White Supremacists are REALLY Obsessed with Somalis for some Reason


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Its only a matter of time before they kick us out. Invest back home period


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Young white people are even more racist than the older ones from what I seen. I even seen a 15 year old English boy comment racist things. they're no different to their older counterpart. It's generation of racism being taught. And Somalis don't really integrate well particularly in the UK, Sweden and Minnesota. That's why we are being scrutinzed the most out of anyone.
I dont think it has anything to do with integrating sis. They want us out whether we try to fit in or not. Its a trap. Even the quran says they will never accept us unless we convert to their religion.
Sudanis who are living in exile are doing better and are less caught in crime because they come from a safer environment.

but compare this with Somalis who have been experiencing a bloody civil war for almost 4 decades, then the emergence of Al Shabab. This left post traumatic disorder , mental health, sadness, pain, hopelessness.

and the anarchy then existed in Somali after icu plus the attacks on African migrants in Libya. These are all reasons why some Somali migrants have it harder when they arrive in the west.

but despite this Somalis are still very disciplined community. They engage in their community, they build up businesses, they help immigrants, they engage in politics etc.
That’s true our community has had it harder than most diasporas. Our country’s civil war caused a complete societal collapse which had a big impact on our people. This impact made our experience in the diaspora much more difficult. But I still disagree with the idea that the hate mainly comes from being black and Muslim. Those things brought us hate but imo there were other reasons like the things I mentioned in my other comments


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
Young white people are even more racist than the older ones from what I seen. I even seen a 15 year old English boy comment racist things. they're no different to their older counterpart. It's generation of racism being taught. And Somalis don't really integrate well particularly in the UK, Sweden and Minnesota. That's why we are being scrutinzed the most out of anyone.
You will find bad people in every community. Where I live young white people are more liberal than conservative.

in urban areas of Uk maybe some Somalis don’t behave. This goes for each and every community (Pakistanis, Jamaicans etc).
Many Refugees from war torn nations have a hard time when they are in Exil. But I know also many good examples how somalis behave work hard and humble.

while there are migrants from safe North African countries who are just abusing the hospitality of their host nations.
I dont think it has anything to do with integrating sis. They want us out whether we try to fit in or not. Its a trap. Even the quran says they will never except us unless we convert to their religion.
Ofcourse they don't want us whether we fit in or not but at least if we assimilated and by assimilation I mean we moved quietly dressed a bit more presentable didn't have many children weren't into crime and had our own properties we wouldn't even get the fraction of scrutiny like we are seeing today.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Ofcourse they don't want us whether we fit in or not but at least if we assimilated and by assimilation I mean we moved quietly dressed a bit more presentable didn't have many children weren't into crime and had our own properties we wouldn't even get the fraction of scrutiny like we are seeing today.
I dont think its wise to plan to stay long term cause anything could happen in crusader lands. The sharia forbids staying in non muslim countries if you can make hijra to muslim countries. Im leaving as soon as I save up. Im not having kids here hell no
I dont think its wise to plan to stay long term cause anything could happen in crusader lands. The sharia forbids staying in non muslim countries if you can make hijra to muslim countries
True. Inshallah once I'm married is guaranteed that I will certainly make hijra to a muslim nation to safeguard me my partner and children deen, away from filth and degeneracy. And don't think my children will even have access to social media.
Key word "comments", real life is vastly different from online. A lot of this hate comes from other ethnic minorities, "15 year old" that child's parents are likely racism. You are not born with racism or ignorance it is simply learnt.
Somalis tick being black muslim and seen as associated with crime and being poor. Despite being successful especially in Minnesota
In my experience the UK is much more easier to integrate compared to sweden and other european countries.
Assimilating in the uk is easier than in places like Sweden and Minnesota but at the same time is still difficult to do so in the uk itself. We need to remember Great Britian is a small island full of miserable English who Hates your guts for being muslim and poor and also having self hating maadows that look down on other Africans. All of this makes Somalis an easy target and difficult to assimilate since we are being alienated by other groups and also being unapologetically muslim and not begging kaffirs or even other bigger muslim groups.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
The thing is, Ethiopians/Eritreans don't have the same hate from caadans or madows. Despite them being atheist they see being "christian" as tradition, things like christmas and easter for example.
The funny thing is muslim youth born in the uk want to go back and use the skills they learned to improve their country meanwhile the ones back home want to flee and come here lol


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Assimilating in the uk is easier than in places like Sweden and Minnesota but at the same time is still difficult to do so in the uk itself. We need to remember Great Britian is a small island full of miserable English who Hates your guts for being muslim and poor and also having self hating maadows that look down on other Africans. All of this makes Somalis an easy target and difficult to assimilate since we are being alienated by other groups and also being unapologetically muslim and not begging kaffirs or even other bigger muslim groups.
Fr this country is a decorated shit jar 🤦‍♀️
Blame dark nn.
I always thought black and Muslim was a cope out answer . Plenty of black Muslims and they don’t get hated on
I mean the difference is clearly our visibility and size. There aren't much huge populations of black muslims, most black people are gaalo. When you think of black muslims, what ajnabis think are somalis.
I mean the difference is clearly our visibility and size. There aren't much huge populations of black muslims, most black people are gaalo. When you think of black muslims, what ajnabis think are somalis.
Visibility and bad press both hurt us. People hyper-focus on the visibility while wanting to ignore the bad press even though that’s the part that is actually in our control. Address some of the dysfunction that’s in our community and a lot of the bad press goes away. What black Muslim group sold crack to the mayor of a global city? Somalis. Which black Muslim groups have an hour long documentary about a criminal gangs? Somalis. We get a lot of undeserved hate but we’re not this helpless group of victims like some users pretend we are. Some of the hate is a response to the things some Somalis have done
Every time I go on twitter people are attacking Somalis. It’s literally every race that comes for us. Indians might be the only ones who get it worse.

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