Where are those BLM activists now?

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Stupid people always try to say "black on black" violence doesn't matter to blm.

White on white violence exists at similar rates. So does Somali on Somali violence. It's all about the vicinity of those that live around you. That's such a stupid argument to make wallahi.

Espicially when the odds are stacked against them. You can't equate white and black people on the same social economic status because that determines security.

White people are 6 times as wealthy as black people yet their homocides against their own people are roughly the same as black people even though they're the majority and don't live in the dire situations that black people live in.

These qaashins on here got to go sis. They don't make any sense.
really? Do you read the statistics or are you going to blindly defend this dear cause of yours? :mjlol:Let's start with 2013, 90% of black homicide victims are kill by other blacks.
83% of white homicide victims by other white folks.

82% of white homicide victims were killed white folks while 89% of black victims were killed by other blacks.

2015 and 16 were even worse. Also while we are at it, let me ask this, white people make up like 70% of the population but are killing almost the same number of their own as black people while black folks make up around 15% of the population which means when you adjust for the numbers, for every one white on white victim, there about 4 victims of black on black crimes.
Typical idiots who have no minds of their own. kulahaa they are roughly the same.
really? Do you read the statistics or are you going to blindly defend this dear cause of yours? :mjlol:Let's start with 2013, 90% of black homicide victims are kill by other blacks.
83% of white homicide victims by other white folks.

82% of white homicide victims were killed white folks while 89% of black victims were killed by other blacks.

2015 and 16 were even worse. Also while we are at it, let me ask this, white people make up like 70% of the population but are killing almost the same number of their own as black people while black folks make up around 15% of the population which means when you adjust for the numbers, for every one white on white victim, there about 4 victims of black on black crimes.
Typical idiots who have no minds of their own. kulahaa they are roughly the same.
Waryaa don't quote me.
That's what I thought. You came out here throwing out "rates" thinking you can misinform people.:mjlol:
not on my watch. :camby:
According to the FBI's 2014 Uniform Crime Reports, close to 90 percent of African-American homicides were committed by other African Americans, while the majority (82 percent) of white American homicide victims were killed by other white people.
Meanwhile, white families have six times as much wealth as black families, and the poverty rate for black people (27.2 percent) is almost three times that of their white counterparts (9.6 percent)

I always have receipts.
really? Do you read the statistics or are you going to blindly defend this dear cause of yours? :mjlol:Let's start with 2013, 90% of black homicide victims are kill by other blacks.
83% of white homicide victims by other white folks.

82% of white homicide victims were killed white folks while 89% of black victims were killed by other blacks.

2015 and 16 were even worse. Also while we are at it, let me ask this, white people make up like 70% of the population but are killing almost the same number of their own as black people while black folks make up around 15% of the population which means when you adjust for the numbers, for every one white on white victim, there about 4 victims of black on black crimes.
Typical idiots who have no minds of their own. kulahaa they are roughly the same.

She is right that crime is committed against people in your vicinity/social circle. AAs tend to live around AAs and vice-versa. You cant be American and not realize that the most dangerous neighbourhoods are heavily segregated? In fact your stats affirm her argument about vicinity, the 7 percent difference isnt that remarkable. You seem to have merged your first point, with a second argument about murder rates in general. This doesnt disprove anything about vicinity.

There is serious irony in a Somali naming himself Adolf Hitler and citing Brietbart, raging at SJW-types for being brainless. You have a lot more in common than you think.:pachah1:
She is right that crime is committed against people in your vicinity/social circle. AAs tend to live around AAs and vice-versa. You cant be American and not realize that the most dangerous neighbourhoods are heavily segregated? In fact your stats affirm her argument about vicinity, the 7 percent difference isnt that remarkable. You seem to have merged your first point, with a second argument about murder rates in general. This doesnt disprove anything about vicinity.

There is serious irony in a Somali naming himself Adolf Hitler and citing Brietbart, raging at SJW-types for being brainless. You have a lot more in common than you think.:pachah1:
:umwhat:So white people don't live around each other? Majority of white folks choose to live in middle class neighborhoods so if you made an argument about black neighborhoods being poor and thus the violence, you'd have a better case. 7% isn't a staggering difference? :ummhmm:
It is when there are five times more white people than black people. Why do I even need to point this out? and I didn't even post any stats about murder rates in general but I have a feeling a group of people who make up 15% of the whole population will commit more violent crimes than another group who make up over 70% of the population:tocry:. The stats I posted was from the FBI website.:mjlol:
You don't have to assume that I am anti black, or pro white or biased sxb because I am not. Everything I said is true.
so whose fault is it that they are not wealthy? These people are failure, no excuses. 50million of them and they are still abused, how is that possible?
So you just gonna ignore the percentage difference?:russsmug:
I said roughly you xoolo.
How about if I say the same thing about our own people that they're failures for letting themselves be occupied by the Ethiopians.
That makes no damn sense and you know it.
I said roughly you xoolo.
How about if I say the same thing about our own people that they're failures for letting themselves be occupied by the Ethiopians.
That makes no damn sense and you know it.
We are. I am not going to argue for us because we are an amarrassment too but this topic is about them.
You can't say roughly when we are talking about dead people.

Not sure 50 million Somalis in America would take the abuse these people took for 500 years.
We are. I am not going to argue for us because we are an amarrassment too but this topic is about them.
You can't say roughly when we are talking about dead people.

Not sure 50 million Somalis in America would take the abuse these people took for 500 years.
I see other people uplifting their people and than I have you.

Our people are not failures. They've been cheated again and again by the same sell outs and bootyclappers. The fact that we've been oppressed and brutalized by the Ethiopians for over 100 years yet we've still managed to keep our dhaqan and language says a lot.

I love my people if you don't go claim something else.
I see other people uplifting their people and than I have you.

Our people are not failures. They've been cheated again and again by the same sell outs and bootyclappers. The fact that we've been oppressed and brutalized by the Ethiopians for over 100 years yet we've still managed to keep our dhaqan and language says a lot.

I love my people if you don't go claim something else.
You are right. But you have to admit those sell outs are our own and we have failed to unite which is a failure itself. We have done ok given we are very small in numbers and we are surrounded by enemies with external help and fifths columners within.
You are right. But you have to admit those sell outs are our own and we have failed to unite which is a failure itself. We have done ok given we are very small in numbers and we are surrounded by enemies with external help and fifths columners within.
No I refuse to claim the sell outs and bootyclappers. Any cold, callous, and cruel person who can subjugate our people to unspeakable horrors for a couple of pennies I will never claim as one of our own.

Maybe we could stop being so divided if people like you stop tearing us down. And stop undemining the little things we've achieved.
No I refuse to claim the sell outs and bootyclappers. Any cold, callous, and cruel person who can subjugate our people to unspeakable horrors for a couple of pennies I will never claim as one of our own.

Maybe we could stop being so divided if people like you stop tearing us down. And stop undemining the little things we've achieved.
Whether you disown them or not, they still claim the same things you claim speak your language and have your religion. Disowning them won't make them go away. How are we gonna do anything for them when you are more concerned about madows in America?:birdman:
:umwhat:So white people don't live around each other? Majority of white folks choose to live in middle class neighborhoods so if you made an argument about black neighborhoods being poor and thus the violence, you'd have a better case. 7% isn't a staggering difference? :ummhmm:
It is when there are five times more white people than black people. Why do I even need to point this out? and I didn't even post any stats about murder rates in general but I have a feeling a group of people who make up 15% of the whole population will commit more violent crimes than another group who make up over 70% of the population:tocry:. The stats I posted was from the FBI website.:mjlol:
You don't have to assume that I am anti black, or pro white or biased sxb because I am not. Everything I said is true.
It's a given that AA neighbourhoods are more violent, I didn't make the argument otherwise. I attribute that difference mainly economics and history. The way you wield the black on black crime is to suggest it validates an argument that blames culture or genetics.

People in here posted a stat about crime in the U.K. to validate racist analysis that solely blames culture/genetics. How do you explain how same West African and Caribbeans in the States commit less crime and fare economically better than many other immigrant groups, for instance? If it's simply "black culture" then it would suggest they should fare similarly to U.K. counterparts? Are American Caribbeans/West Africans simply more self responsible?
It's a given that AA neighbourhoods are more violent, I didn't make the argument otherwise. I attribute that difference mainly economics and history. The way you wield the black on black crime is to suggest it validates an argument that blames culture or genetics.

People in here posted a stat about crime in the U.K. to validate racist analysis that solely blames culture/genetics. How do you explain how same West African and Caribbeans in the States commit less crime and fare economically better than many other immigrant groups, for instance? If it's simply "black culture" then it would suggest they should fare similarly to U.K. counterparts? Are American Caribbeans/West Africans simply more self responsible?
when I say black I am talking about AAs. I don't know how you came up with the assumption that I was talking about all black people. What you cited as a reason for the epedimic AA violence was that they live near each other which isnt true. That isn't the reason. there are states like Maine and New Hampshire where cadaans make up 96% of the people but commit less crimes than madows in general if you were to compare neighborhoods from states like that one to neighborhoods in Chicago and etc.

What we were discussing was why there isn't any outage or concern for those blacks dying in the hands of other blacks? Can you explain that?
when I say black I am talking about AAs. I don't know how you came up with the assumption that I was talking about all black people. What you cited as a reason for the epedimic AA violence was that they live near each other which isnt true. That isn't the reason. there are states like Maine and New Hampshire where cadaans make up 96% of the people but commit less crimes than madows in general if you were to compare neighborhoods from states like that one to neighborhoods in Chicago and etc.

What we were discussing was why there isn't any outage or concern for those blacks dying in the hands of other blacks? Can you explain that?

No, I didn't say they commit more crime simply because they live next to each other. If it's a given that AA neighborhoods have more crime, then it's unremarkable that victims of those higher crime rates are also AA.

I laid out why I believe AA neighborhoods have more crime: broadly a combination of history and economics. What's your explanation?

The premise of your stuff about the reaction is exaggerated. Just google something like stop the violence Chicago or the Interrupters if you don't believe AAs try to address crime in their community. But it's pretty obvious why killings by police officers will gain wider public reaction than those by criminals. The former are expected to protect and have the law on their side. It also isn't much different than how Somalis are often more outraged at foreign intervention in the form of Ethiopia or whoever else, compared to killings at the hands of other Somalis.


Kim Jong Fun
but (assuming your even somali) you can use the same argument on us. why can't we pull ourselves by the boot straps and heal our community out here in canada? why is there so much gang violence? simple, we are victims of circumstance. When you in the hood and your surrounded by gang banging, drugs, prostitution etc. your bound to fall in that pit (it starts at a very young age). when you age out of that mentality its already too late, its kill or be killed. your lucky enough to never see a world like that but these people aren't. "pull yourself by the bootstraps" is WAAAAAAAY easier said then done. when you have no access to proper education and your schools are run down pulling yourself up by the boot straps is near impossible.
Toronto and Edmonton don't have run down schools and even though the areas that Somali fobs settle in are crime ridden, the main sources of the problems in our community are not from that or white supremacists. Our problems come from free range parenting by FOBs who don't understand the country and lack of identity.

Our culture is not compatible with the es and homies over hoes thug lifestyle. Youth are leaving our culture for that one because their parents are inattentive and don't understand how tempting the we real niggaz lifestyle is. It's nobody's fault but our own.
No, I didn't say they commit more crime simply because they live next to each other. If it's a given that AA neighborhoods have more crime, then it's unremarkable that victims of those higher crime rates are also AA.

I laid out why I believe AA neighborhoods have more crime: broadly a combination of history and economics. What's your explanation?

The premise of your stuff about the reaction is exaggerated. Just google something like stop the violence Chicago or the Interrupters if you don't believe AAs try to address crime in their community. But it's pretty obvious why killings by police officers will gain wider public reaction than those by criminals. The former are expected to protect and have the law on their side. It also isn't much different than how Somalis are often more outraged at foreign intervention in the form of Ethiopia or whoever else, compared to killings at the hands of other Somalis.
Ethiopians force in Somalia killing civilians and fighting in a civilian populated areas is the same as police brutality in America where you can literally count the number of people who die? :idontlike: That's BS and you know it.
How am I to have a real discussion with you if you are going post dumb shit like that?:kanyehmm:
Toronto and Edmonton don't have run down schools and even though the areas that Somali fobs settle in are crime ridden, the main sources of the problems in our community are not from that or white supremacists. Our problems come from free range parenting by FOBs who don't understand the country and lack of identity.

Our culture is not compatible with the es and homies over hoes thug lifestyle. Youth are leaving our culture for that one because their parents are inattentive and don't understand how tempting the we real niggaz lifestyle is. It's nobody's fault but our own.
i was referring to african americans in america. but i agree with you about somalis.
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