A youtuber visits Puntland


I didn't say northwest somalia don't have that problem, you're highlighting a problem that Puntland is facing, I'm curious what you believe Puntland should have done instead.

Bantu live in the south and a good portion of hawiye land is under AS. So living amongst them isn't the safest option either. Relocating them to where exactly in the south that's safer? Xamar has been relatively safe for about a year or two idk exactly how long its been safe but not that long and you never know when the next AS attack might happen.
Kenya dadaab camp perhaps. Or jubbaland ? like I said is a commendable act for puntland to host refugees. but they still need to find somewhere for them to be relocated to, time is ticking and their population is growing who's to say in the future they will refuse to be deported from their camps if actions isnt taken now?? Yes safety comes first but also thinking of another option should be on their list.
Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 18.50.46.png

Kenya dadaab camp perhaps. Or jubbaland ? like I said is a commendable act for puntland to host refugees. but they still need to find somewhere for them to be relocated to, time is ticking and their population is growing who's to say in the future they will refuse to be deported from their camps if actions isnt taken now?? Yes safety comes first but also thinking of another option should be on their list.
Jubaland ain't looking crazy safe either. Not sure about the Kenya dadaab camp's copacity.


I agree but I doubt they will close them, they’re also a big security risk in the sense that they’re more inclined to join terrorist groups compared to ethnic somalis :francis:
Finally someone that understands where I'm coming from. I obviously don't want them to be kicked out of their camps and return to any danger zone all I'm saying is for the government to start thinking about relocating them all in other southern regions in Somalia where safety comes first. Maybe deep in Somalia. Puntland soon won't be apart of Somalia, so now is the time. We cannot afford to be replaced by them slowly. Just look at Somalia there's no hope of return.
Finally someone that understands where I'm coming from. I obviously don't want them to be kicked out of their camps and return to any danger zone all I'm saying is for the government to start thinking about relocating them all in other southern regions in Somalia where safety comes first. Maybe deep in Somalia. Puntland soon won't be apart of Somalia, so now is the time. We cannot afford to be replaced by them slowly. Just look at Somalia there's no hope of return.
The moment Somalia becomes an actual country I don't doubt 100s of thousands of disapora are gonna swarm in if not millions
dadaab would be the perfect place to relocate them as there are also other somalis there so they will feel home aswell. this is just for the meantime till Inshallah Somalia becomes safe and they all return to their farm region
Does dadaab have the copacity to host that much extra IDPs though?


Does dadaab have the copacity to host that much extra IDPs though?
Why not? Kenya is much richer than Somalia, and have a mot of land vast to host refugees. Puntland don't have the capacity to. And besides it seems like Puntland might be separating from Somalia soon, and so how can the idp camp continue to run if they plan on separating from Somalia in the bear future?


Since your from somaliland why the hell do u care exactly, dont put your nose where it doesnt belong
my grandmother is from puntland like I stated countless of times on this forum so yes I have every rights to talk about this, and I will continue to speak on this until something is done.
When Faroole was President, he deported these IDPs en masse back to their regions. Then Abdullahi Gaas the Lazy One became president. Slowly these same IDPs who had been deported started to return to Puntland. Gaas never acted and Deni doesn’t really care.

The problem with these IDPs now is that many of them are unemployed. In Garowe, there is an area where the men sit on street pavements all day and night, just staring at passersby. They have been voicing their complaints through various news outlets in Puntland that they want jobs. These people have fled from some of the most fertile regions in the entire Somaliweyn which remains severely underdeveloped. Rather than returning there safely now that Al Shabab is no longer a threat and contributing to the development of that region they prefer to live in a very arid place with tents and remain idle. In Bosaso the situation is similar with an area that has already become a large slum and is likely to pose a significant problem in the future. Some assassination attempts against Puntland officials and bombings have originated from the IDP camps in Puntland.

Garowe is starting to become a diaspora city with many educated Puntlanders from Western countries and the Middle East returning to their homeland to contribute to its development. These IDPs will introduce a new lower class and the gap between them and the returning diaspora will be substantial...

If the Puntland Government cannot even take care of the local native Puntlanders and yet continues to accept other IDPs, what is their end goal? If they are unable to take care of these IDPs then facilitating their safe return to their fertile regions would be preferable than allowing them to stay and contribute to the creation of crime infested cities.
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my grandmother is from puntland like I stated countless of times on this forum so yes I have every rights to talk about this, and I will continue to speak on this until something is done.
Sorry but u dont have the right, you just came here trying cause problems for no reason talking about how puntland should kick out all of the bantus and take them to jubaland where alshabaab mostly live. Most of the bantus lived there before the civil war, hell most of their grandparents never even seen jubaland in their life and you want to dump them there just because they arent ethnic somalis. What made me sick is that your acting like your doing a good thing for them but u just want them out for the sake of them being bantu. Never seen someone so shameless in my life, plz do better
Puntland looks beautiful. It definatley has potential to be a booming tourist region.But can someone tell me why am I seeing so many non ethnic Somalis in Puntland?? i thought for a second it was a foreign country. Are we sure this isn't Senegal? anyways I like how he was respectful to the locals.

Ive seen a recent video similar to this and I was astonished by the amount of them. These people have to take control of the population before they are out numbered. I person would ship them to South Somalia in the juberland region.
They got displaced during the war if Puntland is nice enough to help displaced people from different regions that’s a good thing.

Somali Bantus are good people and are hardworking they’ve been through a lot we should be open minded
They should go back to there original region. Why stay some where you aren't wanted? or your not providing a service the society can't live without.
Sorry but u dont have the right, you just came here trying cause problems for no reason talking about how puntland should kick out all of the bantus and take them to jubaland where alshabaab mostly live. Most of the bantus lived there before the civil war, hell most of their grandparents never even seen jubaland in their life and you want to dump them there just because they arent ethnic somalis. What made me sick is that your acting like your doing a good thing for them but u just want them out for the sake of them being bantu. Never seen someone so shameless in my life, plz do better
Are you from Puntland? That's absolutely a lie. They weren't even there before the civil war. They came in multiple waves: some in the early 2000s, huge waves in 2007-2008, many of whom Faroole later deported. But the absolute majority who are from Shabelle/Hiraan and South West State arrived post-2014 when Abdullahi Gaas was president. Even more have come now under President Deni


Are you from Puntland? That's absolutely a lie. They weren't even there before the civil war. They came in multiple waves: some in the early 2000s, huge waves in 2007-2008, many of whom Faroole later deported. But the absolute majority who are from Shabelle/Hiraan and South West State arrived post-2014 when Abdullahi Gaas was president. Even more have come now under President Deni
They were there over 100 years ago


When Faroole was President, he deported these IDPs en masse back to their regions. Then Abdullahi Gaas the Lazy One became president. Slowly these same IDPs who had been deported started to return to Puntland. Gaas never acted and Deni doesn’t really care.

The problem with these IDPs now is that many of them are unemployed. In Garowe, there is an area where the men sit on street pavements all day and night, just staring at passersby. They have been voicing their complaints through various news outlets in Puntland that they want jobs. These people have fled from some of the most fertile regions in the entire Somaliweyn which remains severely underdeveloped. Rather than returning there safely now that Al Shabab is no longer a threat and contributing to the development of that region they prefer to live in a very arid place with tents and remain idle. In Bosaso the situation is similar with an area that has already become a large slum and is likely to pose a significant problem in the future. Some assassination attempts against Puntland officials and bombings have originated from the IDP camps in Puntland.

Garowe is starting to become a diaspora city with many educated Somalis from Western countries and the Middle East returning to their homeland to contribute to its development. These IDPs will introduce a new lower class and the gap between them and the returning diaspora will be substantial...

If the Puntland Government cannot even take care of the local native Puntlanders and yet continues to accept other IDPs, what is their end goal? If they are unable to take care of these IDPs then facilitating their safe return to their fertile regions would be preferable than allowing them to stay and contribute to the creation of crime infested cities.
They should just return them all to Somalia. To prevent crimes, unemployment. Inshallah Puntland elects someone that cares for their people first. They must be relocated a soon as possible considering Puntland is now hiring skillful people.


Sorry but u dont have the right, you just came here trying cause problems for no reason talking about how puntland should kick out all of the bantus and take them to jubaland where alshabaab mostly live. Most of the bantus lived there before the civil war, hell most of their grandparents never even seen jubaland in their life and you want to dump them there just because they arent ethnic somalis. What made me sick is that your acting like your doing a good thing for them but u just want them out for the sake of them being bantu. Never seen someone so shameless in my life, plz do better
Oh shut up never ever did i say they should be kicked out i said be RELOCATED to a safer area in southern Somalia rather than them being in the camps for nothing since other skillfull people are taking over. And yes they aren't native to Puntland so why should we continue to allow the idp camps running when their region is now safe to return to? Puntland did an amazing thing to accept them and help them out and now since their region is stable they can all sagely return. I will forever speal about Puntland what you going to do stop me through your screen? behave yourself.
Are you from Puntland? That's absolutely a lie. They weren't even there before the civil war. They came in multiple waves: some in the early 2000s, huge waves in 2007-2008, many of whom Faroole later deported. But the absolute majority who are from Shabelle/Hiraan and South West State arrived post-2014 when Abdullahi Gaas was president. Even more have come now under President Deni
@killerxsmoke is from Galmudug.

