Kenya dadaab camp perhaps. Or jubbaland ? like I said is a commendable act for puntland to host refugees. but they still need to find somewhere for them to be relocated to, time is ticking and their population is growing who's to say in the future they will refuse to be deported from their camps if actions isnt taken now?? Yes safety comes first but also thinking of another option should be on their list.I didn't say northwest somalia don't have that problem, you're highlighting a problem that Puntland is facing, I'm curious what you believe Puntland should have done instead.
Bantu live in the south and a good portion of hawiye land is under AS. So living amongst them isn't the safest option either. Relocating them to where exactly in the south that's safer? Xamar has been relatively safe for about a year or two idk exactly how long its been safe but not that long and you never know when the next AS attack might happen.