What's the most racist thing to ever happen to you?

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Im white but my fiancee is somali. One time when we were in a restaurant this old asian guy comes up to us and called her a sandnigger. Its okay because I beated his ass up good. Everyone was clapping for me afterwards

We got more non somalis in this forum????


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Im white but my fiancee is somali. One time when we were in a restaurant this old asian guy comes up to us and called her a sandnigger. Its okay because I beated his ass up good. Everyone was clapping for me afterwards

Cool story bro. Bashed an old dude in a restaraunt and people clapped.

Im white but my fiancee is somali. One time when we were in a restaurant this old asian guy comes up to us and called her a sandnigger. Its okay because I beated his ass up good. Everyone was clapping for me afterwards


:draketf: How the f*ck are y'all getting mistaken for Indian? Maybe North African, sure. But Indian though?


:draketf: How the f*ck are y'all getting mistaken for Indian? Maybe North African, sure. But Indian though?
It happens all the time. They talk to me in their language and one indian lady even told me to go learn my own language. :ileycry:

I never experienced any racism or something like that but once when I was little kid a african lady came and asked me where im from and why I dont look like her african kids. It was very wierd experience.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Couple of years ago I was on holiday in England. I saw some school kids having a fight (3 against 1) so I broke them up and this white women came out of nowhere and called me a fucking dirty Paki c*nt.

I was genuinely offended that she thought I was of South Asian descent. First and last time someone has called me a Paki.
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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Lol. I heard this story of this Somali dude that looks like a Sri Lankan, got nice hair but really dark skin. He got threatened by some whites when there was a craze for bashing Indians lol. Imagine getting bashed because you were mistaken for Indian descent lmao.
Lol. I heard this story of this Somali dude that looks like a Sri Lankan, got nice hair but really dark skin. He got threatened by some whites when there was a craze for bashing Indians lol. Imagine getting bashed because you were mistaken for Indian descent lmao.
I remember when some neo nazi shot up a Sikh temple and killed 6 Sikhs. He thought they were Muslims because of their turbans


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
this thread is basically everybody humble bragging about being mistaken for arab/indian

It's fucking embarrassing to be confused for a curry muncher.

Many White people struggle to differentiate between obvious ethnic group or races. I know an Arab from an Indian but knuckleheads racist whites don't know shit and will racially abuse some Indians cos "they are ayrab muzzies".

Lower class whites are some of the dumbest people on earth.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I remember when some neo nazi shot up a Sikh temple and killed 6 Sikhs. He thought they were Muslims because of their turbans

Was that Australia or America ?:williamswtf:

I know in America some white nut case shot his Lebanese Christian neighbour because he hated Muslims.
Was that Australia or America ?:williamswtf:

I know in America some white nut case shot his Lebanese Christian neighbour because he hated Muslims.
And I think a Somali kid was run over and killed by a somali Christian 2 years ago. Somalis are fucked, never would I have thought we'd be killing each other over religion
I used to fight with neo nazi wannabes in high school. It was full of shit, i swear it sucks to be the only black kid in the school.
Damn but they gone now right?

And you like Finland?

I'm sorry that happened to you, why didn't anyone help? Or the school kick them out?

I hate this piece of shit country, full of racists. I was adopted and raised by finnish people so Finland is all i know. They werent kicked out and the teachers didnt do anything about it. Thank god i had a lot of friends so i didnt go crazy. But yeah, they used to attack me but i knew how to fight and i was used to it. Finland is a very sad and depressing counry, seriously.
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