Why do Halimos act like their life would end or its such a bad thing if their husband marries anther woman?

I mean why is it always the talk of if he marries anther woman thats it im done etc dont they know its a sunnah and a man can do it and its not haram?

I mean sometimes the poor guy is not even thinking of getting a second but because of the halimos obsession with it it messes up the guur

More girls need to be more accepting about it

Most guys dont tell their wife they getting anther wife because they will lose their mind and hurt their kids future

Same emotion that drives you insane if you saw your Mrs with another man.

I would have thought that was obvious, but emotional intelligence might not be your strong point.
Fabulous question, why didn’t we think of it before,
I was actually discussing this with my friend the other day she thinks polygamy benefits the women and she would like to be the original wife so she can train him you know teach him how to live like a normal human being then the next three women can benefit from her hardwork...I think it’s a wonderful idea.
Question is are you up for being trained ?
Fabulous question, why didn’t we think of it before,
I was actually discussing this with my friend the other day she thinks polygamy benefits the women and she would like to be the original wife so she can train him you know teach him how to live like a normal human being then the next three women can benefit from her hardwork...I think it’s a wonderful idea.
Question is are you up for being trained ?
Its sad that polygamy is seen as bad by muslim women very sad they let their jealousy take over so many benefits to polygamy

Well either way if a woman doesnt want it the man will do it without her knowing
Its sad that polygamy is seen as bad by muslim women very sad they let their jealousy take over so many benefits to polygamy

Well either way if a woman doesnt want it the man will do it without her knowing
Jealousy is a terrible thing but once we take the emotion out of it. It could be wonderful like community service.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong

Same emotion that drives you insane if you saw your Mrs with another man.

I would have thought that was obvious, but emotional intelligence might not be your strong point.
You can't possibly compare the two; one is Halal and the other is Haram. I would advise you to be satisfied with what Allah SWT has decreed.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
You were the same man who ridiculed single mothers. You can't talk about Islam when the prophet Muhammad pbuh married widows.
My husband has only to be content with me. I'm worth four women
You were the same man who ridiculed single mothers. You can't talk about Islam when the prophet Muhammad pbuh married widows.
i never i actually said garoobs are amazing dont lie on me

yes the prophet married widows he also married a virgin
You can't possibly compare the two; one is Halal and the other is Haram. I would advise you to be satisfied with what Allah SWT has decreed.

We are talking about feelings here. I never said it was the same. But women feel jealousy similar to the way men do.

I'm well aware one is halal and one isn't, but not accepting that women too feel jealousy is ludicrous and is an example of lack of emotional intelligence.
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I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
I'm well aware one is halal and one isn't, but not accepting that women too feel jealousy is ludicrous and is an example of your lack of emotional intelligence.
What the actual f*ck!!!! When did I say that women don't feel jealousy?!! And then you proceeded to insult me :drakewtf:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
When you marry your wife she marries you she didn't sign up to share her husband with another woman thats why they get mad because they feel betrayed and tricked
What the actual f*ck!!!! When did I say that women don't feel jealousy?!! And then you proceeded to insult me :drakewtf:

Okay, I take back my insult. It was more for the OP than you anyway.

Also, why have an issue with what I wrote? I never said it was the same, i'm fully aware that polygamy is halal for men. My whole comparison was so that emotionally unintelligent men can understand why a lot of women have issues with being in a polygamous marriage. I mean, when you break it down, what type of question is this? If you know women feel jealousy the way you do, why ask? This is more for the OP and not you.

The same rage a man feels in terms of emotions is how women feel. Yes one is halal and one is haram, but its the feeling i'm talking about and I only made a comparison as it seems some of you men can only emphasize with women unless an example you can relate to is sighted.
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
If you want to be a polygamist then go and find the ones who are willing instead of trying to convince those who dont accept it.
this is the problem the ones who wanna practice polygamy hide their intentions from their wives instead of being honest and up front


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
We are talking about feelings here. I never said it was the same. But women feel jealousy similar to the way men do.

I'm well aware one is halal and one isn't, but not accepting that women too feel jealousy is ludicrous and is an example of your lack of emotional intelligence.

There are women open to polygamy but they don’t seek out those women. They want to force it upon those who don’t want that lifestyle for some odd reason.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Well then, why have an issue with what I wrote? I never said it was the same, i'm fully aware that polygamy is halal for men. My whole comparison was so that retarded men can understand why a lot of women have issues with being in a polygamous marriage. I mean, when you break it down, what type of question is this? If you know women feel jealousy the way you do, why ask? This is more for the OP and not you.

The same rage a man feels in terms of emotions is how women feel. Yes one is halal and one is haram, but its the feeling i'm talking about and I only made a comparison as it seems some of you men can only emphasize with women unless an example you can relate to is sighted.
This is quite BIZARRE tbh. Seems like I'm being taught today that women feel jealous when their husband marries another wife....


I would urge you to be less offensive when you're having a discussion with someone. Sometimes you come off as hardcore Misandrist with deep disdain and hatred for men.


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