What is your guys opinions on why birthrate is so low in countries which are more developed?

Omar del Sur

With all due respect, how old are you and Omar? Do you know how much it is to put a basic roof over your head in London Saxib and do you honestly think it’s the same as paying for a basic Areesh in the outskirts of Xamar? You’re literally comparing apples and oranges.

Money doesn’t stretch in todays Western world and that is the problem. Once you can tell me how much the average 1bed in London and how much is the average salary, then we’ll talk.

well how many roofs does a person need? just one and you could have six kids in there. but that's not the norm for cultural reasons. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's just an observation on culture. you give the same space to people in more religious conservative countries they might have six kids in the same space where the Western couple has one kid and two pets.
That is definitely a part of it. Also, the view of quality over quantity pays a role and the state pensions. Africans history had a view that their children will be their pension. Not having kids Is a life of being at their mercy of your siblings and their kids who might not even care about you.
So they are forced to have children by their situation
well how many roofs does a person need?
One. Work with me. An average 1bed in London is around £1300. Average salary after tax around: £2200. How much does that leave for food and bills?
just one and you could have six kids in there. but that's not the norm for cultural reasons.
It simply isn’t feasible tbh. Where are they going to sleep? On top of each other? How are they going to study? In life people can live to survive. There is no doubting I suppose, but don’t expect fathers to give their daughter away to such circumstances or for wives to not work. Everyone wants their kids to at least have space.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's just an observation on culture. you give the same space to people in more religious conservative countries they might have six kids in the same space where the Western couple has one kid and two pets.
Like I said, it’s a lot more complicated than that. Although, yes secular values is one of main reasons.
Probably 20k-26k, but who said they need to live by themselves, they can live with parents or with friends
How can a married couple live with friends? I’m talking husband and wife and what if parents don’t have space as the husband has lots of brothers and sisters. Where will they sleep and raise their kids?

Do you not see how flawed your argument is?
How can a married couple live with friends? I’m talking husband and wife and what if parents don’t have space as the husband has lots of brothers and sisters. Where will they sleep and raise their kids?

Do you not see how flawed your argument is?
If you save up money from a young age and invest it properly and the same as your parents you could afford flat on the outskirts of london for a cheap price and live there. Thats what alot of people do

Omar del Sur

Fertility patterns of native and migrant Muslims in Europe

this is the test right here.... if it's higher in first-generation immigrants... then you know it's mindset and not just economics...

I haven't even looked at what it says- let me see

ok- I hadn't looked before I type the text above- now I looked:

"On average Muslims have about 40% higher fertility than the overall national levels (data for 24 countries). Average TFR of migrant Muslims in Europe (2.54 children per woman) is 52% higher than fertility of the countries they reside in and 54% higher than average TFR of native Muslims (1.66 children per woman). Muslims (whether immigrant or native) tend to be employment-wise and educationally disadvantaged as we show further."

so the meme is real:
How can a married couple live with friends? I’m talking husband and wife and what if parents don’t have space as the husband has lots of brothers and sisters. Where will they sleep and raise their kids?

Do you not see how flawed your argument is?
If you start working since you enter college and work all the way till the end of uni, save up and the same as your parents, and also get into a good degree which pays well, or you have a side hustle, you could afford a flat in london.
But noone does that because they either don't realise how hard ault life will be and how much money they will need or they just wanna have fun in their teenage years


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Fertility patterns of native and migrant Muslims in Europe

this is the test right here.... if it's higher in first-generation immigrants... then you know it's mindset and not just economics...

I haven't even looked at what it says- let me see

ok- I hadn't looked before I type the text above- now I looked:

"On average Muslims have about 40% higher fertility than the overall national levels (data for 24 countries). Average TFR of migrant Muslims in Europe (2.54 children per woman) is 52% higher than fertility of the countries they reside in and 54% higher than average TFR of native Muslims (1.66 children per woman). Muslims (whether immigrant or native) tend to be employment-wise and educationally disadvantaged as we show further."

so the meme is real:
It'd be best if you worried about your own sperm.

Omar del Sur

imagine if I told a woman she can't look at statistics and study sociological facts about society.... you feminazis just want to rule over men

you complain about "policing women" if men complain about women walking around half-naked... and then want to police the smallest details of male behavior and when it's not anything that's even something wrong... I don't know of any interpretation of Islam that says you can't study statistics about society... it is purely stepping over what is proper and without any just cause... I don't treat the feminazis like that

you feminazis even want to try to tell men what they're allowed to think.

wallahi I intend on coming for the feminazi ideology... that was completely unjustified to antagonize me like that and this is a common thing of feminazis
If you save up money from a young age and invest it properly and the same as your parents you could afford flat on the outskirts of london for a cheap price and live there. Thats what alot of people do
Yep, hard to do when you’re from a working class background and that is a lot of people that don’t have that support system.

Btw, how much do you think is a flat in Essex, Surrey or Reading?
Yep, hard to do when you’re from a working class background and that is a lot of people that don’t have that support system.

Btw, how much do you think is a flat in Essex, Surrey or Reading?
I know its cheaper than london, so I would assume a 1 bedroom flat is around 18k a year plus gas and elec and bills mayeb 28k a year
hard to do when you’re from a working class background
I know so many people who grew up on council estates but still found ways to make money and save up from a young age, If you put the work in from the age of 16-17 you can be pretty good by the time you are 25, its all about being smart and working hard.
The problem is most ppl who are working class grow up around bums so they adopt this lifestyle and become lazy like them. don't be fooled most of us in the UK are just lazy, the poorest people watch the most tv a day, poorer people usually party and go out to the bar and pub, they play around.
Alot of poor people work difficult jobs though I am not denying that, but most people in the west if they wanted could live decently,
Men don't need periods because they're forever emotional
Qeelbax do you actually think men are more emotional than women?
First you think men are on a similar level of horniness than women which is hilarious me hearing this as a man and all the men in the forum were probably laughing at you, but I cited multiple studies and so did reformed J which refuted you.
What other misconceptions about men do you have?
Probably 20k-26k, but who said they need to live by themselves, they can live with parents or with friends
Reer gaajo have it tuff I was making more than that working at Walmart at 17 :dead: I was getting 18 dollars an hour you niggas might as well go back to Somalia


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