Anti Somali xenophobia is very normalized


I don’t have instagram are the comments talking shit ?
Most of it is positive comments saying she’s beautiful and that Somalis are beautiful. And then there’s the typical “why do they all look the same?” and “they’re mixed with Arab/Indian” comments. Hateful comments usually come from mathows


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Where’s your source for this? And even if it is true that she’s not fully Somali, she does look like one. Somalis need to stop acting like we’ve got one look.

I thought cadcads where KANGS. She looks like a reer baadiyo girl to me
@Three Moons I will try find the video and confirm but that girl looks mixed with other stuff I dont see the somali in her
Most of it is positive comments saying she’s beautiful and that Somalis are beautiful. And then there’s the typical “why do they all look the same?” and “they’re mixed with Arab/Indian” comments. Hateful comments usually come from mathows
all look the same is the stupidest shit i’ve ever heard. it’s called being an ethnic group. Why don’t dinka’s get the same comment ? these guys share ancestory with west africans i bet you can’t tel the difference from someone from congo, sierra leone or caneroon apart
I’m not the type to make these threads but this was shown to me by very young people in my family (nieces and nephews) I found this video very alarming almost 3k comments and over 600k likes this type of xenophobic rhetoric couldn’t be said about any other African community as a grown man this doesn’t affect me but I’m worried about the kids under 12 etc and how it will affect them in the future what do you guys think am I overreacting to this issue ? @haye haye @Xoriyo
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Tell the young people in your family to not let it bother them. Dhagax boys really have an obsession with how we look. And it is a reflection of their insecurity. Imagine we make videos and mock the big libs, kinky hair, and flat noses. They would be all over, crying racism. So why they have an obsession with us is unbelievable.


all look the same is the stupidest shit i’ve ever heard. it’s called being an ethnic group. Why don’t dinka’s get the same comment ? these guys share ancestory with west africans i bet you can’t tel the difference from someone from congo, sierra leone or caneroon apart
People used to say the same thing about Chinese people and still do. Personally, I don’t care.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Show about european foreigner in feudal Japan teaching the natives culture and getting the women = Based

Fictional depiction of Yasuke = OMG they're blackening Japanese history!!!!! He was never a samurai!


There are a lot of ethnic somalis that look like this lol. I don't see the cadcad at all ngl.
Bruh you’re so right what the f*ck is thus hypocrisy they lost their shit over a real historic figure (who cares if he was actually a samurai or retainer Assasins creed games always had fictional elements in it) but he’s black so it’s worse 💀
When ksi said the p-slur(Paki) even if he did in a non-malicious manner he still got hit with massive backlash. Why? Because the pakistani community have drawn that line in the sand for decades now. Its equivalent to the Nword in the uk.
Multiple massive news articles and viral tweets were made instantly highlighting the social power they had.

KSI instantly made an apology video to the pakistani community.

Now if he did something equivalent to the Somali community half of the community would say it’s not that deep. The other half would laugh with him.

If you tried to insult back so many naive somalis would call you anti-black.

Gain power and get out of this slave morality

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The main problem is Somalis be vertical ASF back home (resulting in excessive fighting and conflict) but “horizontal” to the max in the west (which results in BLM Halimos and welfare-boons)

It really isn’t obvious. She looks like she could be my cousin. If she wasn’t Somali I would’ve guessed Sudani.

She looks like my relatives also. In fact, Abdulahi Yusuf could be her daddy. How can someone not have seen Somalis that look like this, this is one of the most common 'looks' in our ethnic group.


Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 05.13.50.png

Very common phenotype for Somalis

The only difference between the lady above and Yasmin Warsame, is that the lady above has slightly closer eyes, smaller forehead, and her nose tip is wider. Which is normal, because we're an ethnic group, not a factory of clones!

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Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
This is some random cadcad put on a real ethnic somali girl.
She isn’t cadcad, I wouldn’t believe it even if she told me so. She has literally only Somali features, I don’t see anything resembling cadcad.
This would require Somalis to start entering the entertainment and modeling industry at a high rate. This would piss off a lot of somalis because too many of us don't want to assimilate amongst westerns. I feel like most these people are perfectly fine with what we have right now.
We basically need a bunch of gaal or gaal adjacent Somali niggas to start thriving in the entertainment sector. The chunks method isn't enough.

Also the only Somali people that prioritize taking care of their looks are women and young men. Older Somali guys give no fucks and are stepping outside looking dusty.
No, more somalis entering the entertainment industry wouldn't affect the amount of anti somali sentiment/rhetoric.

Somalis need to enter into politics and business more. No one dares to say anything negative about the jewish community because they know their livelihood would be at stake. There is a reason there is more anti somali sentiment here in the UK(where i'm from ) than in the US.

Because our american somali counterparts(shout out to them) are more involved in politics i,e senators and congressman and more involved in business i.e alot of american somalis are entrepreneurs. American somalis have already dominated and taken large parts of the US as their own i.e minnesota,ohio and seattle. We UK somalis have none of that.

Internet Nomad

The main problem is Somalis be vertical ASF back home (resulting in excessive fighting and conflict) but “horizontal” to the max in the west (which results in BLM Halimos and welfare-boons)

View attachment 336544
Yeah you’re right but i think the best is a mix of both.

In the west we should strive to be the best whilst also giving our own people a ladder to climb up.

Other races do this by giving their own people job priority.

A single Somali person at the top is not going to change anything but the more somalis that reach influential positions the more sway we have.

I honestly respect how uk somalis influencers have propped each other up. They dont self hate or act hollywood but they actually put each other on.

For example this.
Music and cinema are secondary pursuits limited to the gaals in our community, because, like I said, I don't want the Muslim community to be engaging with the degeneracy that comes with pop music and Hollywood (the two most successful music and film industries)

You do realise that young impressionable Somalis will look up to these gaal Somali actors and musicians and even aspire to be like them? We already have young Somalis looking up to gaal ajnabi celebrities and imitating them, how much worse will it be when they now have Somali "role models" who are engaging in the same thing and creating a bridge between our conservative, religious values and the liberal, Western values pushed by the entertainment industry? We'll just be corrupting our youth and spreading degeneracy in our community.