"You are what your father is" harassment online

I agreed until I read this bullshit. How many times do I have to tell you, there are not entire clans decended from ajnabi travellers who came to Somalia.

Hitler has thr haplogoup most common and probably originated from Somalia. Meanwhile most Germans do not carry E1b1b. Does this mean some time in his lineage his German grandmother got impregnated by a wondering Somali man?? Idiocy

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Yes there are

Oromo haplogroup
Bantu haplogroup
Pygmy haplogroup
Arab haplogroup
North African haplogroup
I think I even saw a Turkic one.

People who carry these are clearly descendants of foreign men.

What are you talking about???
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She’s not talking about that. Everyone knows that T haplogroup and EB1 haplogroup are the native haplogroup of Somalis but due to DNA testing we’re finding people with Bantu Haplogroup despite being fully ethnic Somali and ones with haplogroups from North Africa ect, then you have the ones with J Haplogroup as well.

A lot of it just has to do with lack of class. If you see a lot of these weddings where a Somali lady will marry out there’s happy brothers, fathers, male cousins loool that’s not your place to say anything in the comments.

The part about Somali mums sorry I don’t agree with. The ones with fob mums they all turned out cultured and great allahumabarik. But the kids today lmfaoo their mums can barely speak Somali, and they’re not surrounded by the culture let’s be real.

These current/future kids are only half-somali, without even somali names and can’t speak the language. They’re not one of us *really* but we shouldn’t insult them and we should look to keep them onside just in case any of them make it big someday.

Remember this, kids who are raised by their Somali speaking grandmothers. You forgot about the 60 year old ayeeyos. Plus, not all millenials and gen z are hooyo mataalo, there are those who speak ok Af Soomali
when people learn exactly how many of you are wandering around with fake Somali abtiris names, and are only Somali because of your Somali female ancestors. I'm talking to all of you with non-Somali haplogroups.
I agreed with you until you said this.

When it comes to having pure male lineages, no ethnic group, besides some unknown small isolated tribes in south america or africa, has more homogeneity in the paternal side than Somalis, and I would put my life on this.

92% of somali men are either E-V32 or T-L208 (both purely Somali subclades). This means 92% of Somali men descend paternally from the same 2 men, and 81% of Somali men are E-V32 ALONE. And these are subclades that formed only 4k years ago, if we included other cushitic strains that are more prevalent in other neighboring ethnic groups, this number would be around 97%

Look at kurds for example (picked random ethnic group of top off my head) and look at the diversity in their paternal male lineages, 90% of ethnic groups have this kind of paternal diversity. Now compare it to Somalis.

(Note: This chart seems to have around 10% of Somali male lineages as non somali rather than the 8% I read in a study, I cant find it to I just searched up Somali Y-DNA, but the point still stands 2% isn't much of a difference and it's likely spiked up due to looser definition of ethnic somalis)

Can you see the difference? Literally every other ethnic group VS somalis, and you're talking about paternal haplogroups lol.

Very few somali men have paternal descent from foreigners, and if they do it's typically from other Cushitic tribes who may have been peacefully assimilated thousands of years ago, even prior to our ethnogenesis. Our paternal lineages are without a doubt the purest of any prevalent global ethnic group.

You can make your point about accepting Half Somali kids without making stuff up about our male ancestors, trying to make them look like cucks who let anyone take their women, as thats how things happened back then
I agreed with you until you said this.

When it comes to having pure male lineages, no ethnic group, besides some unknown small isolated tribes in south america or africa, has more homogeneity in the paternal side than Somalis, and I would put my life on this.

92% of somali men are either E-V32 or T-L208 (both purely Somali subclades). This means 92% of Somali men descend paternally from the same 2 men, and 81% of Somali men are E-V32 ALONE. And these are subclades that formed only 4k years ago, if we included other cushitic strains that are more prevalent in other neighboring ethnic groups, this number would be around 97%

Look at kurds for example (picked random ethnic group of top off my head) and look at the diversity in their paternal male lineages, 90% of ethnic groups have this kind of paternal diversity. Now compare it to Somalis.

(Note: This chart seems to have around 10% of Somali male lineages as non somali rather than the 8% I read in a study, I cant find it to I just searched up Somali Y-DNA, but the point still stands 2% isn't much of a difference and it's likely spiked up due to looser definition of ethnic somalis)
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Can you see the difference? Literally every other ethnic group VS somalis, and you're talking about paternal haplogroups lol.

Very few somali men have paternal descent from foreigners, and if they do it's typically from other Cushitic tribes who may have been peacefully assimilated thousands of years ago, even prior to our ethnogenesis. Our paternal lineages are without a doubt the purest of any prevalent global ethnic group.

You can make your point about accepting Half Somali kids without making stuff up about our male ancestors, trying to make them look like cucks who let anyone take their women, as thats how things happened back then

You do realise that very few Somali men have been tested thus far?
And we already have a good number of Semitic haplogroups, and sprinklings of other haplogroups. This does not match the 'pure blood' myths that are being peddled. Just wait until we get more samples from South-West Somalia for example. Whilst the majority of Somalis will be EV32 and T, probably, we can't pretend there aren't THOUSANDS and probably HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, whose lineages are NOT either of the two. Look at Gabooyes for example, the number of Semitic haplogroups are startling.

As for 'cucking', I don't see marriage in that manner, I am not a man, and don't see intermarriage as women being conquered. 'Taking our women', what? Somali women don't belong to Somali men. The only woman who is your business, is the one you will marry, and the women you are mahrem to. Full stop. This chauvinistic attitude, is precisely why there are Somali men, who bully Somali women online. I am not even a proponent of intermarriage, but I hate the way a good number of you men, talk about women.

I also have access to colonial-era records, which show that literal Oromo hunter gatherer groups got absorbed, but conveniently, nobody seems to remember that their great grandfather was not an ethnic Somali. Adopting Half Somalis is accepted when it's time to boost clan numbers, right, LOL.
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You do realise that very few Somali men have been tested thus far? Not even a 100 probably.
"Not even a 100 probably"

image I showed literally has N=142 lmao. And this is just from one dudes relatives (presumably of isaaq origin due to more T-L208 than usual)

there have been dozens of DNA projects with THOUSANDS of samples from ethnic Somali men from all qabils, and the Y dna distribution has been consistent. You're making it seem like Y-DNA testing is complicated, literally taking a $99 23andMe test will tell you have your subclade is and confirm if you are paternally Somali

Also, if you know anything about statistics, 142 is more than enough to make a statement on ANY population for almost ANYTHING, especially Y-DNA testing on a population with clan structure and genetic homogeneity such as Somalis.

we already have a good number of Semitic haplogroups,
No we dont LOL there is literally no semetic haplogroups. The arab Y-DNA, J-1P58 isn't even found in 1/100 Ethnic Somali males. There are more paternally Somali male lineages in Arabs (For example, E-V32 in qatari royal family) than Arab lineages in Somali men. However it's very rare for arabs to have somali lineages, but when it comes to ratios they have a higher between two miniscule amounts.

sprinklings of other haplogroups
Barely, but ok

I never mentioned 'cucking', because I am not a man, and don't see intermarriage as women being conquered.
Try explaining that to men thousands of years ago. Theres a reason why every story of conquests includes the taking of the enemies women. The assyrians, Greeks, Romans, egyptians, the Aryans (iranic and indic predecessors) etc were very descriptive with how they took their enemies women after subjugating them. Say what you want but thats the reality of history. Men who didn't take foreign women or let their women marry foreigners simply dont exist in the gene pool today. This is basic anthropology

I also have access to colonial-era records, which show that literal Oromo hunter gatherer groups got absorbed, but conveniently, nobody seems to remember that their great grandfather was not an ethnic Somali.
Ah yes im sure your anecdote of a group of perhaps a few thousand or so oromos being assimilated into Somalis a century ago is statistically relevant in our ethnic group of 33 million lol

Personally I don't care anyone marries. everyone should marry whoever they believe would create the best outcome for them and their future children. If it's halal and both parties are happy, then I'm happy for them as well. But don't make it seem like foreign male lineages are common in Somalis, and that our forefathers lied to us about our lineage
"Not even a 100 probably"

image I showed literally has N=142 lmao. And this is just from one dudes relatives (presumably of isaaq origin due to more T-L208 than usual)

there have been dozens of DNA projects with THOUSANDS of samples from ethnic Somali men from all qabils, and the Y dna distribution has been consistent. You're making it seem like Y-DNA testing is complicated, literally taking a $99 23andMe test will tell you have your subclade is and confirm if you are paternally Somali

Also, if you know anything about statistics, 142 is more than enough to make a statement on ANY population for almost ANYTHING, especially Y-DNA testing on a population with clan structure and genetic homogeneity such as Somalis.

No we dont LOL there is literally no semetic haplogroups. The arab Y-DNA, J-1P58 isn't even found in 1/100 Ethnic Somali males. There are more paternally Somali male lineages in Arabs (For example, E-V32 in qatari royal family) than Arab lineages in Somali men. However it's very rare for arabs to have somali lineages, but when it comes to ratios they have a higher between two miniscule amounts.

Barely, but ok

Try explaining that to men thousands of years ago. Theres a reason why every story of conquests includes the taking of the enemies women. The assyrians, Greeks, Romans, egyptians, the Aryans (iranic and indic predecessors) etc were very descriptive with how they took their enemies women after subjugating them. Say what you want but thats the reality of history. Men who didn't take foreign women or let their women marry foreigners simply dont exist in the gene pool today. This is basic anthropology

Ah yes im sure your anecdote of a group of perhaps a few thousand or so oromos being assimilated into Somalis a century ago is statistically relevant in our ethnic group of 33 million lol

Personally I don't care anyone marries. everyone should marry whoever they believe would create the best outcome for them and their future children. If it's halal and both parties are happy, then I'm happy for them as well. But don't make it seem like foreign male lineages are common in Somalis, and that our forefathers lied to us about our lineage
Are you okay? We literally know groups like Caraab Salax who are in the thousands descend from Mehri men?! They’re literally Somali today via their female lines and look wholly Somali today and intermarry with the MJ.
"Not even a 100 probably"

image I showed literally has N=142 lmao. And this is just from one dudes relatives (presumably of isaaq origin due to more T-L208 than usual)

there have been dozens of DNA projects with THOUSANDS of samples from ethnic Somali men from all qabils, and the Y dna distribution has been consistent. You're making it seem like Y-DNA testing is complicated, literally taking a $99 23andMe test will tell you have your subclade is and confirm if you are paternally Somali

Also, if you know anything about statistics, 142 is more than enough to make a statement on ANY population for almost ANYTHING, especially Y-DNA testing on a population with clan structure and genetic homogeneity such as Somalis.

No we dont LOL there is literally no semetic haplogroups. The arab Y-DNA, J-1P58 isn't even found in 1/100 Ethnic Somali males. There are more paternally Somali male lineages in Arabs (For example, E-V32 in qatari royal family) than Arab lineages in Somali men. However it's very rare for arabs to have somali lineages, but when it comes to ratios they have a higher between two miniscule amounts.


Yes, there are plenty of Semitic haplogroups, what is J1 and J2, if not Semitic???

Barely, but ok

Try explaining that to men thousands of years ago. Theres a reason why every story of conquests includes the taking of the enemies women. The assyrians, Greeks, Romans, egyptians, the Aryans (iranic and indic predecessors) etc were very descriptive with how they took their enemies women after subjugating them. Say what you want but thats the reality of history. Men who didn't take foreign women or let their women marry foreigners simply dont exist in the gene pool today. This is basic anthropology

"Taking women", is not what happened in Somalia, as you Somali men fought alongside foreign men, when you were warring against the Ethiopians during Futuh Al Habesha. Clearly, this was a case of assimilating foreign male friends. So, I don't know why you are bringing up historic assaults against women.

Ah yes im sure your anecdote of a group of perhaps a few thousand or so oromos being assimilated into Somalis a century ago is statistically relevant in our ethnic group of 33 million lol

LOL, yes it is relevant, because we don't have enough samples from certain Southern Somali clans.
Personally I don't care anyone marries. everyone should marry whoever they believe would create the best outcome for them and their future children. If it's halal and both parties are happy, then I'm happy for them as well. But don't make it seem like foreign male lineages are common in Somalis, and that our forefathers lied to us about our lineage

Ultimately, you have a vested interest in downplaying the hypocrisy of Somali men, and the very real fact that you did give your sisters and daughters hand in marriage to your foreign friends.

It's 2024, and there are Somali men who sit by and watch AlShabab 'marry' Somali women, and even let them divorce them from their Somali husband first. Madow terrorists from foreign countries, baa dumarka la siiya, waxkale iska dhaaf. I don't even want to discuss the other nasty things I have read on historic documents.
Are you okay? We literally know groups like Caraab Salax who are in the thousands descend from Mehri men?! They’re literally Somali today via their female lines and look wholly Somali today and intermarry with the MJ.

Not to mention the other 0.5 clans, who have maternal Somali DNA, and are accepted as Somali nationals. Shanshi, Barawani, you name it. Foreign marriage is and was normal in Somali society. The show they put on, in the comment sections of social media accounts, is crazy to me.
Simply look at Gabooye samples, look at the Carab Salaax who have been absorbed into Somali society who we know for certain are now of Mehri origin and Somalis of old knew this as well, hence the name β€˜Caraab Salaax’.

Look at the Cadcads whose maternally 40% Somali?

Do you think that when this was happening Somali men felt β€˜cucked’? A lot of those marriages were indeed arranged. Thats why you find Carab Salax have a close relationship with MJ and why you have a close relationship between Gibil madow who were ethnic Somalis and Gibil Caad.

@NewDayNewMan get your brain out of the utter. The truth is in the middle. Did men see conquering women as conquering nations? Yes. But we also have as much historical examples of men marrying their daughters for to foreign men for allegiance and getting allies. You mentioned European history like the Greeks but you forgot much of Medieval European history is kings giving their daughters of foreign European kings of other nations as well.


Plotting world domination
That's right. The mother is usually the primary caretaker and the one that imparts language and culture. This is why I don't recommend Somali men marry out, unless they are willing to work overtime to match what the mother will do.
@Angelina @Laiss
Y'all gotta stop saying half somalis with Somali moms are more cultured :birdman: .

The new Gen Somali mothers aren't as cultured as our hooyos. I'd accept this statement if it was only fobs that married out but this isn't the case at all. A lot of these half Somali kids are about to be very whitewashed since their parents will start moving away from Somali communities and will be fully assimilated into the west.

Majority of the half Somali kids I know with a Somali dad are very cultured. Their father's made sure to raise them around other somalis and taught them the language. I know some half somalis with a Somali mom and they were pretty cultured as well. Any half Somali kid will turn out cultured regardless if they're raised around somalis and taught the language.

Also the partner of the Somali parent plays a big role in how the half Somali kid will turn out. Look at Maya jama for example. Her father had a baby with a liberal cadaan women. The only Somali niggas willing to do this are gaals or liberal Somali men that aren't as religious. Mixed somalis with a very liberal non Somali parent will probably end up as a Maya jama variant.

We also have to take in the minority of somalis that actually willingly marry out because they want to leave the community. I doubt our divestors will be raising cultured Somali kids. Ayaan hirsi will be raising a bunch of Candace owens Jrs. In fact I bet a lot of these uncultured half Somali kids had a Somali parent that was gaal or borderline gaal.