know when to let go.
Horta why are we Somalis per longing this somaliland issue when they’ve been something for 30 years. That means you have adults who grew up seeing themselves as somalilanders. What should happen is those clans that don’t want to join this issaq project be allowed by them to join with Somalia and those that want to join them join somaliland. Or I can see this situation getting out of control where Ethiopia arms somaliland so that they win a war of independence so that they can slowly colonize it. At the end of the day Ethiopia and Kenya are the winners in this situation because the dream of a somaliweyn dies.
I never cared about the issue, I just think some of them not seeing themselves as Somali is weird to me🤷🏿‍♂️.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Who are "Southerners" and who are "Northerners" these are innovations that do not make sense. They are not real identities.

But my stance on this issue is that Somalis must be politically unified at all cost even if violence needs to be used. I see all these micro states as nothing more than a way for foriegners to carve up the Somali peninsula.

Djibouti is not a real country, there is no identity called "Djiboutian", this is a French innovation. This is a state divided bewteen Somalis and Afars. The French originally called it "French Somaliland" but when Somalia was founded and we had Somali nationalists in Djibouti fighting to join Somalia, the French changed the name from French Somaliland to "French Territory of Afars & Ciise" notice how they never call Afars by the clans that live in Djibouti, but they single out us Ciise in Djibouti and try seperate us from Somalis In other regions? This was deliberately done by France to try make us separate from other Somalis and try push us into this new "Djiboutian" identity they created which they aimed to use as a proxy to Latinise us.

Likewise, all these other qabil states like Somaliland, Puntland ect. Are modern versions of this. Not as direct as the colonial days but maybe that's what makes them even better than before.

There are only two real identities, Somali and Muslim. Anyone trying to force a new "national" identity for their qabil state are an enemy and a soldier of Gaalo states who wish to colonise the Peninsula.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Who's a southerner and who's a northerner?! These meaningless words are thrown out without enough comprehension for its consequences.

One single clan out of all Somali clans rejected the flag and the union, it's their own fairytale project that will never come to fruition. Stop magnifying their delusions to satisfy their fragile egos.
South Somalia has a lot more to be worried about. They already have a lot on their plate. North West Somalia is not going anywhere.

Internet Nomad

Go take that fight with FGS like i give an f*ck.
I called and they said they will fix things up. They said they are sorry and it was all a misunderstanding.

I didn’t except them to be so hospitable but wait in the upcoming days for announcements that Somalia will recognise Somaliland.
Who are "Southerners" and who are "Northerners" these are innovations that do not make sense. They are not real identities.

But my stance on this issue is that Somalis must be politically unified at all cost even if violence needs to be used. I see all these micro states as nothing more than a way for foriegners to carve up the Somali peninsula.

Djibouti is not a real country, there is no identity called "Djiboutian", this is a French innovation. This is a state divided bewteen Somalis and Afars. The French originally called it "French Somaliland" but when Somalia was founded and we had Somali nationalists in Djibouti fighting to join Somalia, the French changed the name from French Somaliland to "French Territory of Afars & Ciise" notice how they never call Afars by the clans that live in Djibouti, but they single out us Ciise in Djibouti and try seperate us from Somalis In other regions? This was deliberately done by France to try make us separate from other Somalis and try push us into this new "Djiboutian" identity they created which they aimed to use as a proxy to Latinise us.

Likewise, all these other qabil states like Somaliland, Puntland ect. Are modern versions of this. Not as direct as the colonial days but maybe that's what makes them even better than before.

There are only two real identities, Somali and Muslim. Anyone trying to force a new "national" identity for their qabil state are an enemy and a soldier of Gaalo states who wish to colonise the Peninsula.
The whole idea of Somali Nationalism was created by the Colonists, Before every tribe ruled it's own land. Federalism addresses the TRIBAL factor, CENTRALISM DOESNT. It tries to ignore or brush it away like it will go away.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
The whole idea of Somali Nationalism was created by the Colonists, Before every tribe ruled it's own land. Federalism addresses the TRIBAL factor, CENTRALISM DOESNT. It tries to ignore or brush it away like it will go away.
No it was created By and for Somalis. I didn't know Harar was a colony? Somali Youth League in the 40s wanted a greater Somali state that encompasses even non-Somali ethnicities like Hararis and eastern Muslim Oromos. Who btw were on board with the idea.

We are in 2024, tribe cannot rule forever. Eventually the state will have to crush the tribe. There is not a single rich country that is decentralised.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
It's really about necessity. I don't blame Northern folks from wanting to leave as the current state of somalis is laughable. However it will probably be the nail in the coffin for a understandable and united population seeing as the current state of somalis in their own land is just death and destruction. The only way forward is to hear everyone out.