"You are what your father is" harassment online

Simply look at Gabooye samples, look at the Carab Salaax who have been absorbed into Somali society who we know for certain are now of Mehri origin and Somalis of old knew this as well, hence the name β€˜Caraab Salaax’.

Look at the Cadcads whose maternally 40% Somali?

Do you think that when this was happening Somali men felt β€˜cucked’? A lot of those marriages were indeed arranged. Thats why you find Carab Salax have a close relationship with MJ and why you have a close relationship between Gibil madow who were ethnic Somalis and Gibil Caad.

@NewDayNewMan get your brain out of the utter. The truth is in the middle. Did men see conquering women as conquering nations? Yes. But we also have as much historical examples of men marrying their daughters for to foreign men for allegiance and getting allies. You mentioned European history like the Greeks but you forgot much of Medieval European history is kings giving their daughters of foreign European kings of other nations as well.

They know all of this very well. The aim is just to bully and marginalise Somali women, no matter what. Even recently there was a parliament drama about giving nationality to children of Somali mothers, and they had the nerve to say no. Meanwhile, the entire 0.5 group, is a product of Somali women + foreign men. :pachah1:

I just wish these cawaans would shut their mouths, and stop shaming the Somali name online. It's like they want us to be hunted and disgraced all over the globe. I feel bad for Somali businessmen in other African countries for example, whose lives are at risk, thanks to the global anti-Somali sentiment they are actively whipping up.
Somalis are pretty homogenous when it comes.to Y dna. Lets not make things up. We are a very clan structured society.

But I do agree that uncalled for comments harassing half Somalis with Somali mothers needs to stop.The reason for them is due to qabiil. Back home they would be considered looma oyaan. More than likely adopted by the maternal clan for support but never fully assimilated, well not for a long time anyway.
Not to mention the other 0.5 clans, who have maternal Somali DNA, and are accepted as Somali nationals. Shanshi, Barawani, you name it. Foreign marriage is and was normal in Somali society. The show they put on, in the comment sections of social media accounts, is crazy to me.
He looks at history via a chauvinist lens obsessed with β€˜cucking’ as he puts it which is basically a testament to todays men’s obsession with cornographic lingo if anything.

Much of human history was of conquest but it was also a time of forming allies which is why a good % of Inter ethnic unions were indeed arranged. He mentioned the Greeks but Europe is a great example of that. The way they consolidated their powers and prevented invasions was via intermarriage of daughters being married of to foreign dignitaries. They conquered each other en-masse but also peace times formed arranged marriages.

Im sure the Carab Salax a small group never married ethnic Somali women via force. They couldn’t. They must have been Mehri traders who had what the locals wanted and MJ fathers probably arranged some marriages that benefited them.
Somalis are pretty homogenous when it comes.to Y dna. Lets not make things up. We are a very clan structured society.
But I do agree that uncalled for comments harassing half Somalis with Somali mothers needs to stop.The reason for them is due to qabiil. Back home they would be considered looma oyaan.

More than likely adopted by the maternal clan for support but never fully assimilated, well not for a long time anyway.

But that's actually untrue, otherwise we would not see random sprinklings of J1 and J2 among non 0.5 clans. Just recently, there was a Marehan man who posted he had a Semitic haplogroup on here.
Somalis are pretty homogenous when it comes.to Y dna. Lets not make things up. We are a very clan structured society.

But I do agree that uncalled for comments harassing half Somalis with Somali mothers needs to stop.The reason for them is due to qabiil. Back home they would be considered looma oyaan. More than likely adopted by the maternal clan for support but never fully assimilated, well not for a long time anyway.
No one said we’re not mostly homogeneous but you can’t lie and forget about Cadcads who are 40% Somali maternally and Carab Salax who are like 98% Somali but with a paternal origin from South Arabia.


Plotting world domination
@Angelina @π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’

What's all this gabooye DNA nonsense y'all are talking about :dead:

Most of these people are full somalis and are native to the country. You won't see a madhibaan claiming to have an Arab ancestor on social media.
@Angelina @π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’

What's all this gabooye DNA nonsense y'all are talking about :dead:

Most of these people are full somalis and are native to the country. You won't see a madhibaan claiming to have an Arab ancestor on social media.

Happy reading

No one said we’re not mostly homogeneous but you can’t lie and forget about Cadcads who are 40% Somali maternally and Carab Salax who are like 98% Somali but with a paternal origin from South Arabia.
But they are still known to have foreign origins even after all this time. That in itself shows how clan based we are.
But they are still known to have foreign origins even after all this time. That in itself shows how clan based we are.

Again, not all. Otherwise, why are there random 'major clan' Somalis with foreign haplogroups. Also, bear in mind, how many D&M have actually been tested? Visually and demographically, we can all see the diversity there.

Not all clans practise purity, there are definitely those who adopt and have other practices, clearly it's mean to be a secret, men lie, women lie, science doesn't lie.
@Angelina @π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’

What's all this gabooye DNA nonsense y'all are talking about :dead:

Most of these people are full somalis and are native to the country. You won't see a madhibaan claiming to have an Arab ancestor on social media.
We know this. But we dispute the fact that some people think that throughout our long history we didn’t have migrants who married into Somali families and due to this now have Somali descendants with South Arabian Haplogroups. Carab Salax are like 98% Somali. Their phenotype, their culture their everything is Somali but they have Mehri patriarchs. Corn sick men amongst us will see this as some sort of β€˜cucking’ when MJ men probably arranged the marriage to these Carab Salaax patriarchs as they were probably traders that were beneficial to form alliances with. A lot of inter-ethnic marriages in history didn’t just happen because of conquering but because many fathers also found it beneficial to have allies.
But they are still known to have foreign origins even after all this time. That in itself shows how clan based we are.
People have forgotten tbh and no one will ever think they’re foreigners. Like no one. Go to Puntland and say an Carab Salax isn’t native. Believe me an MJ will choose an Carab Salax over an Isaaq or Hawiye any day.
Again, not all. Otherwise, why are there random Somalis with foreign haplogroups. Also, bear in mind, how many D&M have actually been tested? Visually and demographically, we can all see the diversity there.
Those are "random" look at the operative word you used.

The majority fall under the typical clades. No one has to tell you how we are as a people. You know as well as I do, that one guy from a sub clan more than likely represents his entire tree on a test. Our lineage is legit.

One or two outliers or infidelities do not represent the norm.
People have forgotten tbh and no one will ever think they’re foreigners. Like no one. Go to Puntland and say an Carab Salax isn’t native. Believe me an MJ will choose an Carab Salax over an Isaaq or Hawiye any day.
Those are the average folk. The elders know, and so do the Mahra on the Arabian peninsula.
Those are "random" look at the operative word you used.

The majority fall under the typical clades. No one has to tell you how we are as a people. You know as well as I do, that one guy from a sub clan more than likely represents his entire tree on a test. Our lineage is legit.

One or two outliers or infidelities do not represent the norm.

These 'random' samples, are ONE person out of an entire clan, juffo, laf, you name it. So, I say 'random', but the demographics for 'random' could be in the thousands.
"Taking women", is not what happened in Somalia, as you Somali men fought alongside foreign men, when you were warring against the Ethiopians during Futuh Al Habesha. So, I don't know why you are bringing up historic assaults against women.
The Adalite army literally took tens of thousands of ethiopian women as concubines after the conquest... multiple sources conclude this, thanks for proving my point

Also yes foreign muslims were part of adals ranks, about 30% were foreigners actually. And guess what, they also pillaged ethiopian villages and took Christian women. What did you think happened? Im genuinely confused what your point is

Yes, there are plenty of Semitic haplogroups, what is J1 and J2, if not Semitic???
J1 is semetic, J2 is Zagrosian (iranian related) NEITHER ARE PREVALENT IN SOMALIS. I'm genuinely wondering if you're mentally slow or if you seriously are pretending like you cant read a damn pie chart. Even 7 year olds learn how to read and make pie charts in school lmao

J1 and J2 combined isn't even 2% in Ethnic Somalis

Ultimately, you have a vested interest in downplaying the hypocrisy of Somali men, and the very real fact that you did give your sisters and daughters hand in marriage to your foreign friends.

Genetics proves you wrong. Once again im not arguing with someone on genetics who unironically says J2 is a SEMETIC haplogroup, who also cant read a damn pie chart.

Look at the Cadcads whose maternally 40% Somali?
Maternally? LOL. CadCads are very heterogenous the amount of Somali DNA they carry is varies between 20-60%. They're objectively not a real ethnic group, Jamaicans are 2x more homogenous than them (no offense intended, im just using an example). There has been no DNA projects on them to confirm if they are maternally Somali. Anecdotal results on reddit show many are E-V32 and this comes with no suprise. The general rule of thumb for anthrogenetics is, if the admixture and represenation of paternal groups is equal, then there is no sex biased admixture. there has been zero studys conducted so we cant conclude anything outside of speculation, and judging from what we see in ethnic Somalis compared to other ethnic groups of men, and considering historically cadcads were ruled by ethnic somalis, theres much more reason to believe their Somali admixture is paternal shifted. Youre speaking out your ass right now honestly.

Do you think that when this was happening Somali men felt β€˜cucked’?

No, because this didn't happen and you're just bullshitting for some reason

@NewDayNewMan get your brain out of the utter. The truth is in the middle. Did men see conquering women as conquering nations? Yes. But we also have as much historical examples of men marrying their daughters for to foreign men for allegiance and getting allies. You mentioned European history like the Greeks but you forgot much of Medieval European history is kings giving their daughters of foreign European kings of other nations as well.

Yeah because royal politics is equivalent to Y-DNA on a mass scale of an ethnic group.

Not to mention the 0.5 clans, who have maternal Somali DNA, and are accepted as Somali nationals. Foreign marriage is normal in Somali society. The show they put on, in the comment sections of social media accounts, is crazy to me.

0.5 clans like Somali bantu? Who are 40%+ paternally ethnic Somali based of Y-DNA despite having only 20% of Somali DNA on average? You people can't be serious, I mean really.

Im no longer arguing with people who know nothing about basic genetics or history

"J2 is a semetic haplogroup"

"Cadcads are maternally Somali"

"0.5s are maternally Somali"

And to reiterate, I have no problem with Somali women marrying who they want. but why are you people trying to lie about history and genetics to a guy whos main hobby is history and genetics. It's a fruitless discussion, take your delusions someplace else. If you want to argue please bring concrete genetic data instead of this shit lmao
Those are the average folk. The elders know, and so do the Mahra on the Arabian peninsula.
Yes, but our point is that they were allowed to intermarry with MJs and have now become wholly Somali due to centuries of marrying MJ. Do you think historical MJs believed this was a form of cucking Authobillah?