Why do Somalis hate Arabs

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Khurafaat :chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:
Well-documented history that's supported by science can not be wrong sxb.

I'll give you another example sxb. The key holders of the Ka'aba today are the direct descendants of the key holder at the time of the Prophet (SAW), this was by the order of the prophet (SAW). The keyholder of the ka'aba at the time of the Prophet (SAW) was Uthmaan ibn Talhah (RA) who was from Quraysh, today it's still in the hands of a member of his household. Thousands of Muslims past and present kept a close eye on this particular family to make sure that the commands of the prophet (SAW) is fulfilled. The Qurayshites all share common ancestry, they are carriers of J1(L859) which is a member of J1c3d.
Well-documented history that's supported by science can not be wrong sxb.

I'll give you another example sxb. The key holders of the Ka'aba today are the direct descendants of the key holder at the time of the Prophet (SAW), this was by the order of the prophet (SAW). The keyholder of the ka'aba at the time of the Prophet (SAW) was Uthmaan ibn Talhah (RA) who was from Quraysh, today it's still in the hands of a member of his household. Thousands of Muslims past and present kept a close eye on this particular family to make sure that the commands of the prophet (SAW) is fulfilled. The Qurayshites all share common ancestry, they are carriers of J1(L859) which is a member of J1c3d.

Science kulahaa.:drakegrin: Give me proof of he existence of these ancient legendary figures first and foremost. Are you telling me they found the corpse of the prophets and extracted their genetic data to come to that conclusion or did your father hear it from his father and parroted it into your ears like all creation stories go. Aint nuthin wrong with believing in them but atleast acknowledge they come from a place of mythology and cultural identity rather than a scientific fact
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Personally I'm indifferent i just dislike somalis who are inconsiderate when it comes to their people but booty clap for arabs. So i might take Jabs at Ayrabs to piss them off, funny how emotional they get some times



Science kulahaa.:drakegrin: Give me proof of he existence of these ancient legendary figures first and foremost. Are you telling me they found the corpse of the prophets and extracted their genetic data to come to that conclusion or did your father hear it from his father and parroted it into your ears like all creation stories go. Aint nuthin wrong with believing in them but just acknowledge they come from a place of mythology and cultural identity rather than a scientific fact
Do you're research sxb, you will find what I'm saying to be a fact, both historically and scientifically.

(P.S, stop derailing the fxcking thread).


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Abraham counts like what, 15 generations to Adam aka da beginning of mankind in like 2000 years

Do you're research sxb, you will find what I'm saying to be a fact, both historically and scientifically.


Abraham counts like what, 15 generations to Adam aka da beginning of mankind in like 2000 years

Muslim logic :hemad: :sheed:
Are you guys insinuating that Muslims believe Ibrahim (AS) counts 15 generations from Adam (AS)? What is your proof that Muslims believe this? Can this information be found in the Qur'an or Sunnah?

I'll repeat again, stop derailing this thread.
Are you guys insinuating that Muslims believe Ibrahim (AS) counts 15 generations from Adam (AS)? What is your proof that Muslims believe this? Can this information be found in the Qur'an or Sunnah?

I'll repeat again, stop derailing this thread.
This thread died long ago sxb. Calm down. You'll live another day to defend the honor of your great people from the arab haters.

Now do you really believe humanity came from some semitic patriarch as opposed to the more well grounded Out Of Africa theory? :draketf:


This thread died long ago sxb. Calm down. You'll live another day to defend the honor of your great people from the arab haters.

Now do you really believe humanity came from some semitic patriarch as opposed to the more well grounded Out Of Africa theory? :draketf:
LOL @ 'the more well grounded out of Africa theory', that theory is not well grounded at all.

Not everyone is a descendant from a 'Semitic' patriarch.
Everyone on this planet is a descendant of one of the three sons of Noah (AS), Shem, Ham or Japeth.

Semites include Arabs, Hebrews, Phoenicians, ancient Babylonians, etc. Not only do these ethnic groups have a historical and genetic link, their languages are also very similar. Hence Arabic and Hebrew are 'Semitic' languages.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What the hell are you Even talking about?

You litterally are telling me one muslim group is worth more than another. You claim that you have loyalty towards all muslims but when people mention ogaden or Somalis you come around dehumanize them and make their plight seem negligent. So ogadenians being occupied slaughtered raped tortured and ethnically cleansed by Gaalo habashis are insignificant to you? Muslims in Myanmar being slaughtered and ethnic cleansed by gaalo indho yar is insignificant compared to palestine?

What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to dehumanize muslims groups like that and put some groups suffering over another?

You just love proving me right dont you?
No what I'm telling you is that one place is more significant than the other. Why do I have to explain this to you? As a Muslim you should know that al aqsa mosque is the third holiest in Islam. I did'nt dehumanise the struggle in Somali region of Ethiopia, I merely stated that their plight is nothing in comparison with the Israeli onslaught against the Palestinians & the reason for your slander against me is cause you're biased.
if hamas, who btw are quite similar to shabaab, stopped shooting rockets into israel this situation would have been much less bloody. and maybe the jews wouldn't be as paranoid. although al aqsa is controlled by muslims because of a deal they signed with jordan,they don't let youth in because those rock throwing arabs would barricade themselves in.
If only it was a 'silly creation story' but it has been genetically proven. Arabs are descendants of Ismail (AS) son of Ibrahim (AS) and Jews are descendants of Ishaaq (AS) son of Ibrahim (AS). Both authentic Arabs and Jews carry the J1c3d DNA. Caadhi iska dhig sxb.

Not entirely true. There are two types of Arabs: Al-arabul 'Ariba (real Arabs) and al-Arabul must'ariba (Arabized Arabs). Al-arabul 'Ariba are the descendants of the ancient Arabs who used to live in the peninsula, and these are the overwhelming majority of the Arabs who currently live in the peninsula. al-Arabul must'ariba refers to the sons of Ismail, who were Arabized arabs and adopted the language and culture but are not ethnically Arabs. This is the case for Quraysh. All of this is very elementary knowledge among Islamic scholars.
No what I'm telling you is that one place is more significant than the other
Yes you are doing that. You just did. Do you Even read what you type down?
you are saying thay they dont compare, why would you compare muslim struggles and put one over the other?

Why do I have to explain this to you? As a Muslim you should know that al aqsa mosque is the third holiest in Islam. I did'nt dehumanise the struggle in Somali region of Ethiopia, I merely stated that their plight is nothing in comparison with the Israeli onslaught against the Palestinians & the reason for your slander against me is cause you're biased.

WTF? That is actually litterally dehumanization ,right there

do you think the lives of muslim people are a game? One group of muslims are more worth and significant than other groups?. People are dying being subjugated by gaalos in Both cases but an idiot like you would try differentiate and put one over the other. Who are you even fooling, you really live up to your username. You are just ethno-nationalistic as the people you are against. The only difference you do not care for muslims or Somalis only arabs, but try to use the religion hide your self loathing and worship.

Dont change the topic to try guilt check me , caling you an Arab worshipping Salafist/Takfiri isnt slander that is what you are. Especially since you cuss out people here and call them gaalos in Af soomaali.


Not entirely true. There are two types of Arabs: Al-arabul 'Ariba (real Arabs) and al-Arabul must'ariba (Arabized Arabs). Al-arabul 'Ariba are the descendants of the ancient Arabs who used to live in the peninsula, and these are the overwhelming majority of the Arabs who currently live in the peninsula. al-Arabul must'ariba refers to the sons of Ismail, who were Arabized arabs and adopted the language and culture but are not ethnically Arabs. This is the case for Quraysh. All of this is very elementary knowledge among Islamic scholars.
I've read about all this sxb, both in Arabic and English. العرب العاربة are said to include the nations of 'Ad, Thamud, etc, these nations were said to have been destroyed. Some of the historians were of the opinion that the original Arabs include the descendants of Qahtaan (which means Qahtaanis are not the descendants of Ismail, their tribes include the tribes of the Ansaar Aus and Khazraj). Others were of the opinion that Qahtaan is in fact a descendant of Qedar son of Ismail (AS), this would mean that all Arabs today are descendants of Ismail (AS). This is the more likely view due to the Abrahamic practices of the Qahtaanis in pre-Islamic era (such as Tawaaf around the Ka'aba). The Qahtaan being of a different stock than Adnan theory was suggested to have been invented during the Umayyid caliphate to disunite the Arabs.

Sxb it's funny that you used the word العرب العاربة without even knowing what it means let alone the different tribes in the Arabian peninsula that can be classified as العرب العاربة
I've read about all this sxb, both in Arabic and English. العرب العاربة are said to include the nations of 'Ad, Thamud, etc, these nations were said to have been destroyed. Some of the historians were of the opinion that the original Arabs include the descendants of Qahtaan (which means Qahtaanis are not the descendants of Ismail, their tribes include the tribes of the Ansaar Aus and Khazraj). Others were of the opinion that Qahtaan is in fact a descendant of Qedar son of Ismail (AS), this would mean that all Arabs today are descendants of Ismail (AS). This is the more likely view due to the Abrahamic practices of the Qahtaanis in pre-Islamic era (such as Tawaaf around the Ka'aba). The Qahtaan being of a different stock than Adnan theory was suggested to have been invented during the Umayyid caliphate to disunite the Arabs.

Sxb it's funny that you used the word العرب العاربة without even knowing what it means let alone the different tribes in the Arabian peninsula that can be classified as العرب العاربة

Which others? The majority opinion among Islamic genealogists (as far as I remember) was what I stated. There were Arabs living in the Arabian peninsula long before the birth of prophet Ismail (AS). Who exactly did he marry into and learn the language from if that was not the case? The chinese? Australian Aborigines? It has been proven by secular academics that the Arabic language existed long before the time prophet Ibrahim (AS) was believed to have existed. There's simply no other way to resolve these contradictions other than supporting the majority opinion held by Islamic scholars of the classification between the groups within the Arabs.

FYI: I'm not the one who invented that term and its application, but that's how it has historically been used by the classical scholars of Islam who specialize in this field.


I don't hate Arabs, I could care less about them. My opinion on Arabia is strictly political, some Somalis have the sense that Arabs will help them because of the Muslim component. But politically speaking, they don't.
In fact, Arabs have done some damage to the Somali economy and have always sided with the opposition. I advocate Somalia leaving the Arab League, but that necessarily does not mean I hate Arabs. Ive got nothing against them. But I'd take my trade elsewhere. We don't share common interests.
I don't hate Arabs, I could care less about them. My opinion on Arabia is strictly political, some Somalis have the sense that Arabs will help them because of the Muslim component. But politically speaking, they don't.
In fact, Arabs have done some damage to the Somali economy and have always sided with the opposition. I advocate Somalia leaving the Arab League, but that necessarily does not mean I hate Arabs. Ive got nothing against them. But I'd take my trade elsewhere. We don't share common interests.

im glad its not just me who think somalis shud reasses their relationship with arabs esp s.arabia


Which others? The majority opinion among Islamic genealogists (as far as I remember) was what I stated. There were Arabs living in the Arabian peninsula long before the birth of prophet Ismail (AS). Who exactly did he marry into and learn the language from if that was not the case? The chinese? Australian Aborigines? It has been proven by secular academics that the Arabic language existed long before the time prophet Ibrahim (AS) was believed to have existed. There's simply no other way to resolve these contradictions other than supporting the majority opinion held by Islamic scholars of the classification between the groups within the Arabs.

FYI: I'm not the one who invented that term and its application, but that's how it has historically been used by the classical scholars of Islam who specialize in this field.
We all know Arabs existed before the Prophet Ismail (AS), these include the tribes of 'Ad, Thamud, etc. Some of the scholars are of the opinion that the first person to speak Arabic was Noah (AS) whilst others say Ibrahim (AS) and some say Adam (AS).

The Prophet Ismail (AS) married in to Bani Jurhum who were said to be Qahtaanis. It could be that the Kahlan branch of Qahtaan are in fact from the offsprings of Ismail (AS) whilst the Himyar and Jurhum are العرب العاربة

Sahih Bukhari

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 148:
Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa:

The Prophet passed by some people of the tribe of Bani Aslam who were practicing archery. The Prophet said, "O Bani Ismail ! Practice archery as your father Isma'il was a great archer. Keep on throwing arrows and I am with Bani so-and-so." So one of the parties ceased throwing. Allah's Apostle said, "Why do you not throw?" They replied, "How should we throw while you are with them (i.e. on their side)?" On that the Prophet said, "Throw, and I am with all of you."

Bani Aslam were said to be related to Khazraj who are descendants of Kahlan. Since it's confirmed that they are the offsprings of Ismail (AS), the same can be said about the rest of the tribes from Kahlan.

Thus it's possible that a large percentage of Arabs from Qahtan who are believed to be العرب العاربة are in fact العرب المستعربة
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