Write something in Somali, I'll try my best to repeat what you wrote in english.

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I have no proof, only whispers
My Somali reading skills suck. Write something down in Somali, and I'll reply back with what I think you wrote. I'm warning you, it's going to be bad.



Ciyaataas la sugi la'yahay inta xilligeeda laga gaarayo ayaa saameyn ku yeelaneysa kala horreynta horyaalka Ingiriiska, iyadoo labada kooxood mid walba aysan ku qanci doonin wax aan badis ahayn


I have no proof, only whispers
Ciyaataas la sugi la'yahay inta xilligeeda laga gaarayo ayaa saameyn ku yeelaneysa kala horreynta horyaalka Ingiriiska, iyadoo labada kooxood mid walba aysan ku qanci doonin wax aan badis ahayn

Something something something something something something something Ingiriiska(English) something something something something something


No clue what that says.
Boqortooyadaadu ha timaado, doonistaada ([the floor/ground] dhulka) ha lagu yeelo sida jannada loogu yeelo.

That is all I could get

I'll give you a D for daring.

It means, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done on the Ground As it is Done in Heaven


I have no proof, only whispers
Your somali isnti bad at all:dabcasar::siilaanyosmile:
To me it seems like there are two types of spoken and written Somali. I can understand my parents and family members perfectly fine when they speak in Somali, but if I go to a Somali YouTube channel and listen to the newscasters, I have no idea what they are saying. Same with what you wrote vs what @henni and @IslamIsTheAnswer wrote.
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