What's the most racist thing to ever happen to you?

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When I was 9 I was playing with some white girl on my area and she said come back my house, before my foot even got inside he screamed in my face 'the isn't coming into our house' .

1st and last time being called that, even though I didn't hear the name before I new it was bad, cried all
the way home.

2nd -I was on a bus when this mixed raced/light skin girl picked on me and not my other 2 somali friends by giving me dirty looks which I laughed off and than saying go back home- I said firstly you have a fucked accent how can you tell me to go anywhere when it's clear you haven't been in this country for very long, you have the audascity to tell me to leave, you so mixed up you think your white. Second you look like a tramp your benefits come from This immigrants taxes. I have a passport and you don't.. She begins to cry.

3rd incident a few years ago, me, my sister and cousins were on the bus, on for a few stops and this huge white guy sits right next to her. He was wearing one of those yellow jackets with paint all over him- some sort of builder. Anyway he said huffing and puffing, and giving everyone dirty looks, than suddenly he said go back to India to us!

I said were not indian were black can't you tell the difference and laughed. So he goes back to Africa than, so I said give me all my taxes since I started working from the age of 17, compensate me and I may think about it - he starts getting excited when I say everyone on this bus who's black or Asian btw should all get deported than I laugh and said that's how easy you racists are to munlipate- I'm not going no were I have a British passport! He gets so angry his face turns bright red - he doesn't utter a word more, silence.

All the times I've been called eritean black people - who than proceed to say you don't look somali- I just shake my head and say I look very somali and I'm proud!

Oh and the time I was going through a connecting flight in Chicago airport- I've never received such dirty looks from white ppl in my life!

Anyone else experience racism? If so please share your experiences.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
So, it was a few weeks after 9/11 and my mom always came to school to pick me up(she always brought me donuts).
anyways, I was 6 years old and in the first grade. my mother was wearing a niqaab that day. she came to my class and the teacher kinda gave her some dirty looks.
I remember the 's name (Ms. Bennet) she refused me to go with my own mother!!
Can you believe that?!
Then after that my mom revealed her face then she let me go.
As I was leaving the class she mumbled "Fucking Muslims, should go back to the shithole they came from."
Ofcourse I didn't understand cause I was a kid but I wish I could back hand that .
So, it was a few weeks after 9/11 and my mom always came to school to pick me up(she always brought me donuts).
anyways, I was 6 years old and in the first grade. my mother was wearing a niqaab that day. she came to my class and the teacher kinda gave her some dirty looks.
I remember the 's name (Ms. Bennet) she refused me to go with my own mother!!
Can you believe that?!
Then after that my mom revealed her face then she let me go.
As I was leaving the class she mumbled "Fucking Muslims, should go back to the shithole they came from."
Ofcourse I didn't understand cause I was a kid but I wish I could back hand that .

That's terrible Wallahi, how are things since trump won? I've been reading online, how so many ppl have been having racist incidents.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I've never experienced racism before.

But I know close friends who did and it's heartbreaking.
I had white friends in Finland and they used to let me in their house.
The first racism I experienced was when I moved to the UK. I was with my mom and siblings and this white guy thought we was Indian. He told us to go back to India.

That's about all the racism I ever experienced to be honest.
I lived in ME, Asia, Europe(vacation)and North America never felt racism, just some islamophobia and sexism. Sexism in this job when I trained the new guy after couple of months he became my Team lead.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Ethiopians throw the most shade because looking like Somalis and being 6 inches shorter than them doesn't bode well :mjlol:
the only time someone was openly racist towards me was about 6 years ago. i was on the bus on my way home from school when drunk cadaan guy got on. i was standing o the stairs and on his way to the upper deck he pumped into me. he assumed i was Bengali/paki so he started calling me every slur he could think off for Asians. paki , terrorist and bunch of other shit i never heard of. i didn't correct him and just kept cussing him back. the funny thing was, the bus was full of asians, men and women alike, and none of them had the balls to say anything to him. they could obviously tell i wasnt one of them but they ignored him.

in the end, some black guy came to the rescue after he started threatening to throw me out of the window.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Your parents should have done more to keep you in a multicultural society. Racism is everywhere, if you take a white kid to Somalia he will get the same treatment. Stop trying to be a victim and throw the shade back.

:mjlaugh: letting white trash and Pakis treat you like dirt


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Your parents should have done more to keep you in a multicultural society. Racism is everywhere, if you take a white kid to Somalia he will get the same treatment. Stop trying to be a victim and throw the shade back.

:mjlaugh: letting white trash and Pakis treat you like dirt
wait so u can't even talk about ur experience with racism in a thread called 'what's the most racist thing to happen to u' without playing victim? :ohhh:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
wait so u can't even talk about ur experience with racism in a thread called 'what's the most racist thing to happen to u' without playing victim? :ohhh:

Just offering advice. I know some people are SJW's who think it's cool to make us look like victims but for God's sake man we are Somalis, a proud people who don't take shit from nobody.


Cultural revolution
@OP I've never experienced it because white people here are racist on the DL not openly. I did fight with many black school mates tho because of them calling us names and us calling them names a lot. The white kids were all scared and beta to blacks and Somalis. Even Somali girls were on the top lol

Can someone explain this Indian shit to me?

We look nothing like them.

I blame the hair and facial features. They actually think we're dark skin Indians and even some dumb ass nigga I work with just called me one just this week. "Do I look like a mof'ing Indian to you nigga?". :ohlord:

"you don't look black tho" :snoop:

"Because im Somali not black" :ufdup:

"But aren't Samalians black and from Africa tho? you sure you're Samalian?" :snoop:

"Habarta usheeg balaayo san weyn" :wtf:
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