Anti Somali xenophobia is very normalized

We could have used the racism card here, this is a white guy dissing somalis but no, you idiots decided to dissociate yourself from being black.

Do you know how much leverage is gained with being black in todays society? And now we’re known as an anti-black group. All because you guys and fobs couldn’t keep your mouth quiet.

Internet Nomad

I noticed they always use men for these pictures? Never seen somali women being used as examples. Ig the hijab isn’t a bad thing after all
They emasculate and ridicule Somali men and hypersexualise the Somali woman.
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They been doing this to asian men. Untill Asian men forced hollywood to give them proper masculine representation. Women now are more than ever going after Asian men. This isn’t because asian guys over night became attractive. No it’s just public perception changed.
I know this targeted dehumanisation can be infuriating but let’s remember the main culprits. Madows who have for centuries been likened to primates and who still suffer widespread racism globally. They’re a protected class precisely because of that history and like the Yahuudis, they can lash out but God forbid anyone responds likewise.

Somalis have rejected their labels so they now feel it’s morally right to try and humble us.

Others jumping on the bandwagon are similarly losers from third world shitholes who will never meet a Somali in real life and those who do, wouldn’t dare repeat any of this in real life.

I am so glad to see so many Somalis waking up to the enmity of ajanabis. We are a confident people who don’t like to cry victim and who often laugh off things even when it shouldn’t be. However, I imagine that at some point, even the most sjw Somalis will agree that enough is enough and will stop babying these xoolo.

Just like with other groups who have decided to stand up for themselves against online dehumanisation and hatred, at some point, I foresee Somalis doing likewise. It took years for Asians to stand up for themselves. Same with Muslims who have been ridiculed and targeted by gaalos.

Our biggest weakness are the spineless people pleasers amongst us. Those who laugh along and those who ignore the insults from their beloved madows but are quick to call us racist when we respond.

Deal with them first and then use our massive online presence to hold these mfs responsible in a smart and calculated way. We also need to shame big Somali influencers into speaking up. The conversation has already started amongst Somalis online which I think is a good sign.

Once this phase is over with and the swarm have moved onto a new group, I truly hope that Somalis remember that none of these madows, carabs, East Africans etc are your friends. Especially when they start sucking up to us again.

Gen Z opened the floodgates for ajanabis to enter our spaces while disrespecting us. Hope future generations are smarter and more like our parents who kept to themselves.

Internet Nomad

We could have used the racism card here, this is a white guy dissing somalis but no, you idiots decided to dissociate yourself from being black.

Do you know how much leverage is gained with being black in todays society? And now we’re known as an anti-black group. All because you guys and fobs couldn’t keep your mouth quiet.
The black card never worked when will you get that.

Majority of the time the insults on our phenotype is coming from other black people.
I know this targeted dehumanisation can be infuriating but let’s remember the main culprits. Madows who have for centuries been likened to primates and who still suffer widespread racism globally. They’re a protected class precisely because of that history and like the Yahuudis, they can lash out but God forbid anyone responds likewise.

Somalis have rejected their labels so they now feel it’s morally right to try and humble us.

Others jumping on the bandwagon are similarly losers from third world shitholes who will never meet a Somali in real life and those who do, wouldn’t dare repeat any of this in real life.

I am so glad to see so many Somalis waking up to the enmity of ajanabis. We are a confident people who don’t like to cry victim and who often laugh off things even when it shouldn’t be. However, I imagine that at some point, even the most sjw Somalis will agree that enough is enough and will stop babying these xoolo.

Just like with other groups who have decided to stand up for themselves against online dehumanisation and hatred, at some point, I foresee Somalis doing likewise. It took years for Asians to stand up for themselves. Same with Muslims who have been ridiculed and targeted by gaalos.

Our biggest weakness are the spineless people pleasers amongst us. Those who laugh along and those who ignore the insults from their beloved madows but are quick to call us racist when we respond.

Deal with them first and then use our massive online presence to hold these mfs responsible in a smart and calculated way. We also need to shame big Somali influencers into speaking up. The conversation has already started amongst Somalis online which I think is a good sign.

Once this phase is over with and the swarm have moved onto a new group, I truly hope that Somalis remember that none of these madows, carabs, East Africans etc are your friends. Especially when they start sucking up to us again.

Gen Z opened the floodgates for ajanabis to enter our spaces while disrespecting us. Hope future generations are smarter and more like our parents who kept to themselves.
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Internet Nomad

I know this targeted dehumanisation can be infuriating but let’s remember the main culprits. Madows who have for centuries been likened to primates and who still suffer widespread racism globally. They’re a protected class precisely because of that history and like the Yahuudis, they can lash out but God forbid anyone responds likewise.

Somalis have rejected their labels so they now feel it’s morally right to try and humble us.

Others jumping on the bandwagon are similarly losers from third world shitholes who will never meet a Somali in real life and those who do, wouldn’t dare repeat any of this in real life.

I am so glad to see so many Somalis waking up to the enmity of ajanabis. We are a confident people who don’t like to cry victim and who often laugh off things even when it shouldn’t be. However, I imagine that at some point, even the most sjw Somalis will agree that enough is enough and will stop babying these xoolo.

Just like with other groups who have decided to stand up for themselves against online dehumanisation and hatred, at some point, I foresee Somalis doing likewise. It took years for Asians to stand up for themselves. Same with Muslims who have been ridiculed and targeted by gaalos.

Our biggest weakness are the spineless people pleasers amongst us. Those who laugh along and those who ignore the insults from their beloved madows but are quick to call us racist when we respond.

Deal with them first and then use our massive online presence to hold these mfs responsible in a smart and calculated way. We also need to shame big Somali influencers into speaking up. The conversation has already started amongst Somalis online which I think is a good sign.

Once this phase is over with and the swarm have moved onto a new group, I truly hope that Somalis remember that none of these madows, carabs, East Africans etc are your friends. Especially when they start sucking up to us again.

Gen Z opened the floodgates for ajanabis to enter our spaces while disrespecting us. Hope future generations are smarter and more like our parents who kept to themselves.
Thank god common sense and self respect

Internet Nomad

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Look to stop a bully they are going to need to learn from repercussions. The average normal person can be reasoned with and can understand that what they are doing is immoral. A bully needs to understand via social stigma(Racism allegations) or social authority(Ban/ToS).

We as a community need to raise a racial consciousness amongst ourselves. Recognise we may have dark skin and come from the same continent but these people don’t treat us with the same respect they treat each other with.

Once we get racial conscience to a certain standard we must get the individuals amongst us with clout to talk about how anti-somali sentiments are immoral and should be treated as any other type of bigotry and these sites need to held accountable for platforming hate speech.

Imagine an advert with Mo farah, Chunkz, Maya Jama, Knaan and etc where they say something like stand up to anti somali sentiment or something like that.

It would go mega viral and maybe big social media platforms would comply.
We could have used the racism card here, this is a white guy dissing somalis but no, you idiots decided to dissociate yourself from being black.

Do you know how much leverage is gained with being black in todays society? And now we’re known as an anti-black group. All because you guys and fobs couldn’t keep your mouth quiet.

It’s madows who have always othered Somalis and have never ever seen us as Black. Long before tiktok or any other social media app. They are the first to highlight our ethnicity when one of us does something wrong and distance themselves.

Cadaan racists diss everyone online. Why is this Nigerian xoolo spreading this qashin on his massive platform and laughing along?

Imagine Chunkz reacting to one of the many anti Nigerian videos online?

In an ideal world, I agree that using the madow card offers protection. However, this was never available to us even if we all wanted it. The sooner madow identifying Somalis realise this, the better.

Not to drag on but let me give you an example. There were huge anti government protests in Kenya by Gen Zs. Their motto was…tribeless and they claimed to be for all Kenyans.

Some Somali Gen Zs joined in and naively believed the tribeless nonsense. They started insulting Somali leaders from NFD including the most prominent, Minister of Defence Duale. They joined in with Kenyans who would often use coded language to attack Duale and other Somali politicians. Ruto replaced his cabinet and moved Duale to a far less important ministry. Ruto then brought in leaders from the other Kenyan tribes and nominated them for important ministries. Immediately, most of the protests died down.

The so called tribeless Gen Z left the streets as soon as their uncles were rewarded while the doqon Somali Gen Z were left with nothing.

Somalis need to realise that these people will always see us as outsiders.
Tell a madow or cadaan that most Somalis don’t look they way they stereotype us to look and watch them chimp out and seethe .

They already do this anytime a good looking somali comes on their fyp. They Harass them to the point an average person whose never met a Somali might believe them

It all comes down to wanting to dehumanise us
if you play the victim card it’s not going to do much unfortunately
Everyone plays the victim card these days. It’s become a useful tool. A message needs to be send that this behaviour is unacceptable.

Also, it’s not just about crying victim. It’s about holding people responsible and letting Somalis know that they shouldn’t take this. If we can start a mass campaign of getting some of these mfs fired or have them suffer real life consequence, others will think twice.

Especially in the UK where there are strong anti hate speech.

Internet Nomad

It’s madows who have always othered Somalis and have never ever seen us as Black. Long before tiktok or any other social media app. They are the first to highlight our ethnicity when one of us does something wrong and distance themselves.
I agree

To say to somalis why don’t you just claim black and use the black card. Is victim blaming.

When somalis first came to the uk who started the beef on the onset? It was the Caribbean community. Somalis were fresh and didn’t understand the social environment but we did have two things that helped us cohesion and pride. We fought for our space.


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