"You are what your father is" harassment online

Divine, stop right there. You’ve clearly not seen Caraab Salax. They’re fully Somali, like 99% Somali genetically. This is a fact. They look no different to you and I. They’ve been marrying MJs for centuries and now look identical.
Did I say they don't look Somali :ohlord: tribal chiefs in that lawless shithole yemen hold immense influence
IMO halfbreeds are only accepted if they intermix solely into somali clans, carab saalax intermix with puntland mjs generation upon generation. For example nearly all of the descendants of my carab saalax great grandmother are MJ. To be accepted you'd need to live in Somali, marry somalis for generation upon generation, intergrate into the culture. On the other hand Cadcads dont marry ethnic somalis to the same degree and are therefore not recognised as being ethnic somalis.
Yet cadcads were left alone and given citizenship with many have Hawiye grandmothers and were respected as being part of the community albeit with foreign roots, yet in online spaces weirdo incels harass them and say they’re not Somali.


Yet cadcads were left alone and given citizenship with many have Hawiye grandmothers and were respected as being part of the community albeit with foreign roots, yet in online spaces weirdo incels harass them and say they’re not Somali.
All Somalis residing in Somalia have a right to citizenship(regardless of clan/origin), you can argue that in online spaces they do sort of see cadcads as other but even within Somalia there is a clear distinction between the Somalinimo of the cadcad and the Somalinimo of the CarabSaalax.
All Somalis residing in Somalia have a right to citizenship, you can argue that in online spaces they do sort of see cadcads as other but even within Somalia there is a clear distinction between the Somalinimo of the cadcad and the Somalinimo the CarabSaalax.
Yes and it’s obvious why. You can’t deny the Somalinimo of people who look 100% like you. Most people don’t even know that Carab Salah even have a south Arabian patriarch. They’re as madow and Somali looking as everyone else.
Carab salax make up how much of the somali population? This woman is saying there are entire clans across somaliweyn with men who hold lineage from Gallas and Arabs and even centrak Asian Turks 😂😂 just to push that Maternal Somali are somali. I would've agreed with her if she wasn't giving me this autistic bullshit

There are plenty of people with autism on here, and you are using it as an insult. It's in fact, not an insult, it's a condition. But you lack the intellect and grace, to humble yourself. But the funny thing, life has a way of humbling people.

As for your other nacnac, we can all read DNA results for ourselves, and many of us know 0.5 families,or have met people with interesting anecdotes about their ancestor being a migrant from some random country. For the last time, I have never claimed that these groups are a majority, the numbers I have used are 'thousands'. Somalis number in the Millions.

This is my last response to you, keep ranting and raving.
I don’t believe that Carab Salax have any ties. They are 99% Somali literally. The average Carab Salax looks 100% Somali, doesn’t speak Arabic and only has Somali Daqan? What on earth are you talking about?

Let me update you sis. The Sultan of the Mahrah protectorate and Socotra, comes to visit Puntland sometimes, especially when there is a new King to be crowned. I also heard that during the civil war, they got Yemeni citizenship. So, they do have connections at various levels. But what cannot be denied, is that they are wholly Somalised.

This is him


The MJ king also visits their Sultanate

Everything else is absolutely spot on.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Yep, but corn fried men will call this ‘cucking’. Flipping weirdos. Our ancestors had bigger fish to to fry. Traders that came did indeed marry local women and those marriages were probably arranged by fathers since love marriages and wanting to be with foreigners wasn’t a concept. Those marriages happened when it benefitted the community like trade deals and links ect. I was reading Burton and he mentioned an Ugaas who married his daughter off to the ruler of Harar who wasn’t Somali and it was obviously for a clear benefit like an alliance.
Yes it wasn't really a big deal, but it wasn't something widescale. But to deny that we didn't mix would be stupid. The World is connected always.


You need people like me
Too many low iq Somalis. Your journey to truth starts with this acceptance.

The average person who reads this site must think you guys are lunatics when you turn every post into HaPLoGrOuPS and muh GeNeTiCs

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
People back home are tribal and odeyaasha will not accept iskadhal kids. Cadcadka waala xumeeyey markii dagalkaa started in the 90s due to foreign ancestry. 90% now live outside of Somalia. Lets not fool ourselves here.

T carriers came to horn likely with the same time as the camel, about 2500 years ago. They did not come alone, they came as a group with women also, evident by somalis carrying T1a and H maternal haplogroups. T haplogroup then due to a founder effect due to a some factor (draught, disease) managed to represent large number of somali males today but even that, E-v32 makes about 80, possibly even 85% of somali male population.

We were intolerant group of people with few exceptions. Today, harassement doesn’t come from diaspora kids who are clueless about somali dhaqan. Hate comes from people back home and fobs who can write their hateful messages in english. Diaspora born or raised hooyo mataalos are clueless.
People back home are tribal and odeyaasha will not accept iskadhal kids. Cadcadka waala xumeeyey markii dagalkaa started in the 90s due to foreign ancestry. 90% now live outside of Somalia. Lets not fool ourselves here.

T carriers came to horn likely with the same time as the camel, about 2500 years ago. They did not come alone, they came as a group with women also, evident by somalis carrying T1a and H maternal haplogroups. T haplogroup then due to a founder effect due to a some factor (draught, disease) managed to represent large number of somali males today but even that, E-v32 makes about 80, possibly even 85% of somali male population.

We were intolerant group of people with few exceptions.

CadCads got the exact same treatment as Daaroods did during the civil war in Mogadishu, and many of us also live in the west alongside minority communities. Rape and robbery was not unique to them.

Nobody said the T haplogroup is foreign to Somalia.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
CadCads got the exact same treatment as Daaroods did during the civil war in Mogadishu, and many of us also live in the west alongside minority communities. Rape and robbery was not unique to them.

Nobody said the T haplogroup is foreign to Somalia.
Check my edit. Most hate comes from fobs and qoraxjoog people. Diaspora hooyo mataalos are not the one leaving mean comments. Many members of nn are fobs even, remember macawisley guy? He was a fob who joined those losers.

Policing these people will be hard.
Someone leaving a comment on TikTok under the name ‘Mozart’ = me. Sure.

You’ve lost the plot. Lay off the femcel content.

Anyone that takes 2 minutes reading your post history, can see that you are a weirdo, with cuqdad against women. You really expect me to believe, you don't spread your nonsense on other platforms?

You even tried to justify DorkNN

Screenshot 2024-09-01 at 15.10.06.png

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Screenshot 2024-09-01 at 15.10.34.png

And I found this under 1 minute, what else can I find if I spend more time on your posts?


You need people like me
Anyone that takes 2 minutes reading your post history, can see that you are a weirdo, with cuqdad against women. You really expect me to believe, you don't spread your nonsense on other platforms?

You even tried to justify DorkNN

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And I found this under 1 minute, what else can I find if I spend more time on your posts?

Nothing wrong with any of those comments. I still agree with what I said.

The TikTok comment isn’t me.
I don’t think that is true banadiris and daaroods had a different experience during the civil war

Ask your female relatives what happened during the war. They'll tell you.

The only difference is, USC not only raped CadCad girls, they force married them, but Daarood girls and women were raped but not forced into being wives. But if we talk about displacement, sexual crimes, property theft, it was the same. CadCads just didn't have the ability to defend themselves at any point, and they don't have independent deegaan.

