What's the most racist thing to ever happen to you?

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I been through a few Racist moments

I remember when I was a little kid 7 yrs old i was using the swings than a few kids came and stopped me saying arent allowed on these I was confused cause I didnt know what even was

Drunk Guy sees me eating a chocolate bar says you shouldnt eat that you Will get darker

Another time I went over to play with 2 other kids when one of em wrote with a crayon on the pavement and laughed I wrestled him and fed him sand than the teacher intervened

In 5th grade this Iranian Guy in class whose hella weird this dude was caught kneeling in front of a Wall praying that hitler comes back the Guy was even bragging about how hes seen his mom naked one day he comes to me spits at me cause Im a i beat him up and threw his ugly Buffalo shoes on a roof he went crying back to his mom


Cultural revolution
In 5th grade this Iranian Guy in class whose hella weird this dude was caught kneeling in front of a Wall praying that hitler comes back the Guy was even bragging about how hes seen his mom naked one day he comes to me spits at me cause Im a i beat him up and threw his ugly Buffalo shoes on a roof he went crying back to his mom

What the hell :dead:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
In 5th grade this Iranian Guy in class whose hella weird this dude was caught kneeling in front of a Wall praying that hitler comes back the Guy was even bragging about how hes seen his mom naked one day he comes to me spits at me cause Im a i beat him up and threw his ugly Buffalo shoes on a roof he went crying back to his mom

this nigga bought in to the aryan race bullshit wallahi lemme show him his mtdna and autosmal readings the fucking xooloo :pacspit:
Your parents should have done more to keep you in a multicultural society. Racism is everywhere, if you take a white kid to Somalia he will get the same treatment. Stop trying to be a victim and throw the shade back.

:mjlaugh: letting white trash and Pakis treat you like dirt

You are a national embarrassment.
This one Asian dude in high school said terrorist to me. But I had an easy come back cause the was korean, and he told everyone in class he went back to Korea for a month.
But the funny part is, his vacation coincided with Kim Jong Ill's death.

I told his ass in front of the whole class, "at least I didn't go pay homage to your dead dictator God last month"
Then the whole class laughed and he started getting defensive.
He used to always say he was Christian and I would interrupt him and scream "you worship the Kim family"

Fight bigotry with bigotry, it always works.


Actually I only experienced discrimination once and it was in Somalia. Some punk ass small shop owner told me that diaspora Somalis weren't welcome in his shop. He didn't know anything about me and said it after he picked up on my accent.:pacspit:


Fortunately havent experienced anything. If anything it's like [White] ppl kiss ass and are inquisitive and nice, in my experience, but I feel like maybe it's a different experience for guys sometimes
This one Asian dude in high school said terrorist to me. But I had an easy come back cause the was korean, and he told everyone in class he went back to Korea for a month.
But the funny part is, his vacation coincided with Kim Jong Ill's death.

I told his ass in front of the whole class, "at least I didn't go pay homage to your dead dictator God last month"
Then the whole class laughed and he started getting defensive.
He used to always say he was Christian and I would interrupt him and scream "you worship the Kim family"

Fight bigotry with bigotry, it always works.
Actually I only experienced discrimination once and it was in Somalia. Some punk ass small shop owner told me that diaspora Somalis weren't welcome in his shop. He didn't know anything about me and said it after he picked up on my accent.:pacspit:

What was his reason?
a few years ago some cadaan guy was charging his phone and was like "i want to use the bath room but i don't trust my phone alone with these indians", my friend was like "than take it with you retard" nigga was shooked we overheard him :mjlaugh:

another time was when i was in 9th grade and this random police officer grabbed me and my friend as we stepped outside our building because he thought we were shooting fire crackers he literally randomly picked us and was like "let me smell your fingers" :jcoleno:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Lol @ the Indian thing, when I moved to the suburbs all the white kids thought I was an Indian and thought Somalia was a small island off the Indian coast


All the openly racist shit I've experienced was ironically from AAs.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I never experienced anything from people from other African and Middle Eastern communities. Prolly because we all f*ck with each too heavily from small businesses to social media. Nigerians suspiciously know everything about everyone and ain't no one asking them where they get their info from.

There's a pretty legit cohesion in Toronto tbh. Prolly why we ain't so stuck on this race shit like America :siilaanyolaugh:
Lol @ the Indian thing, when I moved to the suburbs all the white kids thought I was an Indian and thought Somalia was a small island off the Indian coast


All the openly racist shit I've experienced was ironically from AAs.

Yes the blacks here in the u.k. Are the same I haven't personally experinces it but they hate Somalis hard core especially those from the afro caribbean - community.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Yes the blacks here in the u.k. Are the same I haven't personally experinces it but they hate Somalis hard core especially those from the afro caribbean - community.

here it's JUST people from the West Indies that tend to have their own perceptions of true "blackness" and whatnot. haven't experienced it personally but that's the impression I've gotten from others outside Toronto into the more suburbian environments. they prolly get btfo'd and pimp slapped by africans when they try that shit, so that's prolly why they keep their mouths shut around us in the city. all hearsay doe.

personally i get along great with St. Vincent people the most. they have a distinct vibe completely separate from Jamaica and other places. we also have specific connotations for shit here. it ain't like america where everybody is African American just because they descend from the place. Here you gotta be legit from the continent recently to get the label and Caribbeans refuse to call themselves that.

wallahi it's lovely in my city the more i look at it. everybody knows who they are and is thoroughly content with it.

edit: also a St. Vincent dude legit offered a free tattoo from his parlour over in Vincent if I ever wanted to visit. Just because I spotted him a few times on the bench. Thought he was joking till a dude in the same gym said "nah he's for real. traveled there on his recommendation for vacation and he hooked me up". pointed to some wording he had on his arm (can't remember which one tbh).

i mean it's haram but damn that's a hookup and a half.
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I only experienced racism once overtly from north-Africans/middle eastern. They did a drive by shout'' fucking ''. Damn you sandniggers. This is why I'm not Muslim among many valid reasons :ohlord:


future pirate king
I only experienced racism once overtly from north-Africans/middle eastern. They did a drive by shout'' fucking ''. Damn you sandniggers. This is why I'm not Muslim among many valid reasons :ohlord:

weird never experienced anything of the sort from arabs, well i had a crush on a syrian girl and i remember her father threatening me but other than that its been all love.
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