Xamar Cadcads enslaved Ethiopians too LOL (no troll)

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they fled after the rapes and looting they left for darood controlled kismayio
No they didn't lmao... They fled as soon as that started. You guys rape eachother way more looool, don't make me share what I've seen in Xamar sxb. Only the businessmen remained, everyone else were granted asylum in the UK, North America, etc. Every cadcad had the opportunity to go, only those that had something to lose (like a business) remained.

The UK Border Agency, citing Jane's July 2010 country risk assessment on Somalia, indicates that, in the aftermath of state collapse, most Benadiri fled the country (UK 17 Jan. 2012, para. 19.67)

Similarly, MRG states that a few thousand Benadiri remained in Mogadishu, Brava and Merca, where they continue to operate businesses (Oct. 2010, 12).

Carry on dreaming fuckboy


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance why do they look like Abu Tyrones? Maxaa dhacdhay? Are you sure it wasn't Bantus that they mixed with? I've seen your pic sxb, you look no different to a Rashaun. Your E1b1 haplotype is an eternal L sxb
I don't know about all that E1b1 thingy thing that the gaalo made up lakinse what I do know for sure are all my ancestors were pure Somali on both side, African Ma garatey. Sure a Somali & a Bantu ain't no different just like a person from Greece is the same as a person from Sweden Ma garatey, lakinse just because some of you settle in Somalia it doesn't give you no right to lay claim on the land just like an Abyssinian who's ancestors ruled Arabia has no right to law claim on the Arabian peninsula Ma fahamtey yaro, Horta hada sii loo fiiriyo maxa kugu jiro isla weynimo (pride) let me take this moment to humble you so you may have your feet firmly back on the ground. Did you know Allah sends his messengers to the worst people amongst mankind? Men like Omar ibn khattab was the worst amongst mankind before Islam, so I'll kindly ask you to tell me the history of the Arabs without bringing up the history of Islam, & the victories that Islam had, I'll reiterate don't conflate Islamic history with that of the pagan arab savages fadlan adigo mudan.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Wait why is HG coming up in this conversation between battyboys talking about skin colour and shit
Habar gidir wax aa dhaafeen Ma jirto boowe after they raped & pillaged the humans maxa u soo jeesteen xoolaha, iisbaro bey dhigteen the jungles of shebelle river, reports came out a few years ago that there was a 16 year old boy that was found in the jungle living high in the trees, scientists confirmed that the boy was half habar gidir iyo chimpanzee lol


I don't know about all that E1b1 thingy thing that the gaalo made up lakinse what I do know for sure are all my ancestors were pure Somali on both side, African Ma garatey. Sure a Somali & a Bantu ain't no different just like a person from Greece is the same as a person from Sweden Ma garatey, lakinse just because some of you settle in Somalia it doesn't give you no right to lay claim on the land just like an Abyssinian who's ancestors ruled Arabia has no right to law claim on the Arabian peninsula Ma fahamtey yaro, Horta hada sii loo fiiriyo maxa kugu jiro isla weynimo (pride) let me take this moment to humble you so you may have your feet firmly back on the ground. Did you know Allah sends his messengers to the worst people amongst mankind? Men like Omar ibn khattab was the worst amongst mankind before Islam, so I'll kindly ask you to tell me the history of the Arabs without bringing up the history of Islam, & the victories that Islam had, I'll reiterate don't conflate Islamic history with that of the pagan arab savages fadlan adigo mudan.
stfu sxb, this haplotype thing is 100% legit. How can it be that if you take the test and another person (from your tribe) across the globe takes the test, the outcome is the same? It's about your STR markers and the cms you share with others. You are what you are sxb. Now answer my question, why do you look like a deformed Rashaun?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
stfu sxb, this haplotype thing is 100% legit. How can it be that if you take the test and another person (from your tribe) across the globe takes the test, the outcome is the same? It's about your STR markers and the cms you share with others. You are what you are sxb. Now answer my question, why do you look like a deformed Rashaun?
I don't believe in those things that the gaalo have created, Allah knows best bradar waxas iga ilaali boowe waa billahi towfiq.


I don't believe in those things that the gaalo have created, Allah knows best bradar waxas iga ilaali boowe waa billahi towfiq.
It's literally like a paternity test, they know who your father is because of the high levels of CMs. Wixii tahay ma badali kartid e1b baa tahay, waa sidhaas.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
It's literally like a paternity test, they know who your father is because of the high levels of CMs. Wixii tahay ma badali kartid e1b baa tahay, waa sidhaas.
Did you know that Allah sends his messengers to the worst people amongst mankind?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The Arabs when it comes to being jahiil they're amongst the worst in mankind bradar hadu illahay ku roon yahay they use to discard of their daughters & bury them alive, illahay ba kugu dharshee is that something to be proud of?


The Arabs when it comes to being jahiil they're amongst the worst in mankind bradar hadu illahay ku roon yahay they use to discard of their daughters & bury them alive, illahay ba kugu dharshee is that something to be proud of?
Wax kale baa nuu keenti niyow
Cadcads are bantu arab inbreds.
Actually the average 'cadcad' doesn't have anymore than 5% Bantu ma garatay. Stop projecting your madowness on others.
Cadcad claim Somali when with somalis and claim Arab ancestry when with arabs. If you ask where they're from they'll speak about 1000 years ago saying we were in persia then 500 years ago in aden then 25 years ago in somalia:ummhmsmiley:... Yall sound like another cot damn gypsy stain to me:pachah1:
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