So many FGM sympathizers.
Why are you against fgm?
I'll ignore the insults for the sake of a serious discussion. But would just like to know your full reasons for it.
So many FGM sympathizers.
I don't know, maybe because some random islaan with a rusty sakiin that's been god knows where is cutting off a sexual organ with a high probability of infection, blood loss, and complications later in life.
No people are against it because it's sexist, abusive and a health risk to women's and girls health.
Most people would arrive at a conclusion when they read it entails the surgical removal of the clitoris and is often not done by trained professionals. Many have died from the procedure due to bloodloss, infections etc. It staggers me how you're neutral on such an issue such as FGM. The risks clearly outweigh the benefits and that is why I'm against this God awful practice be it "Islamic" or otherwise.
Reviews of the medical and demographic literature and direct comparisons of matched samples of “uncut” and “cut” (primarily type II) African women suggest that, from a public health point of view, the vast majority of genital surgeries in Arica are safe, even with current procedures and under current conditions. According to some medical experts, with a proper input of medical resources, the potential for harm can be reasonably managed. The exceptions, where and when they occur, are usually the result of inadequate surgical conditions, hygiene, or mal practice, as well as relative deficiencies in the general health care system in Africa. Significantly, reviews of the medical literature indicate that most of the widely publicized claims about high morbidity or mortality and negative reproductive health consequences of female genital surgeries do not standup to critical scientific analysis. In countries in Arica where morbidities (infertility, stillbirths, menstrual problems, damage to the perineum) are relatively high compared to North American or European standards, those morbidity levels are just as high for “uncut” women.The widely publicized and sensationalized reproductive health and medical complications associated with female genital surgeries in Africa are infrequent events and represent the exception rather than the rule.
Sexist- many things are legal
Health risks- many things are that are legal
Abusive- well I remeber having a discussion with you about little somali girls being abused by teachers but you said that was ok in order to stop them being victimized.
You're not consistant.
I'm actually not pro circumsion and no one in my family is, but I'm not an anti FGM activist either. My opinion is that children shouldn't go under any extra body modification that isn't ascribed under our religion. If an adult woman wants it done, than I'm happy for her and will not judge her for her choices regardless of the health consequences.
I don't know, maybe because some random islaan with a rusty sakiin that's been god knows where is cutting off a sexual organ with a high probability of infection, blood loss, and complications later in life.
I still stand by that. Somali parents fault. Don't want the government to monitor and make sure you haven't committed an act of violence well stop doing it. As I've told you before 60 young girls in Sweden were mutilated and the only way the Swedish government found out was after they decided to do a check. Swedish government had already informed the Somalis, educated them on the topic but they ignored and continued on with their savage practice. Now those people are in jail and the young girls can finally get the care they need.
You mean their parents?
They're in foster care probably being molested and you're ok with that?
Ok barni I think will have to agree to disagree. I'm always against child abuse, you're only against it when it's embarassing to you.
I think everyone here agrees about Western hypocrisy and their racism towards African cultures. We all agree that they don't care about little Somalia girls. They just want to feel superior, make money off it and be the "white saviour". All of that is agree upon on here (minus AbdiJohnson). Nobody is denying white people and their biased media.
So the above is a moot point.
Being "neutral" on the act itself is a cop out.
Naagaha hoostood ka bax warya@DiricLover Can I help you? do you have something to say?
Who says they're being molested in foster care? Do you always make judgement based on your own traumatic experiences?
Please tell me how a doctor doing a check is child abuse? You rather be here bashing people that are trying to eliminate FGM rather than those that continue to practice it. You are embarrassing.
Hooyadaa u sheeg!!Naagaha hoostood ka bax warya
Those 60 girls already had it done when they came to Sweden, unless they're performing these checks at the immigration office it's ridiculous for Sweden to take away these children based on what happened to them before their parents even got into the country.
Your obsession with hoostood is kind of creepy.Hooyadaa u sheeg!!![]()
I think everyone here agrees about Western hypocrisy and their racism towards African cultures. We all agree that they don't care about little Somali girls. They just want to feel superior, make money off being anti FGM and be the "white saviour". All of that is agreed upon on here (minus AbdiJohnson). Nobody is denying white people and their biased media.
So the above is a moot point.
Being "neutral" on the act itself is a cop out.