Where are those BLM activists now?

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Your just reiterating my point that they are victims of circumstance that repeat the never ending cycle of violence introduced to them by their community. its a huge problem that the american goverment clearly couldn't care less about. And do you think your black ass would ever step foot in america much less leave a free and equal life had it not been for the civil rights movement and blacks rebelling and fighting for their rights? no. AAs DIED for their rights its fucked for you to say they didnt do shit. what happened to the japanese when they were in america? what about the chinese? were they teated equally and fairly? do you think your black ass wouldve been treated any diffrent if america were still the same? they did the only thing they could and forced the goverments hand by protesting, marching and using free speech. america wasnt a dictatorship.

So what you are saying is young black kids have absolutely no opportunity to excel in academics, and it is not the result of a culture that values entertainment and the gang life and shuns academic excellence and the aspirations of a stable middle class lifestyle?

There are a lot of institutional issues that don't just affect them, but all minorities. But there needs to be accountability. These are human beings with conscious brains, values, and morals who are making active decisions for their life and are aware of the consequences of these decisions.

You look at the Chinese. They didn't get where they are today by protesting and blaming white supremacy for all of their ills. They worked hard and built their wealth and community despite the institutional forces that were working against them. That's the philosophy they need to adopt at micro-level. Playing the blame game, even if its valid, does not get anyone anywhere. The government cannot fix a community through more and more government programs. That top-down approach has failed for the past 30 years. It won't work for the next 30 years.

The civil rights movement was a noble movement for AAs. They did not fight for minorities to get easier access into the US, that was just an unforeseeable byproduct of it. That is also why naturally many of them are indifferent to this immigration issue brought about by Trump, and I don't expect them to be anything but apathetic. They have their own issues to worry about, while we have ours. But we or anyone else don't owe them shit. :mjpls:


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
BLM was created after the death of Trayvon Martin, killed by George Zimmerman. He wasn't police but worked for an insurance company. That was the direct reason. Stop making escuses for their indifference. They just don't care. Stop begging.

This is what they say on their page.
#BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was acquitted for his crime, and dead 17-year old Trayvon was posthumously placed on trial for his own murder.
Yall BLM xaliimos are all the same.
Police brutality is a symptom of a much larger problem: economic disenfranchisement and culture. Ever wondered how police departments make their money? Through property taxes. Now how much property taxes does say the city of Chicago extract from the hoods in South Chicago to fund the police department and officers that have a more 10x rate of dying policing these neighbourhoods than the actual neighbourhoods that fund the department? Naturally these departments will be less accountable to the hood than they are those who feed them. Is that right? No, but that's how the world works. Life is not fair. Secondly, while most police officers are good citizens just doing their jobs, the tiny handful of devils know if they mess with some random white kid they run the risk of arresting a judge's son, which could really damage their careers and testimony in court. A Baltimore police officer essentially admits to this:

A Former Baltimore Police Officer Exposed His Department’s Corruption

“If I started locking up all those white people, things would get ugly,” he said, claiming that even though he was going into neighborhoods he was not supposed to patrol in, his supervisors sanctioned it.

“They knew that judges and court officials lived in that neighborhood. If I locked up the judge’s 18-year-old son for drugs or whatever, things could get really bad for me.”

Second is culture. The gang subculture that is promoted in the inner cities despises authority and the rule of law. They call it "snitch" culture. This is why it is almost impossible for police departments to recruit officers from these communities, because they and their families will constantly be on the run from the community as a whole and are marked targets for the rest of their lives. This is also why these communities do not police themselves and why crime runs rampant and goes unchecked, while most other communities when abandoned by the police could largely still function and police themselves to an extent.

And please, don't bring those LSA hoodrat talking points that all minorities should be grateful to AAs for being here. AAs didn't do shit, and minorities were in the west far before the civil rights movement began. It was up to the powers that be to change that, so let's not act as if AAs had some political and economic stranglehold on the establishment that forced it to come about. Of course you don't want to blame them for anything or hold them accountable for their actions, because that would put you at odds with your LSA queens. :hemad:

I don't know what more I need to show you guys that blacks are being oppressed.
  1. You idiots who keep saying that they are prone to criminal activities and violence are complete retards. Just 150 years ago, whites said that blacks were very docile and that's why they never ki11ed their masters.
  2. I have proven to you that their circumstances are manufactured.
  • War on drugs (takes the fathers)
  • C 1 A import drugs to keep destabilizing black communities
  • They are imprisoned for life for the stupidest things (for private prisons to make profit)
  • Under the American constitution, prisoners can be used as slaves
They are a marginalized people that are not being given a chance to breathe. 90% of alleged crimes done by African-Americans in New York do not get a trial. They are forced to make a plea deal.

You guys keep talking like you understand what they are going through. Hell, even I don't understand, but that is what I am trying to do. I am not saying they are blameless, but I am saying that most of these problems we are seeing are due to the evil and corrupt white supremacists who love to keep these people down.

Brooklyn Highschool Has 14 Times more Lead than Flint

Black Man sent to Life in Prison for Stealing 30.00$ worth of Candy

Aide says Nixon's war on drugs targeted blacks, hippies

Poverty and Crime, A Vicious Cycle
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So what you are saying is young black kids have absolutely no opportunity to excel in academics, and it is not the result of a culture that values entertainment and the gang life and shuns academic excellence and the aspirations of a stable middle class lifestyle?

There are a lot of institutional issues that don't just affect them, but all minorities. But there needs to be accountability. These are human beings with conscious brains, values, and morals who are making active decisions for their life and are aware of the consequences of these decisions.

You look at the Chinese. They didn't get where they are today by protesting and blaming white supremacy for all of their ills. They worked hard and built their wealth and community despite the institutional forces that were working against them. That's the philosophy they need to adopt at micro-level. Playing the blame game, even if its valid, does not get anyone anywhere. The government cannot fix a community through more and more government programs. That top-down approach has failed for the past 30 years. It won't work for the next 30 years.

The civil rights movement was a noble movement for AAs. They did not fight for minorities to get easier access into the US, that was just an unforeseeable byproduct of it. That is also why naturally many of them are indifferent to this immigration issue brought about by Trump, and I don't expect them to be anything but apathetic. They have their own issues to worry about, while we have ours. But we or anyone else don't owe them shit. :mjpls:
"So what you are saying is young black kids have absolutely no opportunity to excel in academics" the ones in those hoods your talking about can't. with run down schools and books, teachers who couldn't care less, those schools aren't built for these kids to excel. i agree there needs to be accountability and they need to take responsibility, but being black in america and trying to change your people's predicament to me is akin to speaking to a wall in a room where sound cannot be heard. its very easy to feel helpless, its also easy to blame them for it. the chinese aren't comparable becouse they dont share the same history. blacks were nothing but cattle during slavery and nothing but a shadow whites can't escape after slavery. a lot of them are doing well for themselves now and more and more escape that lifestyle as the years go by and the generations change. i agree on that last paragraph.


Not your typical Farah
I don't support BLM, but there organization is for fighting "systematic injustice". This has nothing to do with them.


Not your typical Farah
Look at the extremist on both sides :faysalwtf:

One side is arguing that black people (43 million of them) are being oppressed by the system by cherry picking stories.

And other side is arguing that Black people are more likely to commit crime because they're black?



Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I don't know what more I need to show you guys that blacks are being oppressed.
  1. You idiots who keep saying that they are prone to criminal activities and violence are complete retards. Just 150 years ago, whites said that blacks were very docile and that's why they never ki11ed their masters.
  2. I have proven to you that their circumstances are manufactured.
  • War on drugs (takes the fathers)
  • C 1 A import drugs to keep destabilizing black communities
  • They are imprisoned for life for the stupidest things (for private prisons to make profit)
  • Under the American constitution, prisoners can be used as slaves

How is that any relevant? :what1:


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Look at the extremist on both sides :faysalwtf:

One side is arguing that black people (43 million of them) are being oppressed by the system by cherry picking stories.

And other side is arguing that Black people are more likely to commit crime because they're black?

When I say they are being oppressed, I mean millions of them but not all. How is 90% of crimes committed by blacks in New York get no trial considered cherry picking? Many of those arrested are proven innocent later. They are forced to take plea deals or face 15 years in jail, so they take the plea agreement.

Nearly 3,000 US Communities Have Lead Levels Higher Than Flint

(the black communities)

Is this also cherry picking?

In America, males get raped more than females because of the prison rape epidemic. No one cares because it affects black men the most.

Is this also cherry picking?
When I say they are being oppressed, I mean millions of them but not all. How is 90% of crimes committed by blacks in New York get no trial considered cherry picking? Many of those arrested are proven innocent later. They are forced to take plea deals or face 15 years in jail, so they take the plea agreement.

Nearly 3,000 US Communities Have Lead Levels Higher Than Flint

(the black communities)

Is this also cherry picking?

In America, males get raped more than females because of the prison rape epidemic. No one cares because it affects black men the most.

Is this also cherry picking?
You actually have facts while these other xoolos don't make any sense at all.

You make me so proud.
they were marching for the mentally ill soamli guy in ottawa who was killed by cops.

Y'all dont seem to understand why BLM was created. its SOLE PURPOSE was to fight POLICE BRUTALITY. were the f*ck are police mentioned in this report? Y'all disgusting ass trash for using this mans death to further your agenda against AAs. f*ck you. Truly
Ok. How come there aren't efforts, movements, advocate groups etc for black on black crimes? It is hardly mentioned, and almost always never addressed? You can't cry black lives matter only when a white person kills black people. This whole selective concern is exactly Iike the word nigga, they can degrade each other but white people cant. Such a neef you are. You are the typical xalimo, you probably jumped on the wagon like most of them with no mind of your own.
Ok. How come there aren't efforts, movements, advocate groups etc for black on black crimes? It is hardly mentioned, and almost always never addressed? You can't cry black lives matter only when a white person kills black people. This whole selective concern is exactly Iike the word nigga, they can degrade each other but white people cant. Such a neef you are. You are the typical xalimo, you probably jumped on the wagon like most of them with no mind of your own.
the word nigga and black on black violence have nothing to do with blm. I'm sure there are other movements and if there aren't they should be. but the OP was wrong for turning this into a "lets drag blm" situation when this is just typical black on black violence. sadly this time the victim was close to home
the word nigga and black on black violence have nothing to do with blm. I'm sure there are other movements and if there aren't they should be. but the OP was wrong for turning this into a "lets drag blm" situation when this is just typical black on black violence. sadly this time the victim was close to home
It is no secrets black people massacre each other though violence. Why isn't there any big movement like blm for them? Because they don't care about each other, only when a white person gets involved is when they get up and rise.

Kulaha they should be. If black people care about each other, they should start in their homes, educate their kids, maybe they should start by not running away from their kids.
It is no secrets black people massacre each other though violence. Why isn't there any big movement like blm for them? Because they don't care about each other, only when a white person gets involved is when they get up and rise.

Kulaha they should be. If black people care about each other, they should start in their homes, educate their kids, maybe they should start by not running away from their kids.
one is systemic and the other is not. its easier solving police brutality then it is solving crime amongst black people.
the word nigga and black on black violence have nothing to do with blm. I'm sure there are other movements and if there aren't they should be. but the OP was wrong for turning this into a "lets drag blm" situation when this is just typical black on black violence. sadly this time the victim was close to home
Stupid people always try to say "black on black" violence doesn't matter to blm.

White on white violence exists at similar rates. So does Somali on Somali violence. It's all about the vicinity of those that live around you. That's such a stupid argument to make wallahi.

Espicially when the odds are stacked against them. You can't equate white and black people on the same social economic status because that determines security.

White people are 6 times as wealthy as black people yet their homocides against their own people are roughly the same as black people even though they're the majority and don't live in the dire situations that black people live in.

These qaashins on here got to go sis. They don't make any sense.
Ok. How come there aren't efforts, movements, advocate groups etc for black on black crimes? It is hardly mentioned, and almost always never addressed? You can't cry black lives matter only when a white person kills black people. This whole selective concern is exactly Iike the word nigga, they can degrade each other but white people cant. Such a neef you are. You are the typical xalimo, you probably jumped on the wagon like most of them with no mind of your own.

doqon ka tahay wase.

The police are not just your average person, they have authority, and are a public servants.

and how do you know there aren't movements for black on black crime? did you read on breitbart? most victims of crime are by the hands of their own community.
So it's white supremacy that forced these clearly innocent and otherwise good youth to murder this man? It was white supremacy that forced them to become drug dealers pushing poison to the kids of their community? It's white supremacy that forced them to recklessly have 7 unwanted with 7 different women and create 7 independent and unstable households that burden the state?

See, here's the difference between me and you. You don't believe these people have any accountability for their actions or have any control over their own fate. You basically believe they are animals with no agency and are willing to concoct the wildest conspiracy theories and source the work of other lunatics to justify your reasoning. And I, the guy who believes AAs can change their community once they want to and have possess a great deal of responsibility for their actions, are the "racist". :francis:

This is why there can be no "debate" between us.
Im actually very sympathetic to personal responsibility arguments and self-empowerment. We need it ourselves and should not understate value of hard work. I also dislike when activist types do that.

But it's definitely a dogmatic argument when you attribute everything to personal responsibility. Too much Ayn Rand.

This for example, shows that even middle-class and successful AAs will always struggle to bridge wealth gap because of homeownership and inheritance gaps: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-02-27/home-equity-and-the-white-black-wealth-gap

Seems to me to be a naive argument, to claim that pulling up your bootstraps *alone* will bridge this. I do agree that bootstraps still should be pulled.
Stupid people always try to say "black on black" violence doesn't matter to blm.

White on white violence exists at similar rates. So does Somali on Somali violence. It's all about the vicinity of those that live around you. That's such a stupid argument to make wallahi.

Espicially when the odds are stacked against them. You can't equate white and black people on the same social economic status because that determines security.

White people are 6 times as wealthy as black people yet their homocides against their own people are roughly the same as black people even though they're the majority and don't live in the dire situations that black people live in.

These qaashins on here got to go sis. They don't make any sense.
smh exactly!
doqon ka tahay wase.

The police are not just your average person, they have authority, and are a public servants.

and how do you know there aren't movements for black on black crime? did you read on breitbart? most victims of crime are by the hands of their own community.
If there are then can you explain to me what's going on chicago? Are the white folks to blame for all that black people killing each other like sick dogs?
No one is rejecting that police target black folks. That's true but it's just one of the issues facing black people as a whole. If black people were responsible enough, smart enough to keep their families together, educate each other and raise their kids to pursue success, then they wouldn't be in the situation they are in today. White people are only able to abuse and target them because they can and who let them? Themselves.
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