What is your guys opinions on why birthrate is so low in countries which are more developed?

Syrias war is much newer and it isn't just a bunch of clans fighting. they actually have both Russia and America destabilizing them. There's levels to this.
America and Russia didn’t destabilize Syria out of nowhere, Syrians fought against their government, same case for Somalia. But that doesn’t matter, in this moment Somalia is much more peaceful and stable
Idk tbh, I can only go offf london prices, a flat here is 500k, i would assume its 400k in essex

Did you grow up in London?
Around that, if you’re lucky 350k and that is for a 1-2. London is ridiculous, for a three bed you’re looking around 600k-800k.

Yep, I did.
Around that, if you’re lucky 350k and that is for a 1-2. London is ridiculous, for a three bed you’re looking around 600k-800k.

Yep, I did.
Noone is buying properties in UK unless you are super rich, most ppl will rent or get a mortgage

Also I feel like you grew up in North London or maybe NW

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Its an combination of rising cost of living and rising irreligiousity. Deadly combo. Children were a must have back in the day and still are in developing countries. Kids needed to work the farm or herd the cattle. Also there is no pension so people have a lot of kids who will take care of them when they are older.

In developed countries, kids unfortunately can be a negative thing economically in the short term. Especially if you don’t have your finances in order. Let me clarify a little bit. If you are poor and have kids, you will not starce or get cold, life just becomes more hard. People want to live comfortably so they will unfortunately postpone having kids until they can’t postpone no more. Also if you are not religious, you will be more likely view kids as an hindrance rather then as a blessing (which they are).

I would still advice on having a lot of kids.
Kids are positive thing in the long run because after you become old they will take care of you. Having kids and raising them well is the best pension you can have. This is why I want multiple so I can retire when Im in my early 50s. If you raise them well you will also have people who unconditionally love and improve your quality of life. Its a no brainer.
Noone is buying properties in UK unless you are super rich, most ppl will rent or get a mortgage

Also I feel like you grew up in North London or maybe NW
Interesting LOOL why. What’s the stereotype about North Londoners? What gives you that ‘vibe’?

I feel like you group up in SE or SW. Probably SE.


Nothing is true; everything is permitted
I had an argument with a guy on the reasons why birthrate is so low, I argued that it was cultural reasons but he argued that it was financial reasons.

I told him then why do poorer people have more kids and he said because they need more kids as there is a chance they will make money for their family. For me his rebuttal made no sense because it has nothing to do with the amount of money they have it just has to do with their outlook on money, which goes down to the culture. Anyway what do you guys think, also please provide any research or articles or books you have read on this topic
no need to have children in those countries. like if you're poor (take a somali father in baadiyo for example) you wan't to have children because that means extra fire power and help with the camels. but if you already have an easy life, why have children? so, imo it's a need for labour that drives birth rates up.
And what gives you the vibe that I’m a fellow North Londoner?
Your smart.
I don't think a south or east London xalimo would talk like you, so u gotte be from North/North west.
West london somalis are too grimy I don't think you would come from west.

I'm thinking your from either brent/harrow or borrough of enfield
Men don't need periods because they're forever emotional
So, I would like to just cite one article for you, since your statement is xaar and makes no sense. Women in general scored higher on trait neuroticism. People that score higher on Neuroticism are more likely than average to be moody and to experience such feelings as anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, guilt, depressed mood, and loneliness.People who are neurotic respond worse to stressors and are more likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. They are often self-conscious and shy, and they may have trouble controlling urges and delaying gratification.



سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine

Same reason well off people don’t get married

it’s fear of poverty, not based on reality but due to lack of ability to take a leap of faith

having a child is a leap of faith

theres rationing, the road is bumpy, sometimes your kids might share cloths, you might shop at goodwill, you might have to ration food for a week to pay for their school. Everything that has value is risky, has high stakes , and needs management from a small shop to a farm

Cruise control is the sure path to atrophy
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the Gulf countries are known to be liberalizing. I somehow don't think the average person in Qatar is as religious as an average person in Yemen or Afghanistan.
Qatar literally helps fund Al Shabab they're definitely conservative :dead: also peep the other countries below. Bahrain isn't religious either?
I had an argument with a guy on the reasons why birthrate is so low, I argued that it was cultural reasons but he argued that it was financial reasons.

I told him then why do poorer people have more kids and he said because they need more kids as there is a chance they will make money for their family. For me his rebuttal made no sense because it has nothing to do with the amount of money they have it just has to do with their outlook on money, which goes down to the culture. Anyway what do you guys think, also please provide any research or articles or books you have read on this topic
Its due to industrialization and urbanization. Pre-industrial europe had a higher fertility rate because most lived in the countryside and children were free labor, but when industrialization happened and the families moved to the cities children used to work alongside their parents but now that children go to school they are no longer free labor


Women have economic freedom therefore stop being baby machines. simple as that. No matter what you do after the inevitable ‘female enlightenment’ whether you offer maternity pay etc the choose careers instead and have kids a lot later


Kids are expensive and it is also selfish to have kids in this world nowadays.

Also the guy is right, poor people have more kids because they see the kids as way to escape poverty or are bored and have nothing else to do but f*ck and since they are poor they lack protection.

I personally would not have kids for so many reasons.

If i care about the world, i should help those in the problem instead of adding to the problem.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
It’s really about faith
gaalo have lied to you, hunter gathers have low fertility rates and routinely practice infanticide

female infantcide and even general infanticide are common place among the most primitive cut off people, it’s pure greed and fear of sharing resources

only faithful Christians like Amish and Mennonites , practicing Jews, and Muslims have high birth rates


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