Why are they claiming us?

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Naturally, you would need to be tolerant to those presiding over you. It is not a choice, naaya.

That's what you believe? What about your tribal elders who claimed they were in the scrotum of some Arab at the time in the Arabian peninsula? Seems the memory of your people is fragmented. Get your elders to get their story right first and then come back.

You really asking to get exposed? I won't go there just yet, but it seems my nephew did a real number on you. I know you are trying to come off hard as a Regan loving conservative Somali supremacist, but this shtick just isn't working for you naaya. I see right through it. :hemad:
As I said, we were fighting with/against global powers, you guys where chucking spears at each other
I'm off to another bait thread, the people here good triggered good:drakekidding:
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