Where are those BLM activists now?

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The arrests are consistent with the crime rates by blacks.

In 2014, 374 people were arrested for murder. Their races were as follows:

White: 2.9 percent

Black: 61.8 percent

Hispanic: 31.8 percent

Asian: 2.7 percent

Other: 0.8 percent
Chicago’s death toll from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.

Black on black :lol:
How about London?

"Twelve per cent of London’s men are black. But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are thought by the Metropolitan Police to have been committed by black men."

The Daily Telegraph

As you still haven't figured out how to read I will reiterate my post.

Where is the condemnation of this act and support of the victim from the blm xaliimos? You only just condemned it because I had to remind you to do so.

Can't BLM mourn the victims of police shootings without attacking, killing and targeting the police? :kodaksmiley: <--- Your logic.
who advocates for killing police? not me. not the xalimos i know who support blm. so what exactly is your argument here? "Where is the condemnation of this act and support of the victim from the blm xaliimos" are all blm xalimos present on this site? neither YOU nor I knew anything about this until @Rooble posted it. how the f*ck do you condemn something you haven't heard of yet? your dumb af walahi.
Do you really want to debate if black people are oppressed in America... I hope you're not that crazy. Because if you want a debate I will destroy you in every category:
  • Black Schools
  • Black Neighborhoods
  • Drugs
  • Prison
  • Jail sentences
  • Judiciary System
  • Police Brutality
  • Doctors
  • Leasing
  • Economics
  • Crime
So it's white supremacy that forced these clearly innocent and otherwise good youth to murder this man? It was white supremacy that forced them to become drug dealers pushing poison to the kids of their community? It's white supremacy that forced them to recklessly have 7 unwanted with 7 different women and create 7 independent and unstable households that burden the state?

See, here's the difference between me and you. You don't believe these people have any accountability for their actions or have any control over their own fate. You basically believe they are animals with no agency and are willing to concoct the wildest conspiracy theories and source the work of other lunatics to justify your reasoning. And I, the guy who believes AAs can change their community once they want to and have possess a great deal of responsibility for their actions, are the "racist". :francis:

This is why there can be no "debate" between us.
but (assuming your even somali) you can use the same argument on us. why can't we pull ourselves by the boot straps and heal our community out here in canada? why is there so much gang violence? simple, we are victims of circumstance. When you in the hood and your surrounded by gang banging, drugs, prostitution etc. your bound to fall in that pit (it starts at a very young age). when you age out of that mentality its already too late, its kill or be killed. your lucky enough to never see a world like that but these people aren't. "pull yourself by the bootstraps" is WAAAAAAAY easier said then done. when you have no access to proper education and your schools are run down pulling yourself up by the boot straps is near impossible.

Absolutely. I don't make any excuses for the Somali community. I'm consistent with my principles. On the other hand, you BLM types are not.

Are there institutional issues that significantly impact AAs, including police brutalitu? No doubt. The same issues also affect Somalis, but you don't see me complaining about them. While you BLM xalimos constantly love to make excuses for AAs to the point you subtly strip them of their humanity by removing any accountability and responsibility they have for their own actions, while at the same time having no problem throwing your entire community under the bus.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
I am in disbelief.
1. Public schools are not allowed to be underfunded. They are state owned. Broken ceiling, lockers, door, ripped books and much more make school less interesting for students.
When the government doesn't care about you, you turn to crime and violence.

2. Drugs are imported by the C 1 A. There are countless articles proving that. How are there more cops in a neighborhood for 20+ years but there is still more crime? That means the cops are accomplices to this system.

3. White people are arrested 63% of the time. But they are let go with a slap on the wrist while blacks go to prison for life for stealing 30$ worth of candy.


4. War on drugs was meant to affect the black communities, plain and simple.
Aide says Nixon's war on drugs targeted blacks, hippies

5. When you are in poverty crime skyrockets. Look at African countries, all of them have a humongous amount of crime and corruption.

6. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/02/blacks-hispanics-mortgages/471024/

I have to go somewhere. I will reply after 2 hours.

1. So you think the rural schools in West Virginia coal towns are producing doctors and lawyers? It's across the board in America. Public schools reflect on the community and it's tax base. Again this isn't some euro socialist shithole.

2. Crying about the past doesn't move you forward. American govt has done many evils on minority groups here and around the globe. No reason you can't move forward especially in these times.

3. Again if AAs have known police and justice system doesn't favor the minority then why get involved. Numbers don't lie. If you don't see the crime problem then you've never been in any AA community. I speak from experience.

4. Crying about past misdeeds don't lead to prosperity today. Ask my Chinese American friends, better yet ask any immigrant who's been in America 10+ years and prospered. You get left behind crying.

5. Flase equivalencies here.

6. It's common knowledge AA doesn't value home ownership like their past generations it's kind of sad. All my friends from the ghetto lived in apartments or homes owned by grandparents. Again your euro privilege is showing. Please stay out of these issues.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Absolutely. I don't make any excuses for the Somali community. I'm consistent with my principles. On the other hand, you BLM types are not.

Are there institutional issues that significantly impact AAs, including police brutalitu? No doubt. The same issues also affect Somalis, but you don't see me complaining about them. While you BLM xalimos constantly love to make excuses for AAs to the point you subtly strip them of their humanity by removing any accountability and responsibility they have for their own actions, while at the same time having no problem throwing your entire community under the bus.

It's very sad indeed. They've marginalized the same group they claim to support.:cosbyhmm:

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
@The Ash'ari one of my best friends from high school is a cop in Detroit. I just wish these idiots spend one day with him and you'll understand this new breed of AA. Btw my cop friend is AA and he even agrees with me.
Absolutely. I don't make any excuses for the Somali community. I'm consistent with my principles. On the other hand, you BLM types are not.

Are there institutional issues that significantly impact AAs, including police brutalitu? No doubt. The same issues also affect Somalis, but you don't see me complaining about them. While you BLM xalimos constantly love to make excuses for AAs to the point you subtly strip them of their humanity by removing any accountability and responsibility they have for their own actions, while at the same time having no problem throwing your entire community under the bus.
but why can't you fight against police brutality AND all the things you mentioned? AAs in america went through WAAAAAAAY more then any community that currently live in the states, their incomparable to somalis and their experience here. so of course we make excuses for them. we dont need to strip of their humanity when white americans have been doing that for decades. whereas somalis CHOSE to come to the states, and aren't plagued with as many barriers as AAs. they also paved the way for the looks of you and i to come here safely and live equally amongst and freely.
but why can't you fight against police brutality AND all the things you mentioned? AAs in america went through WAAAAAAAY more then any community that currently live in the states, their incomparable to somalis and their experience here. so of course we make excuses for them. we dont need to strip of their humanity when white americans have been doing that for decades. whereas somalis CHOSE to come to the states, and aren't plagued with as many barriers as AAs. they also paved the way for the looks of you and i to come here safely and live equally amongst and freely.
Of course AA went thru so much hardships and struggle than any group in America but the problem is you have a lot of AA thugs who are killing, drug dealing, raping, robbing, and doing whole bunch of crimes but you and ur "BLM xaliimo gang gang gang" only seem to support these criminals and there way of life while ignoring the atrocities they do against other innocent ppl. Stop being a fucking hypocrite u xoolo. Sheeit dawwg
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but why can't you fight against police brutality AND all the things you mentioned? AAs in america went through WAAAAAAAY more then any community that currently live in the states, their incomparable to somalis and their experience here. so of course we make excuses for them. we dont need to strip of their humanity when white americans have been doing that for decades. whereas somalis CHOSE to come to the states, and aren't plagued with as many barriers as AAs. they also paved the way for the looks of you and i to come here safely and live equally amongst and freely.

Police brutality is a symptom of a much larger problem: economic disenfranchisement and culture. Ever wondered how police departments make their money? Through property taxes. Now how much property taxes does say the city of Chicago extract from the hoods in South Chicago to fund the police department and officers that have a more 10x rate of dying policing these neighbourhoods than the actual neighbourhoods that fund the department? Naturally these departments will be less accountable to the hood than they are those who feed them. Is that right? No, but that's how the world works. Life is not fair. Secondly, while most police officers are good citizens just doing their jobs, the tiny handful of devils know if they mess with some random white kid they run the risk of arresting a judge's son, which could really damage their careers and testimony in court. A Baltimore police officer essentially admits to this:

A Former Baltimore Police Officer Exposed His Department’s Corruption

“If I started locking up all those white people, things would get ugly,” he said, claiming that even though he was going into neighborhoods he was not supposed to patrol in, his supervisors sanctioned it.

“They knew that judges and court officials lived in that neighborhood. If I locked up the judge’s 18-year-old son for drugs or whatever, things could get really bad for me.”

Second is culture. The gang subculture that is promoted in the inner cities despises authority and the rule of law. They call it "snitch" culture. This is why it is almost impossible for police departments to recruit officers from these communities, because they and their families will constantly be on the run from the community as a whole and are marked targets for the rest of their lives. This is also why these communities do not police themselves and why crime runs rampant and goes unchecked, while most other communities when abandoned by the police could largely still function and police themselves to an extent.

And please, don't bring those LSA hoodrat talking points that all minorities should be grateful to AAs for being here. AAs didn't do shit, and minorities were in the west far before the civil rights movement began. It was up to the powers that be to change that, so let's not act as if AAs had some political and economic stranglehold on the establishment that forced it to come about. Of course you don't want to blame them for anything or hold them accountable for their actions, because that would put you at odds with your LSA queens. :hemad:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
They know Trayvon Martin nonexisting abtirsi. When a Somali gets killed it's AUN, shit happens. When a criminal that resists arrest gets shot down, they rush to the protest scene like

Of course AA went thru so much hardships and struggle than any group in America but the problem is you have a lot of AA thugs who are killing, drug dealing, raping, robbing, and doing whole bunch of crimes but you and ur "BLM xaliimo gang gang gang" only seem to support these criminals and there way of life while ignoring the atrocities they do against other innocent ppl. Stop being a fucking hypocrite u xoolo. Sheeit dawwgView attachment 13779
but what do those xalimos have anything to do with me? inform them.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
they were marching for the mentally ill soamli guy in ottawa who was killed by cops.

Y'all dont seem to understand why BLM was created. its SOLE PURPOSE was to fight POLICE BRUTALITY. were the f*ck are police mentioned in this report? Y'all disgusting ass trash for using this mans death to further your agenda against AAs. f*ck you. Truly

BLM was created after the death of Trayvon Martin, killed by George Zimmerman. He wasn't police but worked for an insurance company. That was the direct reason. Stop making escuses for their indifference. They just don't care. Stop begging.

This is what they say on their page.
#BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was acquitted for his crime, and dead 17-year old Trayvon was posthumously placed on trial for his own murder.
Police brutality is a symptom of a much larger problem: economic disenfranchisement and culture. Ever wondered how police departments make their money? Through property taxes. Now how much property taxes does say the city of Chicago extract from the hoods in South Chicago to fund the police department and officers that have a more 10x rate of dying policing these neighbourhoods than the actual neighbourhoods that fund the department? Naturally these departments will be less accountable to the hood than they are those who feed them. Is that right? No, but that's how the world works. Life is not fair. Secondly, while most police officers are good citizens just doing their jobs, the tiny handful of devils know if they mess with some random white kid they run the risk of arresting a judge's son, which could really damage their careers and testimony in court. A Baltimore police officer essentially admits to this:

A Former Baltimore Police Officer Exposed His Department’s Corruption

“If I started locking up all those white people, things would get ugly,” he said, claiming that even though he was going into neighborhoods he was not supposed to patrol in, his supervisors sanctioned it.

“They knew that judges and court officials lived in that neighborhood. If I locked up the judge’s 18-year-old son for drugs or whatever, things could get really bad for me.”

Second is culture. The gang subculture that is promoted in the inner cities despises authority and the rule of law. They call it "snitch" culture. This is why it is almost impossible for police departments to recruit officers from these communities, because they and their families will constantly be on the run from the community as a whole and are marked targets for the rest of their lives. This is also why these communities do not police themselves and why crime runs rampant and goes unchecked, while most other communities when abandoned by the police could largely still function and police themselves to an extent.

And please, don't bring those LSA hoodrat talking points that all minorities should be grateful to AAs for being here. AAs didn't do shit, and minorities were in the west far before the civil rights movement began. It was up to the powers that be to change that, so let's not act as if AAs had some political and economic stranglehold on the establishment that forced it to come about. Of course you don't want to blame them for anything or hold them accountable for their actions, because that would put you at odds with your LSA queens. :hemad:
Your just reiterating my point that they are victims of circumstance that repeat the never ending cycle of violence introduced to them by their community. its a huge problem that the american goverment clearly couldn't care less about. And do you think your black ass would ever step foot in america much less leave a free and equal life had it not been for the civil rights movement and blacks rebelling and fighting for their rights? no. AAs DIED for their rights its fucked for you to say they didnt do shit. what happened to the japanese when they were in america? what about the chinese? were they teated equally and fairly? do you think your black ass wouldve been treated any diffrent if america were still the same? they did the only thing they could and forced the goverments hand by protesting, marching and using free speech. america wasnt a dictatorship.
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