Why do Somalis hate Arabs

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so u r tellin me some rich somali is tellin alshabab to bomb and cause masacres chaos and anarchy in somalia?
even if somalis are the problems why not just help ur fellow "ummah"?

u prolly lived in arab country homeboy barawani arab fuckboy. were u busy wiping ur arab masters ass to see the truth?
I don't wipe their ass. From the Arabs I've met, it's the other way round sxb. When they hear the family name they know their place. Correct, I've lived in a Arab country, what's you're point? Alshabaab is probably funded by Somali government. Arabs are not responsible for the widespread corruption and massacre.
Speaking from experience as someone who grew up in the middle east. Arabs were generally an okay bunch, provided you shared their same diin and language. Only if you were of south asian decent or of another religion would you have the right to hate them. Ofcourse there was the occasional racist rogue who would mistake you for a sudani or something, but tht was rare and it would mostly come from the khaleeji arabs or iraqis. Shami and egyptian arabs were some of the most down to earth people ive met tho and i still keep in touch with the ones i met

Those people are the problem, not Arabs!
And then there's the Arabs like XamarCadCad :mjkkk: :mjkkk: :rudywhatever:
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Egyptians are cool people, I only dislike the Arabs of Arabia.

Why do they hate Sudanese?Sudan is their biggest bumlick.
Egyptians are cool people, I only dislike the Arabs of Arabia.

Why do they hate Sudanese?Sudan is their biggest bumlick.
Right? And oddly enough if you said you were somali they would respect you more. I guess the more you kiss up to them the more shit they give you :ftw9nwa:
idk why somalis are obsessed with arabs hate.
but the truth is that they hate us somalis so its just payback hate.

if we count how much harm they did it to somalis and black ppl in general evryone wud hate em to death.
u know how many young women they raped in yemen saudi arabia sudan libya!
theres also alot of somalis and foreigners in arab prisons esp s.arabia and uae for "crimes"!
we have been feeding arabs like thousand years with hilib foox and goodies!
and the entire time somalis have been suffering they still havent assisted us and even tried to starve the entire horn africa by banning livestock twice!
with all that they still had the nerves to send somali youth to fight for them in yemen and other places.
also they prolly funded ashabaab to bomb the innocent people right n left.
arabs give zero fucks about the plight of somalis.

anyways hate is not gonna make em pay so i suggest to wait till somalis are strong enough to whoop arabs ass for payback.

commander of arab karbaash operation

Why should any country feel obligated to help Somalia? We have enough to help ourselves yet we been fighting for years. We here arguing about Isaaq girls look like this and darood this, but in reality this is back ward thinking.

Every ethnic minority group who migrated to another country face the same problems Somali's are currently experiencing, yet they don't cry about their situation, no group has anything handed to them. The Irish when they migrated to America, were treated a lot worse than Somali's in Saudia Arabia. The pakistani's worked in warehouses and other menial jobs. They build a community around themselves and made something out
of nothing

Somali's expect everything to be handed to them. Pakistani father would work 40 years in a warehouse so his children can get a better life, a Somali father would dare not. He would just chew or pick up a gun and join a lost cause. I'm not going to hate or blame another man whilst I can walk and talk.

Might as well hate Madow's for taking our women too :vo3yidw:


Right? And oddly enough if you said you were somali they would respect you more. I guess the more you kiss up to them the more shit they give you :ftw9nwa:

They were so excited to show me Ancient Egyptian history and to talk about Fircoon. They really made me feel welcome and it's not just the Muslims but the Christians there are really nice people too. There is a tribe in Egypt which look Somali and even make laxoox in the same way as us.


The truth is, it's the Jews who want the Muslims divided. Dividing and conquering a nation is second nature to them. It's they who our attention should be directed at. Those people are evil!


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I dont hate Arabs, dont care for them honestly. The only ones who hate arabs and obsessed with them are the "So called" atheist's on this forum. So i dont understand how you can generalize. I Partly blame the Takfiri/Salafist somalis who suck up them and act like they are gods.

Btw no one this forum expected any help from arabs quite the opposite. The criticism was directed at Somalis who somehow conveniently remember their emaan and the ummah when Arabs are suffering but remain mum, nowhere to be found when Muslims are systematically massacred in Myanmar and the Central African Republic, and their own people are persecuted in the Ogaden, NFD and inside Somalia by AMISOM gaalos.

So its Less about arabs more about Somali Salafist/Takfiris kissing their asses and confusing Islamism with arabism. I very much dislike these salafis trying to kill of Somali ethno-nationalism with their pseudo religious bullshit.
You really can't comprehend the significance of Palestine, Jerusalem, al aqsaa mosque. If you knew about Islamic eschatology then you really wouldn't be this dumb founded. & quit with the slander, the worst thing you can do is call someone crazy, its dismissive, it's quit evident that you don't want to discuss the issue head on, so you resort to name calling & slander.
You really can't comprehend the significance of Palestine, Jerusalem, al aqsaa mosque. If you knew about Islamic eschatology then you really wouldn't be this dumb founded. & quit with the slander, the worst thing you can do is call someone crazy, its dismissive, it's quit evident that you don't want to discuss the issue head on, so you resort to name calling & slander.

What the hell are you Even talking about?

You litterally are telling me one muslim group is worth more than another. You claim that you have loyalty towards all muslims but when people mention ogaden or Somalis you come around dehumanize them and make their plight seem negligent. So ogadenians being occupied slaughtered raped tortured and ethnically cleansed by Gaalo habashis are insignificant to you? Muslims in Myanmar being slaughtered and ethnic cleansed by gaalo indho yar is insignificant compared to palestine?

What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to dehumanize muslims groups like that and put some groups suffering over another?

You just love proving me right dont you?
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They were so excited to show me Ancient Egyptian history and to talk about Fircoon. They really made me feel welcome and it's not just the Muslims but the Christians there are really nice people too. There is a tribe in Egypt which look Somali and even make laxoox in the same way as us.
Some of them have straight up afros (Sai'dis). Thats why we cant really discriminate against all arabs like they are some sort of homogeneous entity. Infact the only definition of an arab is someone who speaks the language and shares common cultural, and political traditions. Genealogically these people have nothing to do with eachother


Some of them have straight up afros (Sai'dis). Thats why we cant really discriminate against all arabs like they are some sort of homogeneous entity. Infact the only definition of an arab is someone who speaks the language and shares common cultural, and political traditions. Genealogically these people have nothing to do with eachother
You're wrong my friend. Real Arabs are in fact not as large in number. Probably around 50% of even Saudis are real Arabs. Real Arabs trace their lineage to Adnan or Qahtaan. The rest are Arabizes Arabs. Most North Africans and people of Sham are not Arabs. The Lebanese people for example are believed to be descendants of ancient Phoenicians. Most of these nations are Arabized. You are right about one thing, whoever speaks Arabic is considered an Arab but it does not necessarily mean they are ethnic Arabs.
Tfw I just discovered Arabism is nothing but a political movement invented by elites to further perpetuate the interests of a select minority by obliterating the identities of other people and incorporating them into their own.

down with islam

Ok. If you are loyal to Muslims whomever they are and believe in ummah

Why is it then that the Somalis who have supplanted Soomaalinimo with 'Ummahnimo' only seem to champion Arab causes and conveniently forget the problems facing other Muslim ethnicities? Their actions are in direct contradiction to their professed beliefs. Talk about cognitive dissonance. (What a troll) What upsets me the most about you people isn't the fact that you are trying to kill off Somali ethno-nationalist sentiment, but it's the bold-faced lie you tell us when you guys say you care about the Ummah and not ethnicity/nationality. You're equally as ethno-centered and nationalistic as the ideological camp I belong to, the only difference is you are not playing for your own ethnicity/nationality.

It boggles the mind that somali Salafist/Takfiris like you care more for Arab civil wars than the occupation of large swathes of Somali territories by gaalos.Ma waxaad u malayseen ,nolosha dadka musliminta waa ciyaar miya?

Stop with the hypocrisy and the contradictions. Quit hiding behind the religion. Come out and Say it proudly " I am self loathing somali" "oh how i wish i was an arab"
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Thats cool. Somalis have their own silly creation stories as well
If only it was a 'silly creation story' but it has been genetically proven. Arabs are descendants of Ismail (AS) son of Ibrahim (AS) and Jews are descendants of Ishaaq (AS) son of Ibrahim (AS). Both authentic Arabs and Jews carry the J1c3d DNA. Caadhi iska dhig sxb.
If only it was a 'silly creation story' but it has been genetically proven. Arabs are descendants of Ismail (AS) son of Ibrahim (AS) and Jews are descendants of Ishaaq (AS) son of Ibrahim (AS). Both authentic Arabs and Jews carry the J1c3d DNA. Caadhi iska dhig sxb.
So are you telling me there were no arabs and jews before the birth of these fictional characters?:cosbyhmm:

Caadi waan ahay, Your people came from the descendants of africans and neandrathals who got jiggy in a middle'eastern cave one night and thats the end of that


So are you telling me there were no arabs and jews before the birth of these fictional characters?:cosbyhmm:

Caadi waan ahay, Your people came from the descendants of africans and neandrathals who got jiggy in a middle'eastern cave one night and thats the end of that
No, Ibrahim (AS) was from Mesopotamia I believe, which is in modern day Iraq. He's the father of these two nations, the fact that these two nations are closely related genetically proves this. The dates of the Migrations and events that took place correlates with the findings from scientific research. For example, they've even identified the authentic Cohanim by finding links between common ancestors. It's not a coincidence that the J1c3d DNA has originated in Mesopotamia/Levant. Is this hard for you to digest sxb? I'm a descendant of Qedar son of Ismail (AS). Well-documented history always has a basis in reality. Come off it sxb.
No, Ibrahim (AS) was from Mesopotamia I believe, which is in modern day Iraq. He's the father of these two nations, the fact that these two nations are closely related genetically proves this. The dates of the Migrations and events that took place correlates with the findings from scientific research. For example, they've even identified the authentic Cohanim by finding links between common ancestors. It's not a coincidence that the J1c3d DNA has originated in Mesopotamia/Levant. Is this hard for you to digest sxb? I'm a descendant of Qedar son of Ismail (AS). Well-documented history always has a basis in reality. Come off it sxb.
Khurafaat :chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:
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