10 somali guys simping for madow girl

Why doesn’t that apply to slave girls who are Muslim? The rules of modesty according to jurists makes absolutely no sense.

al-Shaybani (student of Abu Hanifa):
Why are women fitnah based on their social status? Are free women better looking lol. What’s going on? I thought women were fitnah due to men biologically being attracted to them but it seems for jurists men are only impacted by women’s social status.

I can’t believe I’m debating with a grade A incel. This is textbook incel behavior:


Only an incel would call the women of his ethnicity ‘promiscuous’. It’s disgusting Walahi and it’s even worse that someone like you uses the deen when you should be whipped for that statement alone. The hatred you have for you own people is not normal walal.

Don’t @ please and thanks.
Your takes are very similar to what troll would say since they go on about how low and promiscuous Somalis women are. I hope you’re not part of that grou

I know you’re a kid with low self-esteem so
I should go easy on you. Get off the internet and touch grass. Live your life.

Oh and lower your gaze. You can’t preach about Islam whilst calling a non Mahram gaal woman gorgeous.

Wish you the best. You’ll probably never get a reply from me since debating with someone who thinks the girls in this community are ****** and gets excited over mixed raced women isn’t it.
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Why doesn’t that apply to slave girls who are Muslim? The rules of modesty according to jurists makes absolutely no sense.

al-Shaybani (student of Abu Hanifa):
It makes no sense to you because you live in a time when slaves don't exist. It's necessary to touch and see the slave girl when you are buying or else you would be scammed. These jurists lived in a different era and their verdicts were influenced by the customs and norms of the time.


It makes no sense to you because you live in a time when slaves don't exist. It's necessary to touch and see the slave girl when you are buying or else you would be scammed. These jurists lived in a different era and their verdicts were influenced by the customs and norms of the time.
If you want to argue your point of view(i.e it’s fine to touch up the body of a Muslim slave woman before buying her) then feel free, we can. But it’s not relevant to the discussion.

This is about classical jurists(150-200AH) permitting the following:

“a slave-girl of another”

“Similarly, if the slave-girl is the one who touches him, then there is no harm if she touches everything of him except what is between the navel to the knee, and there is no harm if she oils his head and comb it, and oil his hair, his chest, his back, his leg and his foot, and to massage that”

So there is nothing wrong for someone else’s slave to have her breasts out, massage another man’s body, oil his chest, and comb his hair.

Why don’t these men have to lower their gaze, or not touch non mahram women, or stay away from zina? Why would it be fine just because she’s a slave? Let me guess, he has to know the quality of her messages before buying her so he doesn’t get scammed?
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Don't know to be honest.

@World The jurists are basing this opinion on the hadith of the prophet scw

إذا زوَّجَ أحدُكم جاريتَهُ عبدَهُ أو أجِيرَهُ فلا يَنظُرْ إلى ما دونَ السُّرَّةِ والرُّكبةِ فإنَّه عورةٌ

We are permitted to look at what is between the knee and navel of the slave women(including her breastst!!) According to this hadith


Don't know to be honest.

@World The jurists are basing this opinion on the hadith of the prophet scw

إذا زوَّجَ أحدُكم جاريتَهُ عبدَهُ أو أجِيرَهُ فلا يَنظُرْ إلى ما دونَ السُّرَّةِ والرُّكبةِ فإنَّه عورةٌ

We are permitted to look at what is between the knee and navel of the slave women(including her breastst!!) According to this hadith
Sheikh al-Albani:

It is strange that some mufassireen(Tafsir scholars) are fooled by these weak narrations, such that they adhere to the view restricting His saying ‘the believing women’ as free women to the exclusion of maidservants, and based upon this that maidservants do not have the obligation to cover their head and hair like free women. Rather, some of the legal schools exaggerate to the point that they mention her nakedness is like the nakedness of men, only from the navel to the knee… Despite this, there is no evidence for it in the Book and the Sunnah.
Source: Jilbāb al-Mar’ah 1/91-92
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I can’t believe I’m debating with a grade A incel. This is textbook incel behavior:

View attachment 330748

Only an incel would call the women of his ethnicity ‘promiscuous’. It’s disgusting Walahi and it’s even worse that someone like you uses the deen when you should be whipped for that statement alone. The hatred you have for you own people is not normal walal.

Your takes are very similar to what troll would say since they go on about how low and promiscuous Somalis women are. I hope you’re not part of that grou

Facts hurt your feelings.

Don’t @ please and thanks
Wish you the best. You’ll probably never get a reply from me

You said that like 3 times in the past but always go out your way to reply to my posts not directed at you or referencing or shading you. So I will not honour your request due to your lies in the past.
Sheikh al-Albani:

It is strange that some mufassireen(Tafsir scholars) are fooled by these weak narrations, such that they adhere to the view restricting His saying ‘the believing women’ as free women to the exclusion of maidservants, and based upon this that maidservants do not have the obligation to cover their head and hair like free women. Rather, some of the legal schools exaggerate to the point that they mention her nakedness is like the nakedness of men, only from the navel to the knee… Despite this, there is no evidence for it in the Book and the Sunnah.
Source: Jilbāb al-Mar’ah 1/91-92
Umar bin Khattab ra was reported to have beaten a slave women for wearing hijab because she was imitating free Muslim women. The athar from the prophet scw and the sahaba who support this view is very strong..


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Umar bin Khattab ra was reported to have beaten a slave women for wearing hijab because she was imitating free Muslim women. The athar from the prophet scw and the sahaba who support this view is very strong..
Are muslim men only supposed to respect and lower their gaze only to muslim women? What about kaffir women?


Why are women fitnah based on their social status? Are free women better looking lol. What’s going on? I thought women were fitnah due to men biologically being attracted to them but it seems for jurists men are only impacted by women’s social status.

O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies. In this way it is more likely that they will be recognised (as virtuous) and not be molested. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [33:59]

The part in brackets according to them refers to free women, and that the hijab protects believing free women and the wives, daughters of the prophet from being molested but slave women are excluded.

The Quran elaborates in the verse before:

And those who harm believing men and believing women for [something] other than what they have earned [i.e., deserved] have certainly borne upon themselves a slander and manifest sin. [33:58]

So the Muslims were being persecuted, by whom?

If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts there is a sickness, and the scandal mongers in Madinah do not desist from their vile acts, We shall urge you to take action against them, and then they will hardly be able to stay in the city with you. [33:60]

The Muslims were persecuted by the worst of people, the scandal mongers in Madinah, the hypocrites, those with sickness in their hearts. And the hijab was to help protect believing women, who were being abused and molested by them. But not slave women who believers? Don’t they deserve to be protected as well? Just because of their social status, they can be targeted by these evil people? Is this what they believe would be the actions of our God?

Ibn Hazm:


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
We shouldn't loom at kaffir women. But I'm neither sheikh nor we'll versed on this matters so you shouldn't take what I say as 100% correct.
That makes me more confused on the where female slaves stand. What if they were muslim?
Why doesn’t that apply to slave girls who are Muslim? The rules of modesty according to jurists makes absolutely no sense.

al-Shaybani (student of Abu Hanifa):
the awrah of a slave girl and a free girl is different. Hijab is prescribed for free women, not slave women.

in times of fitan where men lust after any woman slave women are also commanded to cover up


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Then he awrah becomes like that of men between the knee and the navel
But both the slave and the free kaffir women are not muslim. Why is there a difference regrading how muslim men should treat them?
But both the slave and the free kaffir women are not muslim. Why is there a difference regrading how muslim men should treat them?
Because one is slave and the other is free

If the Muslim free and slave women don't have the same rules and are subjected to different things so are the kaffir ones


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Because one is slave and the other is free

If the Muslim free and slave women don't have the same rules and are subjected to different things so are the kaffir ones
Why tho? They are both women and deserve dignity

