Subhanallah you revealed yourself today! I knew you were a pro gaal agent. More women are raped in USA than Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. Bout women are safer there.

Every day you show me exactly how insipid you are. Is this why you spend most of your time gossiping? You lack critical reading skills? Orad, go tell us what a Somali woman did today, that's all you're good for.

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It's 2024, and there are Somali men who sit by and watch AlShabab 'marry' Somali women, and even let them divorce them from their Somali husband first. Madow terrorists from foreign countries, baa dumarka la siiya, waxkale iska dhaaf. I don't even want to discuss the other nasty things I have read on historic documents.
But when I make light of this they say I'm "Cuck Posting" :wow1:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Children born to foreign mothers and fathers will struggle with acceptance, regardless of the online harassment. Even if there was no online harassment they will remain shunned in the real world due to social norms and community pressures that value and prioritise ethnic purity. It's not only targeted at those with Somali mothers.

There's no point trying to change what's what.

There is a disproportionate focus on those with Somali mothers.

I say this as an outsider with a sense of personal distance.

Both groupsโ€”those with Somali mothers and those with Somali fathersโ€”face questions regarding their appearance, as they may not be easily identifiable as fully Somali. They both encounter challenges in finding a sense of belonging. Having a Somali father doesn't shield you from these struggles; it simply connects you to a qabil, which holds more significance in the motherland, where distinctions like landheernimo and langaabnimo carry weight.

Despite occasional claims of sheegatos, Somalis are generally adept at guarding their lineage. Letโ€™s not fool ourselvesโ€”certain haplogroups predominate, particularly within specific clans. However, when it comes to the harassment these children face, those with Somali mothers often bear the brunt. Online, they are frequently denied even half of their Somaliness, which is peculiar.

It wasnโ€™t always like this, but considering that some of these online voices (diaspora-born and raised) are weak, undisciplined, and poorly raised, itโ€™s not surprising they spew such vitriol. These individuals are not like the Somalis of old. They have deep-seated insecurities about their own identity, excessively praise non-Somalisโ€”a behaviour unheard of among traditional Somalisโ€”and try to align themselves with them. The ones questioning Somaliness often come from this group of so-called "full" Somalis with foreign mindsets. This is a more pressing problem. They are not truly Somali in the traditional sense, as they hold a bicultural identity and are lost. Perhaps we should also address this group, as they outnumber half-Somalis many times over.
Subhanallah you revealed yourself today! I knew you were a pro gaal agent. More women are raped in USA than Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. Bout women are safer there.
Ngl that was crazy reading. Those examples are not commonplace and are Western propaganda. Meanwhile, girls in the West (gaals) are getting pregnant at a young age out of wedlock. These illegitimate offspring are often murdered before ever leaving the womb. Yet the West is better for the young girls who are losing their innocence outside the bounds of marriage. Only to be discarded later on :dead:

First sexual intercourse, or sexual debut, is a normal part of human development. The proportion of high school students who were sexually active has remained steady since 1997, approaching nearly 50% for all high school students with almost 70% of youth experiencing sexual debut by age 18 [1โ€“3]. Approximately 7.1% of American youth report sexual debut prior to 13, with more male than female youth reporting early sexual debut; by age 16, approximately 30% of females and 34% of males have had sexual intercourse [1,4].
Despite Somalis being tribal you often wouldn't know the tribe someone belongs to unless they disclosed it to you, especially here in the West. Among some Somalis it's even taboo to bring up tribe because of civil war trauma. The only time a half Somali, whether the Somali parent be the mother or father, would stick out is if they look distinctly ajnabi and cannot speak the language. Otherwise, they could easily assimilate into the Somali community.

You will know what I'm talking about when you meet half Somalis with a non-Somali Horner/Yemeni father who were raised back home. They appear very Somali, culturally and even phenotypically, and are often integrated into the community, many even going on to marry a Somali. You'd never know they were half/didn't belong to a tribe unless they told you or someone else informed you. Somalis are very accepting of them because they easily pass as Somali. It would be a different story if they stuck out and didn't look/speak Somali.
Not gonna read all this cope, but a half breed is a half breed. If it were up to me, half breeds in somalia, regardless of which side they somali heritage comes from should have restricted rights.

1) limit on how much physical land they can own, and if they have kids with a non-somali, that land can only be inherited to their nearest fully somali relative

2) cannot hold any position of political power, and heavy scrutiny and limitation on their lobbying power

3) being AT minimum 3/4 somali, you will be reconsidered as fully somali

4) somali bantus that have a proven track of being in our country for centuries, are exempt from this and are considered full Somali citizen, and their bantu heritage is acknowledged.

i dont give a f*ck about what weird fantasy and perspective you guys have on interracial marriages and their offsprings, but more often than not, shit is based off fetishization and low self esteem. their offsprings more often than not have insane identity crisis, will often mock/denigrate their half that is considered "lesser", and they are coons.

i grew up in canada, met and have known many many many half breeds of many different mixes and they almost all have a fucked up sense of self. the few that don't had solid parents that thought them to value both their heritages, but that's some super rare shit


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Somalians are going to Somalian.

One day, you'll learn to not care whenever they mention their garbage opinions. Its a really liberating feeling and bonus points, you even learn to enjoy their seething before telling them to get lost.
Thatโ€™s usually children with Somali fathers, not denying it canโ€™t happen but it doesnโ€™t more often than not. Once a somali woman marries out into a different group she becomes de facto a guest or a protected person by the ethnicity of whoever the father is, therefore the children will be immersed in the culture and traditions of their fathers group, since they share paternal descent with him. Iโ€™ve seen a few half Somalis and 90% of those who could speak Somali and understood Somali dhaqan either had Somali fathers or were raised by their mothers after their fathers walked out on them.

in conclusion, those women who marry out will raise children who wonโ€™t be immersed in Somali culture, or know the language or dhaqan, theyโ€™ll have no tie to Somalis other than their mothers, so instead of calling them half Somalis, Iโ€™d call them โ€œinsert ethnicityโ€ with Somali ancestry.
Many of you lot defy basic logic. Who mostly stays home and raises the children? Even when the father is at home, who is usually spends more time with babies and under 5s?

Itโ€™s funny how gender dynamics goes out the window when discussing IR relationship and all of a sudden Somali men are at home all day spending more time with their children than even mothers.

Languages are called mother tongue since itโ€™s mothers who are the primary carers. You donโ€™t get to defy reality to point score.

It is your mother who spent the majority of her time with you between the ages of newborn to 4 which is the time in which children form their language skills.
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Plotting world domination
Many of you lot defy basic logic. Who mostly stays home and raises the children? Even when the father is at home, who is usually spends more time with babies and under 5s?

Itโ€™s funny how gender dynamics goes out the window when discussing IR relationship and all of a sudden Somali men are at home all day spending more time with their children than even mothers.

Languages are called mother tongue since itโ€™s mothers who are the primary carers. You donโ€™t get to defy reality to point score.

It is your mother who spent the majority of her time with you between the ages of newborn to 4 which is the time in which children form their language skills.

Yea but your not factoring in the mothers of today. Your just assuming every Somali women In our generation is super cultured and can easily raise cultured half Somali kids.

I've met plenty of somalis that married out in my state. The ones that raised cultured kids made sure to teach their kids the language and raise them around other somalis.

I've met half Somali kids with Somali moms that were completely white washed or were just straight up madow. I've met some that had Somali dads as well.

Also I've seen the extent Somali grandparents will go through just to take control of their grandbabies. Some of those Somali single moms have parents that will try and help them gain full custody because they don't want them raised by their non somali father. I've seen this mainly happen in the hood. These half Somali kids raised in the same areas as us will always remain cultured.

The uncultured Somali kids I met with Somali dads came from middle class households where the father raised his kids in the suburbs away from somalis. The only thing he cared about was fulfilling his basic tasks as a father. Teaching them the language or bringing them around somalis wasn't something he cared about. I personally think most of these dudes are gaal or gaal adjacent. Especially if they married a women from a non Muslim background.
Yea but your not factoring in the mothers of today. Your just assuming every Somali women In our generation is super cultured and can easily raise cultured half Somali kids.
Hey, I donโ€™t dispute that diaspora Somali girls probably arenโ€™t going to fare better but in the long run they will mostly due to the fact women have a tighter relationship with their families and are more likely to visit with their kids. Children tend to be closer to the โ€˜mumโ€™s sideโ€™ than dads. More so because Mum is usually the primary care giver and would usually be the ones running errands and visiting family with the kids in tow.

I think a Somali man needs to make a very active decision to go above and beyond in being a father and to make sure when heโ€™s not working heโ€™s bringing the kids to his mum but usually wives do get in the way and prefer to prioritize their families. Thatโ€™s the truth of the matter. Fathers side donโ€™t love kids any less, itโ€™s because mothers (women in general) are more active in keeping ties of kinship.
I've met plenty of somalis that married out in my state. The ones that raised cultured kids made sure to teach their kids the language and raise them around other somalis.

I've met half Somali kids with Somali moms that were completely white washed or were just straight up madow. I've met some that had Somali dads as well.
Itโ€™s a mixed bag. But the way the mother is influences kids way more than the way dads are. If the mother is whitewashed, so will the kids even if the kids arenโ€™t mixed raced. If the mother is cultured and upkeeps visiting her family more, the kids will deffo be immersed. Fathers need to be active and make a conscious decision and canโ€™t allow sexism like allowing their wives to do all the parenting and raising.
Also I've seen the extent Somali grandparents will go through just to take control of their grandbabies. Some of those Somali single moms have parents that will try and help them gain full custody because they don't want them raised by their non somali father. I've seen this mainly happen in the hood. These half Somali kids raised in the same areas as us will always remain cultured.
Yep, fits into my previous point. Upholding ties with grandparents is the sure fire way and Somali girls do that more. Itโ€™s not a dig, but women are socialized to upkeep ties more and thatโ€™s why itโ€™s usually women to look after the elderly especially in our community.
The uncultured Somali kids I met with Somali dads came from middle class households where the father raised his kids in the suburbs away from somalis. The only thing he cared about was fulfilling his basic tasks as a father. Teaching them the language or bringing them around somalis wasn't something he cared about. I personally think most of these dudes are gaal or gaal adjacent. Especially if they married a women from a non Muslim background.
Yep, and itโ€™s the same for women. If a Somali woman is uncultured and whitewashed so will her children. Itโ€™s worse for women to be this way because their kids could be unmixed and their kids will be white washed if they are as well. Mothers are simply most often the primary careers.


Plotting world domination
Hey, I donโ€™t dispute that diaspora Somali girls probably arenโ€™t going to fare better but in the long run they will mostly due to the fact women have a tighter relationship with their families and are more likely to visit with their kids. Children tend to be closer to the โ€˜mumโ€™s sideโ€™ than dads. More so because Mum is usually the primary care giver and would usually be the ones running errands and visiting family with the kids in tow.

I think a Somali man needs to make a very active decision to go above and beyond in being a father and to make sure when heโ€™s not working heโ€™s bringing the kids to his mum but usually wives do get in the way and prefer to prioritize their families. Thatโ€™s the truth of the matter. Fathers side donโ€™t love kids any less, itโ€™s because mothers (women in general) are more active in keeping ties of kinship.

Itโ€™s a mixed bag. But the way the mother is influences kids way more than the way dads are. If the mother is whitewashed, so will the kids even if the kids arenโ€™t mixed raced. If the mother is cultured and upkeeps visiting her family more, the kids will deffo be immersed. Fathers need to be active and make a conscious decision and canโ€™t allow sexism like allowing their wives to do all the parenting and raising.

Yep, fits into my previous point. Upholding ties with grandparents is the sure fire way and Somali girls do that more. Itโ€™s not a dig, but women are socialized to upkeep ties more and thatโ€™s why itโ€™s usually women to look after the elderly especially in our community.

Yep, and itโ€™s the same for women. If a Somali woman is uncultured and whitewashed so will her children. Itโ€™s worse for women to be this way because their kids could be unmixed and their kids will be white washed if they are as well. Mothers are simply most often the primary careers.

"Yep, and itโ€™s the same for women. If a Somali woman is uncultured and whitewashed so will her children. Itโ€™s worse for women to be this way because their kids could be unmixed and their kids will be white washed if they are as well. Mothers are simply most often the primary careers."

So why give AF about most of these people than??

Let's be honest. 99% of somalis that truly care about the culture in the diaspora end up getting married to a Somali partner.

The ones that marry out usually don't care as much. These people are pretty much non factors in the Somali community. We shouldn't be caring about them or their kids at all.
Many of you lot defy basic logic. Who mostly stays home and raises the children? Even when the father is at home, who is usually spends more time with babies and under 5s?

Itโ€™s funny how gender dynamics goes out the window when discussing IR relationship and all of a sudden Somali men are at home all day spending more time with their children than even mothers.

Languages are called mother tongue since itโ€™s mothers who are the primary carers. You donโ€™t get to defy reality to point score.

It is your mother who spent the majority of her time with you between the ages of newborn to 4 which is the time in which children form their language skills.
I havenโ€™t come across someone with a Somali mother and a foreign father who spoke even basic Somali, understanding it is one thing, but speaking it? No. Why do they either speak the language of their host nation/fathers instead of Somali, if somali women of today are just as able to pass on the af and dhaqan as you imply. If anything that proves the calibre of Somali women of who marry out?

why donโ€™t they pass on the language to the children of the mixed union? Youโ€™re talking as if this is common enough when it remotely isnโ€™t?
Every culture has rules, why is our rules being shamed? I don't see anyone giving cadaans flack for their 1% drop role, or even Arabs? Harassing people is never right but neither is disrespecting our culture. To wrongs don't make a right
I havenโ€™t come across someone with a Somali mother and a foreign father who spoke even basic Somali, understanding it is one thing, but speaking it? No. Why do they either speak the language of their host nation/fathers instead of Somali, if somali women of today are just as able to pass on the af and dhaqan as you imply. If anything that proves the calibre of Somali women of who marry out?

why donโ€™t they pass on the language to the children of the mixed union? Youโ€™re talking as if this is common enough when it remotely isnโ€™t?
I literally know at least three with two being related to me. Older gen/freshie women do indeed pass on their language simply because they speak Somali all the time. Do you think kids are stupid and wont pick up on a language their mother speak? My aunt has a mixed kid and she's on the phone talking Somali all the time and her side of the family come to her home all the time.

How can a father pass on a language if the mother doesn't speak it?

As for fathers, I have never met a half Somali with a Somali father that spoke Somali. They're either from broken homes or the kids speak their mother's language. Example, I know a half spanish half Somali. They speak their mother's language which is Spanish.

I have a very simple question which will clear everything up, who spends more time with kids? Mum or dad? How the hell can kids learn their father's language if the mother doesn't cooperate?
I literally know at least three with two being related to me. Older gen/freshie women do indeed pass on their language simply because they speak Somali all the time. Do you think kids are stupid and wont pick up on a language their mother speak? My aunt has a mixed kid and she's on the phone talking Somali all the time and her side of the family come to her home all the time.

How can a father pass on a language if the mother doesn't speak it?

As for fathers, I have never met a half Somali with a Somali father that spoke Somali. They're either from broken homes or the kids speak their mother's language. Example, I know a half spanish half Somali. They speak their mother's language which is Spanish.

I have a very simple question which will clear everything up, who spends more time with kids? Mum or dad? How the hell can kids learn their father's language if the mother doesn't cooperate?
Youโ€™re either defying reality or being disingenuous, and I like how you just spun the argument I made regarding children of mixed offspring with non Somali fathers not being able to speak, according to your reality itโ€™s actually the opposite! when thereโ€™s no proof to back it up.

the point Iโ€™m making is that most Somali women who marry out donโ€™t make it a priority to imbue or teach their offspring about their Somali heritage, and Iโ€™ve seen many irl cases which lend credence to my point. And you know what, they donโ€™t have to! After all the kids are what their father is. Iโ€™m just tired of this fantasy being perpetuated in here, that somali women who marry out are just as capable if not more when it comes to passing down their af and dhaqan, than their male counterparts or kin who decide to marry within.
Youโ€™re either defying reality or being disingenuous, and I like how you just spun the argument I made regarding children of mixed offspring with non Somali fathers not being able to speak, according to your reality itโ€™s actually the opposite! when thereโ€™s no proof to back it up.
Mother tongue. Mother's are the primary caregivers. It's as simple as that.

Are you now suggesting that father's spend more time with kids?
the point Iโ€™m making is that most Somali women who marry out donโ€™t make it a priority to imbue or teach their offspring about their Somali heritage, and Iโ€™ve seen many irl cases which lend credence to my point. And you know what, they donโ€™t have to! After all the kids are what their father is. Iโ€™m just tired of this fantasy being perpetuated in here, that somali women who marry out are just as capable if not more when it comes to passing down their af and dhaqan, than their male counterparts or kin who decide to marry within.
Women are more capable than men. That's a fact. if you deny this, then you deny that kids spend more time with their children. Kids develop language skills from 8 months to a 3 yrs, who are the ones nurturing them and their speech before they start school? Mothers.

To deny this is to deny motherhood.

If you want to make an argument that @Kisame made that Gen Z Somali girls that marry out usually don't care about culture and language then you'd have a point but to compare mothers and fathers and to be delusional to think a father can pass down a language more than a mother who spends more time is dumb.
I literally know at least three with two being related to me. Older gen/freshie women do indeed pass on their language simply because they speak Somali all the time. Do you think kids are stupid and wont pick up on a language their mother speak? My aunt has a mixed kid and she's on the phone talking Somali all the time and her side of the family come to her home all the time.

How can a father pass on a language if the mother doesn't speak it?

As for fathers, I have never met a half Somali with a Somali father that spoke Somali. They're either from broken homes or the kids speak their mother's language. Example, I know a half spanish half Somali. They speak their mother's language which is Spanish.

I have a very simple question which will clear everything up, who spends more time with kids? Mum or dad? How the hell can kids learn their father's language if the mother doesn't cooperate?
Why you dislike? You want halfbreeds to have authority and power in Somalia?! You consider them fully Somali?! :mjkkk:

Youโ€™re too strung on gender, doesnโ€™t matter if mother or father is Somali, as long as both arenโ€™t then the kids isnโ€™t. This how Oromos, habashis and whatever other ajanabis will subvert your country.
No half breed should be allowed to own large lands or have political power.
Why you dislike? You want halfbreeds to have authority and power in Somalia?! You consider them fully Somali?! :mjkkk:

Youโ€™re too strung on gender, doesnโ€™t matter if mother or father is Somali, as long as both arenโ€™t then the kids isnโ€™t. This how Oromos, habashis and whatever other ajanabis will subvert your country.
No half breed should be allowed to own large lands or have political power.
Finally some common sense, Iโ€™m afraid Angelina doesnโ€™t think in the same broad manner we do, theyโ€™re simply not aware of the perils of subversion!


I literally know at least three with two being related to me. Older gen/freshie women do indeed pass on their language simply because they speak Somali all the time. Do you think kids are stupid and wont pick up on a language their mother speak? My aunt has a mixed kid and she's on the phone talking Somali all the time and her side of the family come to her home all the time.

How can a father pass on a language if the mother doesn't speak it?

As for fathers, I have never met a half Somali with a Somali father that spoke Somali. They're either from broken homes or the kids speak their mother's language. Example, I know a half spanish half Somali. They speak their mother's language which is Spanish.

I have a very simple question which will clear everything up, who spends more time with kids? Mum or dad? How the hell can kids learn their father's language if the mother doesn't cooperate?
we dont care. ina bradlet and ina farax are not the same no matter how good their somali language is. most somalis descend from ev32 and t1, not multiple haplogroups. the one with a somali father has a chance if he looks somali and integrates. ina bradley will not be on the same wavelength he will always be ina bradley.

