"You are what your father is" harassment online

Yes, but our point is that they were allowed to intermarry with MJs and have now become wholly Somali due to centuries of marrying MJ. Do you think historical MJs believed this was a form of cucking Authobillah?
No ofcourse not. But they are still known to have foreign origins.

We are very meticulous with ancestry, nothing wrong with that.
The Adalite army literally took tens of thousands of ethiopian women as concubines after the conquest... multiple sources conclude this, thanks for proving my point

Also yes foreign muslims were part of adals ranks, about 30% were foreigners actually. And guess what, they also pillaged ethiopian villages and took Christian women. What did you think happened? Im genuinely confused what your point is

J1 is semetic, J2 is Zagrosian (iranian related) NEITHER ARE PREVALENT IN SOMALIS. I'm genuinely wondering if you're mentally slow or if you seriously are pretending like you cant read a damn pie chart. Even 7 year olds learn how to read and make pie charts in school lmao

J1 and J2 combined isn't even 2% in Ethnic Somalis

Genetics proves you wrong. Once again im not arguing with someone on genetics who unironically says J2 is a SEMETIC haplogroup, who also cant read a damn pie chart.

Maternally? LOL. CadCads are very heterogenous the amount of Somali DNA they carry is varies between 20-60%. They're objectively not a real ethnic group, Jamaicans are 2x more homogenous than them (no offense intended, im just using an example). There has been no DNA projects on them to confirm if they are maternally Somali. Anecdotal results on reddit show many are E-V32 and this comes with no suprise.
Are you dumb? They’re Gibil madow cadcads. You know nothing of that community and I wager aren’t from Xamar because if you were that some are indeed of Somali paternal origin specifically Hawiye. We are talking about Gibil caad.
The general rule of thumb for anthrogenetics is, if the admixture and represenation of paternal groups is equal, then there is no sex biased admixture. there has been zero studys conducted so we cant conclude anything outside of speculation, and judging from what we see in ethnic Somalis compared to other ethnic groups of men, and considering historically cadcads were ruled by ethnic somalis, theres much more reason to believe their Somali admixture is paternal shifted. Youre speaking out your ass right now honestly.
No one has ever argued that cadcads are paternally shifted Somalis. Thats an incredible lie. Many are getting G Haplogroup and Arabian Haplogroups.

Many Somalis of old didn’t see them as Somali as they’re clearly paternally foreign which is why locals have always seen as them as being of Arab origin. Anyone from Xamar will tell you that culturally they’re different to ethnic Somalis and have their own norms and customs due to paternal origins being different.
No, because this didn't happen and you're just bullshitting for some reason

Yeah because royal politics is equivalent to Y-DNA on a mass scale of an ethnic group.

0.5 clans like Somali bantu? Who are 40%+ paternally ethnic Somali based of Y-DNA despite having only 20% of Somali DNA on average? You people can't be serious, I mean really.

Im no longer arguing with people who know nothing about basic genetics or history

"J2 is a semetic haplogroup"

"Cadcads are maternally Somali"

"0.5s are maternally Somali"

And to reiterate, I have no problem with Somali women marrying who they want. but why are you people trying to lie about history and genetics to a guy whos main hobby is history and genetics. It's a fruitless discussion, take your delusions someplace else. If you want to argue please bring concrete genetic data instead of this shit lmao
I was specifically talking about Carab Salax. Why did you omit this and only focus on Cadcad?

That within itself tells me everything I need to know.

It is a fact that Carab Salax are wholly Somali with Mehri roots.

Please address that.
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"Not even a 100 probably"

image I showed literally has N=142 lmao. And this is just from one dudes relatives (presumably of isaaq origin due to more T-L208 than usual)

there have been dozens of DNA projects with THOUSANDS of samples from ethnic Somali men from all qabils, and the Y dna distribution has been consistent. You're making it seem like Y-DNA testing is complicated, literally taking a $99 23andMe test will tell you have your subclade is and confirm if you are paternally Somali

Also, if you know anything about statistics, 142 is more than enough to make a statement on ANY population for almost ANYTHING, especially Y-DNA testing on a population with clan structure and genetic homogeneity such as Somalis.

No we dont LOL there is literally no semetic haplogroups. The arab Y-DNA, J-1P58 isn't even found in 1/100 Ethnic Somali males. There are more paternally Somali male lineages in Arabs (For example, E-V32 in qatari royal family) than Arab lineages in Somali men. However it's very rare for arabs to have somali lineages, but when it comes to ratios they have a higher between two miniscule amounts.

Barely, but ok

Try explaining that to men thousands of years ago. Theres a reason why every story of conquests includes the taking of the enemies women. The assyrians, Greeks, Romans, egyptians, the Aryans (iranic and indic predecessors) etc were very descriptive with how they took their enemies women after subjugating them. Say what you want but thats the reality of history. Men who didn't take foreign women or let their women marry foreigners simply dont exist in the gene pool today. This is basic anthropology

Ah yes im sure your anecdote of a group of perhaps a few thousand or so oromos being assimilated into Somalis a century ago is statistically relevant in our ethnic group of 33 million lol

Personally I don't care anyone marries. everyone should marry whoever they believe would create the best outcome for them and their future children. If it's halal and both parties are happy, then I'm happy for them as well. But don't make it seem like foreign male lineages are common in Somalis, and that our forefathers lied to us about our lineage
T Haplogroup aren’t true Somalis. They descend from pre Islamic- moon worshipping camel thiefs. The only real Somalis are EV32 cattle herding descendants . T haplogroup culture has caused drought, war and deforestation on an epic scale. Time for EV32 kings to reclaim the Somali title.


Plotting world domination
A lot of ignorant and poor men will always consider interracial relationships as a form of cucking.

The men that cry about this the most simply cant compete and pull women.

Your not going to see some established Somali men crying about xalimos marrying out.
The Adalite army literally took tens of thousands of ethiopian women as concubines after the conquest... multiple sources conclude this, thanks for proving my point

Also yes foreign muslims were part of adals ranks, about 30% were foreigners actually. And guess what, they also pillaged ethiopian villages and took Christian women. What did you think happened? Im genuinely confused what your point is

J1 is semetic, J2 is Zagrosian (iranian related) NEITHER ARE PREVALENT IN SOMALIS. I'm genuinely wondering if you're mentally slow or if you seriously are pretending like you cant read a damn pie chart. Even 7 year olds learn how to read and make pie charts in school lmao

J1 and J2 combined isn't even 2% in Ethnic Somalis

Genetics proves you wrong. Once again im not arguing with someone on genetics who unironically says J2 is a SEMETIC haplogroup, who also cant read a damn pie chart.

Maternally? LOL. CadCads are very heterogenous the amount of Somali DNA they carry is varies between 20-60%. They're objectively not a real ethnic group, Jamaicans are 2x more homogenous than them (no offense intended, im just using an example). There has been no DNA projects on them to confirm if they are maternally Somali. Anecdotal results on reddit show many are E-V32 and this comes with no suprise. The general rule of thumb for anthrogenetics is, if the admixture and represenation of paternal groups is equal, then there is no sex biased admixture. there has been zero studys conducted so we cant conclude anything outside of speculation, and judging from what we see in ethnic Somalis compared to other ethnic groups of men, and considering historically cadcads were ruled by ethnic somalis, theres much more reason to believe their Somali admixture is paternal shifted. Youre speaking out your ass right now honestly.

No, because this didn't happen and you're just bullshitting for some reason

Yeah because royal politics is equivalent to Y-DNA on a mass scale of an ethnic group.

0.5 clans like Somali bantu? Who are 40%+ paternally ethnic Somali based of Y-DNA despite having only 20% of Somali DNA on average? You people can't be serious, I mean really.

Im no longer arguing with people who know nothing about basic genetics or history

"J2 is a semetic haplogroup"

"Cadcads are maternally Somali"

"0.5s are maternally Somali"

And to reiterate, I have no problem with Somali women marrying who they want. but why are you people trying to lie about history and genetics to a guy whos main hobby is history and genetics. It's a fruitless discussion, take your delusions someplace else. If you want to argue please bring concrete genetic data instead of this shit lmao


These samples you are trying to downplay so hard, are representative of a larger group of people who have yet to be tested. But keep insulting and being triggered, hada kadib adiga isla sheekeeso.
Yes but they represent a small percentage of the tested cohort.

Let me give you an example, ONE sub-clan of a larger clan gets one test result, do you really think that entire family line is not compromised? Just wait until those Semitic haplogroups get more and more of their cousins tested, then we will see how 'small' this group really is.
No ofcourse not. But they are still known to have foreign origins.

We are very meticulous with ancestry, nothing wrong with that.

How can that be true, when we had a D&M guy on here with a Bantu result, two Marehan guys, one with Oromo, one with Arab. An Abgaal guy with a pygmy result. These are just random examples. I didn't want to bring up clan names, but my hand is being forced.
A lot of ignorant and poor men will always consider interracial relationships as a form of cucking.

The men that cry about this the most simply cant compete and pull women.

Your not going to see some established Somali men crying about xalimos marrying out.
With Somalis back home it is just a record keeping thing. Every clan has a list of the males in their subclan, and newborns are counted. For example me and my sons are on a list and counted on when it comes to qaaraan.

A non Somali male would not be included in this. How is this news to people?
Let me give you an example, ONE sub-clan of a larger clan gets one test result, do you really think that entire family line is not compromised? Just wait until those Semitic haplogroups get more and more of their cousins tested, then we will see how 'small' this group really is.
I doubt it is. Because the majority still come out with very Somali Ydna. They don't all become J1 or E1b1a.


Plotting world domination
In the long run the only people we can blame this on are the oldheads that fucked up our country. The civil war set back our development as a society.
I doubt it is. Because the majority still come out with very Somali Ydna. They don't all become J1 or E1b1a.

I am talking about the male paternal line, the only reason why their Y DNA is mostly Somali, is because their foreign ancestor married a Somali woman, and then their descendants, married even more Somali women. But that doesn't negate the fact, that the male origin was foreign!
With Somalis back home it is just a record keeping thing. Every clan has a list of the males in their subclan, and newborns are counted. For example me and my sons are on a list and counted on when it comes to qaaraan.

A non Somali male would not be included in this. How is this news to people?
We know this, but our point is as centuries go by some groups will simply be absorbed like the Carab Salax who are seen as Somali as you and I.
I am talking about the male paternal line, the only reason why their Y DNA is mostly Somali, is because their foreign ancestor married a Somali woman, and then their descendants, married even more Somali women. But that doesn't negate the fact, that the male origin was foreign!
What do you mean?

The majority of Somali men are Ev32 or T. Haplogroup does not change due to the women. Neither does mtdna change due to men.

These samples you are trying to downplay so hard, are representative of a larger group of people who have yet to be tested. But keep insulting and being triggered, hada kadib adiga isla sheekeeso.
your logic:

"You can show me hundreds of identical samples but these few anecdotes I have disprove everything you said"

I talk in PERCENTAGES. Real data and numbers. PER CAPITA. when looking at PERCENTAGES j1/J2 IS A TINY MINORITY COMPARED TO E-V32 AND T-L208. Understand it yet? I feel like a parent telling explaining to their child how many apples Johnny has. I mean seriously how did you get past the 5th grade? Wallahi I'm asking this with genuine curiousity

I seriously cant believe someone can be this mentally slow. I mean seriously, I swear on my soul your are genuinely the least intelligent person I had a discussion with all week
We know this, but our point is as centuries go by some groups will simply be absorbed like the Carab Salax who are seen as Somali as you and I.
Mahra are southern Arabians, they even have a Cushitic substratum in their language. They were accepted due to this.


Plotting world domination
With Somalis back home it is just a record keeping thing. Every clan has a list of the males in their subclan, and newborns are counted. For example me and my sons are on a list and counted on when it comes to qaaraan.

A non Somali male would not be included in this. How is this news to people?

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