Anti-FGM Activism is radical, racist,ethnocentric and sexist.

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but that is beside what I'm talking about, wether I support it or not is irrelevant.

My whole beef isn't with the ''Act'' of female circumcision wether it should stop or not but more or less with the ''Activism'' behind it.

I know but I'm genuinely curious to your opinion on the act itself. Where do you stand on it? What's your opinion on it?
Again, you're the same kind of people who say "but the WEST does this, so we should too". Did you don't comprehend what I said? I said I don't support the fucking practice in the WEST or AFRICAN.You link to me to choices of African women having, yeah but the mother or the women of that village have no right to decide for a child that can not consent. Once the child becomes a teenager or adult, they can make consenting decisions. You linking me to shit about white people doing fucked up shit is suppose validate the practice? Sxb there is not argument here. I don't care if white fucking feminist are pumping up their chest for social justice or you're trying to protect a fucked up culture because it's African and you damn African pride is in your way. Human rights and morality doesn't have culture, unless you get brainwashed into crap.

Watch the video and read the info presented on the thread. Wether you should support it or not is not what is being debated.
Whatever stands you take on the matter should be based on information. The thread is about the ''Activism'' behind FGM and not the ''Act' of it.
Wether it be done or not is irrelevant to me but how they go about the campaign by being imperialistic, racist, sexist and ethnocentric is what I have a beef with.

You want to have your daughter labeled ''Mutilated'' , ''abused'' etc? and be victimized and stigmatized? This what the SJWS and Feminist are shoving down peoples throats. Its contradictory that you are trying to tell me I am an SJW for opposing SJWs.:ulachen001::ulachen001:

You keep talking about consent, but where is this consent when it comes to boys? or does the consent of man not exist? This is what I mean about it being sexist. You dont see the contradiction and hypocrisy in this.

I am linking it you to showcase the hypocrisy of the campaign, they are singling out African girls and discriminating them between western girls.
And I linked you to a study done on the practice Seven things to know about female genital surgeries in Africa.
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Suicidal men adore me.
I know but I'm genuinely curious to your opinion on the act itself. Where do you stand on it? What's your opinion on it?

he's fine with it. He think it's apart of our culture and therefor a positive act. He's 17 don't ask too much from him.
he's fine with it. He think it's apart of our culture and therefor a positive act. He's 17 don't ask too much from him.

Not true at all, pure conjecture. I in no regard think that if something is Somali it is by default better. There many things in our culture I think should be changed from my , but I deem it from an understanding view.

Problem is however is the fact that people don't value cultures as equals and don't try to understand it in context of plurality( multiple perspectives). Dont blame me because you are narrow minded and bigoted.

I am like I said neutral. I dont bulshit on my standings on any subject.
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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
FGM should be banned everywhere in the world and any parent that does that to an unconsenting child, should face punishment.

Did you watch the video?

It's not about whether female circumcision should be banned or not. (Which btw is banned already, it's been banned twice in Somalia to please the activist hoardes)

The video is about the anti fgm activist movement. A doctor and a Somali husband were charged and put in jail because a Somali woman of 40 who was already circumsized got resewn up to SAVE her life.

According to these activists, its better for someone to die than be 'fgmed', it's ok to molest and abuse little girls in order to catch possible victims.
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Did you watch the video?

It's not about whether female circumcision should be banned or not. (Which btw is banned already, it's been banned twice in Somalia to please the activist hoardes)

The video is about the anti fgm activist movement. A doctor and a Somali husband were charged and put in jail because a Somali woman of 40 who was already circumsized got resewn up to SAVE her life.

According to these activists, its better for someone to die than be 'fgmed', it's ok to molest and abuse little girls in order to catch possible victims.
I get that point, I just know many idiots on here support FGM as I seen before on here. I just made that statement to catch the idiots that support it or want to stay "neutral" on the issue.
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Not true at all, pure conjecture. I in no regard think that if something is Somali it is by default better. There many things in our culture I think should be changed from my , but I deem it from an understanding view.

Problem is however is the fact that people don't value cultures as equals and don't try to understand it in context of plurality( multiple perspectives). Dont blame me because you are narrow minded and bigoted.

I am like I said neutral. I dont bulshit on my standings on any subject.

Sorry to break it to you but some cultures are better than others.
Did you watch the video?

It's not about whether female circumcision should be banned or not. (Which btw is banned already, it's been banned twice in Somalia to please the activist hoardes)

The video is about the anti fgm activist movement. A doctor and a Somali husband were charged and put in jail because a Somali woman of 40 who was already circumsized got resewn up to SAVE her life.

According to these activists, its better for someone to die than be 'fgmed', it's ok to molest and abuse little girls in order to catch possible victims.

Yes exactly.

I have no beef with if you support it or not. Even though I think the practice would die out by itself overtime without all the hysteria. You can't impose shit on people and be militant in the way they are. They are doing more harm to communities and families then good.
People are allowed to be pro or neutral, tho? This is a free forum.

Why are you against fgm?

The thing I don't understand is how people can be soo against something they know very relatively little about.

If you are going to take stance , it should be soo based on Information. Read and Read!. Don't tell me your source is the Kintiir crew and not actual experts and professionals either.

The Kintiir crew is only looking for a career and money. They are not actually there to present real accurate info.
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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Nacala to FGM and FGM activists.

Wallahi o billahi NGOs, community centres and fgm activism seem to be the only job prospects that some Somalis believe they have.

It's sad and they do more harm than good.

The funny thing is if I said that I think NGOs (obvi not all) were all for theatrics to get more money from donors and not to help the people they're meant to be helping, no one would accuse me of being pro poverty most would agree.

Why is it different with these fgm activists?
The thing I don't understand is how people can be soo against something they know very relatively little about.

If you are going to take stance , it should be soo based on Information. Read and Read!. Don't tell me your source is the Kintiir crew and not actual experts and professionals either.

Most people would arrive at a conclusion when they read it entails the surgical removal of the clitoris and is often not done by trained professionals. Many have died from the procedure due to bloodloss, infections etc. It staggers me how you're neutral on such an issue such as FGM. The risks clearly outweigh the benefits and that is why I'm against this God awful practice be it "Islamic" or otherwise.
Wallahi o billahi NGOs, community centres and fgm activism seem to be the only job prospects that some Somalis believe they have.

It's sad and they do more harm than good.

The funny thing is if I said that I think NGOs (obvi not all) were all for theatrics to get more money from donors and not to help the people they're meant to be helping, no one would accuse me of being pro poverty most would agree.

Why is it different with these fgm activists?

Right now, Toxic Dump, and those Habash Dogs are killing our people. These NGO's and FGM activists are bored and have nothing to do.
Wallahi o billahi NGOs, community centres and fgm activism seem to be the only job prospects that some Somalis believe they have.

It's sad and they do more harm than good.

The funny thing is if I said that I think NGOs (obvi not all) were all for theatrics to get more money from donors and not to help the people they're meant to be helping, no one would accuse me of being pro poverty most would agree.

Why is it different with these fgm activists?

NGO's are forever looking for problems in Somalia so they can make a profit out of us and turn us into their social experimental guinea pigs. There is a lot of money in finding "problems to solve" in Somalia. Every problem gets funded to fix.

Ask yourself If a mortician gets rich from death, he will not want to find the fountain of youth''

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
The thing I don't understand is how people can be soo against something they know very relatively little about.

If you are going to take stance , it should be soo based on Information. Read and Read!. Don't tell me your source is the Kintiir crew and not actual experts and professionals either.

The Kintiir crew is only looking for a career and money. They are not actually there to present real accurate info.

Most people are againsts fgm not because of the actual practise and it's effects but because against western morality and the shame they receive from being loosely associated with it.



Suicidal men adore me.
Most people are againsts fgm not because of the actual practise and it's effects but because against western morality and the shame they receive from being loosely associated with it.


No people are against it because it's sexist, abusive and a health risk to women's and girls health.
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